Or else you can gradually come apart in London, and then flounder till you get your feet again, severally, but be clear about it. It lies between you and Katherine, nowhere else.
Of course you can't dream of living long without work. Couldn't you get the Westminster to give you two columns a week, abroad? You must try. You must stick to criticism. You ought also to plan a book, either on some literary point, or some man. I should like to write a book on English heroines. You ought to do something of that sort, but not so cheap. Don't try a novel, try essays, like Walter Pater or somebody of that style. But you can do something good in that line; something concerning literature rather than life.
And you must rest, and you and Katherine must heal, and come together, before you do any serious work of any sort. It's the split in the love that drains you. You see, while she doesn't really love you, and is not satisfied; you show to frightful disadvantage. But it would be a pity not to let your mind flower—it might, under decent circumstances, produce beautiful delicate things in perception and appreciation. And she has a right to provide the conditions. But not if you don't trust yourself nor her nor anybody, but go on slopping, and pandering to her smaller side.
If you want things to come right—if you are ill and exhausted, then take her money to the last penny, and let her do her own housework. Then she'll know you love her. You can't blame her if she's not satisfied with you. If I haven't had enough dinner, you can't blame me. But, you fool, you squander yourself, not for her, but to provide her with petty luxuries she doesn't really want. You insult her. A woman unsatisfied must have luxuries. But a woman who loves a man would sleep on a board.
Look. We pay 60 lire a month for this house: 25 lire for the servant; and food is very cheap. You could live on 185 lire a month in plenty—and be greeted as "Signoria" when you went out together it is the same as "Guten Tag, Herrschaften; " that would be luxury enough for Katherine.
Get up, lad, and be a man for yourself. It's the man who dares to take, who is independent, not he who gives.
I think Oxford did you harm.
It is beautiful, wonderful, here.
A ten-pound note is 253 lire. We could get you, I believe, a jolly nice apartment in a big garden, in a house alone, for 80 lire a month. Don't waste yourself—don't be silly and floppy. You know what you could do—you could write—then prepare yourself: and first make Katherine at rest in her love for you. Say "This I will certainly do"! it would be a relief for her to hear you. Don't be a child—don't keep that rather childish charm. Throw everything away, and say, "Now I act for my own good, at last."
We are getting gradually nearer again, Frieda and I. It is very beautiful here...
D.H. Lawrence
Lerici, per Fiaschefino,
Golfo della Spezia, Italy
Thursday 1913
但是,不要再闪烁其词了。你们照这样下去,毫无疑问会劳燕分飞。她也许已经开始对你感到不满了,你所表现出的慷慨大度也不能博得她的欢心。你一定会说:“我怎样才能变得身强力壮,使自己和她都心满意足呢?” 如果闲散半年可以达到目的,那就这样做,并且接受她的钱。即使她失去了奢华的生活,也无关紧要,她不会因此而毙命。另外,你说的奢侈是什么意思?
你看,我们每个月要为这房子付60里拉房租;付25里拉的工钱给佣人;食物非常便宜。你们每月花185里拉就可以过得很富裕了——当你们两人出门时,人家就会管你们叫“老爷、太太”——跟“Guten Tag,Herrschanen(德文:您好,老爷、太太)”一个意思。这对凯瑟琳来说,足够奢侈了。
deprive [di'praiv] v. 剥夺;使丧失;使不能享有
Never deprive someone of hope.
forfeit [f:fit] v. (因犯错)丧失;被没收
His lands were forfeited.
inevitably [in'evitbli] adv. 不可避免地;必然地;意料之中
Wrongdoings inevitably trips up itself.
stake [steik] v. 资助;支持;把……押下打赌
I'd stake my life on it.
You must stick to criticism.
stick to:保留;保有;遵守;坚持
You can' t blame her if she's not satisfied with you.
be satisfied with:对……感到满足
F. Scott Fitzgerald to Marya Mannes
Dear Marya,