
第30章 家政府与政党(6)

defendant [dI5fend[nt]被告Meanwhile,friend and fellow defendant Angela Keathley,26,has been put on indefinite leave from her job as a nurse in North Carolina after theincident that drew international attention(.NBC)

deny [dI5nai]否认California Gov.Arnold Schwarzenegger signed a law on Friday tripling damages celebrities can win from paparazzi if they are assaulted during a shoot and denying the photographers profits from any pictures taken duringan altercation(.Reuters)

deport [dI5pC:t]驱逐出境

A report into an Australian woman wrongfully deported to thePhilippines describes the incident as“catastrophic”(.BBC)

detain [dI5tein]拘留U.S.and Iraqi forces involved in an offensive in the western city of Haditha have detained five suspected insurgents,the U.S.Marines saidThursday(.CNN)

Four men are detained in the Danish capital on suspicion of planning asuicide attack in Europe(.BBC)

dissident [5dIsId[nt]持不同政见者North Korean dissidents shot the video,which they smuggled out of the country through a network of contacts into their communist neighbor to thenorth(.CNN)

escape [Is5keip]逃跑A man once considered a top al Qaeda operative escaped from a U.S.-run detention facility in Afghanistan and cannot testify against the soldier whoallegedly mistreated him,a defense lawyer involved in a prison abuse casesaid Tuesday(.AP)

euthanasia [9ju:W[5neizi[]安乐死euthanize [5ju:W[naiz]使安乐死、对……施无痛致死术More than one medical professional is under scrutiny as a possible person of interest as Louisiana’s attorney general investigates whether hospitalworkers resorted to euthanasia in the chaotic days after Hurricane Katrina shattered New Orleans,a source familiar with the investigation has toldCNN(.CNN)

CNN first reported in October that staff members at Memorial Medical Center had discussions about euthanizing patients after the hurricane flooded the city on August 29,cutting off power and stranding thousands ofresidents(.CNN)

evidence [5evId[ns]证据The Republican leader of the Senate Intelligence Committee said that the panel‘s initial work had found no evidence of“political manipulation orpressure”(.NYT)

execute [5eksIkjU:t]执行、实行、处死execution [5eksI5kjU:F[n]实行、执行、死刑The number of people put on death row in the US and the numberexecuted fell again in 2004,the latest figures show(.BBC)

The Supreme Court ruled Tuesday that the Constitution forbids theexecution of killers who were under 18when they committed their crimes,ending a practice used in 19states(.CNN)

expel sb from [Iks5pel]驱逐某人expulsion [Iks5pQlF[n]驱逐Early Monday,Fox’s spokesman,Ruben Aguilar,said Mexico wouldexpel the ambassador if Venezuela didn‘t apologize by midnight(.AP)

With shouts of “Freedom”and the singing of the Cuban national anthem,more than 200people on Friday opened a rare opposition assembly in communist Cuba,uninterrupted by authorities despite the expulsion ofEuropean lawmakers,journalists and others who planned to attend(.NEWS)FOXexile [5eksail]放逐、流放in exile 流放;放逐Days before the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq in 2003,Saddam Hussein agreed in principle to accept an offer of exile from the United Arab Emirates,but the deal fell through,a UAE government senior official toldCNN(.CNN)

UAE sources said Adnan Pachachi,a UAE national and a prominentSunni then in exile from Iraq,knew about the deal(.CNN)

guarantee [9gAr[n5tI:]保证、担保Hussein wanted guarantees and international assurances,including a resolution by the Arab League giving its approval for his exile,the seniorofficial said(.CNN)

guilt [gIlt]罪行;有罪guilty [gIltI]有罪的The chief judge will question witnesses,and all five judges will decide the guilt or innocence of Saddam and his seven co-defendants.The judgeswill be permitted to draw help from international advisers(.NBC)

A former Pentagon analyst pleads guilty to passing classified informationto pro-Israel lobbyists(.BBC)

It took five hours of deliberation Thursday for a jury to return guilty verdicts on murder,kidnapping and sexual battery charges for Joseph Smith in the February 2004abduction and slaying of 11-year-old Carlie Brucia.(CNN)

hostage [5hCstIdV]人质Since the 1979Islamic Revolution,Iranians have celebrated the Nov.4takeover of the embassy by militant students.The students took 52American diplomats hostage for 444days(.FOX NEWS)

illegal [I5lI:g[l]违法的、非法的A restaurant owner in the river town of Rutshuru,about 45miles north of the city of Goma,told a reporter she was out of hippo meat.Knowing thetrade is illegal,she refused to give her name(.CBS)

imprisonment [Im5prIz[nm[nt]关押、监禁life imprisonment 终身监禁、无期徒刑Russell Crowe is coming to the defense of an Aussie woman who was arrested in Indonesia for possession of marijuana.Schapelle Corby,a 27-year-old,faces life imprisonment for allegedly smuggling cannabis,andCrowe says that evidence is shaky(.NBC)

Offering a rare public apology,the FBI admitted mistakenly linking an American lawyer’s fingerprint to one found near the scene of a terrorist bombing in Spain,a blunder that led to his imprisonment for two weeks.(AP)

indict [In5dait]起诉、控告、指控、告发indictment [In5daitm[n]控告、起诉;起诉书、诉状Cheney‘s chief of staff,I.Lewis “Scooter”Libby Jr.,was indicted Friday on charges of obstruction of justice,perjury and making falsestatements in the investigation into the leak of Plame’s identity(.CNN)

Federal authorities unsealed an indictment Tuesday against three men in British custody in connection with scouting financial targets in the UnitedStates as preparation for a possible terrorist attack(.NBC)

innocence [5In[sns]无罪、清白innocent(of)无罪的、无辜的;清白的Despite Special Counsel Patrick Fitzgerald saying that Libby actively misled investigators and the grand jury,Libby said he believed hisinnocence will prevail(.FOX NEWS)

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