
第31章 家政府与政党(7)

I videotaped the trip,and listened how the former prosecutor had come to believe that both men were actually innocent of the crime and why he hadtaken on their case for free(.NBC)

investigate [In5vestIgeit]调查investigation [In9vestI5geiF[n]调查Authorities with the U.N.war crimes tribunal are investigating the death of Slobodan Milosevic after the former Yugoslav president was found deadSaturday morning in his cell in The Hague,Netherlands.He was 64(.CNN)

Council member and former mayor Marion Barry is under investigation for failing to file federal income tax returns and pay his taxes,according totwo sources close to the probe(.NBC)

involve [In5vClv]牵涉、拖累、卷入involvement[In5vClvm[nt]牵涉、拖累、卷入Iran replaces top diplomats who were involved in nuclear talks under ex-President Mohammed Khatami(.BBC)

The nine who have been charged denied involvement in the attacks.They are being held in solitary confinement without access to family or lawyers.(AP)

judge [dVQdV]判断、审判judge 审判员、法官presiding judge 庭长、首席法官judgement [5dVQdVm[nt]判断A new judge will be appointed to preside over the case,a judge who cameout of retirement to hear the dispute ruled(.AP)

The main reason for the adjournment was because some 30to 40witnesses had been too scared to show up,the presiding judge said(.NBC)

A soldier wounded in a firefight in Afghanistan and the widow of his slain comrade won a default judgment against the estate of a suspected al-Qaida financier(.NBC)

jury [dVU[rI]陪审团A couple on trial for starving their daughter to death with a strict vegan diet held each other and fought back tears as their oldest son told a Miamijury that he has forgotten his mother‘s name(.CNN)

justice [5dVQstIs]正义、正当、公平、司法、审判chief justice 审判长、首席法官、法院院长bring sb to justice 使某人受审并得到法律制裁、将某人绳之以法“We continue to support the Syrian people’s aspirations for liberty,democracy,and justice under the rule of law,”Rice said at the start of a 36-nation gathering(.AP)

After battling cancer for the better part of the past year,Chief Justice William H.Rehnquist died late Saturday evening,bringing to an end his lengthy time on the bench and opening a second vacancy on the SupremeCourt(.FOX NEWS)

Christian leaders have repeatedly criticized the authorities in Jakarta for allegedly not doing enough to find the perpetrators and bring them to justice.(FOX NEWS)

lawmaker [5lC:9meik[]立法者Merkel was sworn in Tuesday as Germany‘s eighth post-World War II leader and its first female chancellor after lawmakers elected her to the poston a 397-202vote(.AP)

lawsuit(suit)[5lC:sju:t]诉讼(尤指非刑事案件)file a lawsuit 提起诉讼A US judge declares a mistrial in the first federal lawsuit against drugsgiant Merck and its Vioxx painkiller(.BBC)

It was unclear from the testimony why Michael Jackson might havebelievedchanging custody would thwart a lawsuit(.CNN)

Oregon filed a lawsuit to defend its law,which took effect in 1997andhas been used by more than 200people(.FOX NEWS)

lawyer [5lC:j[]律师defence lawyer 辩护律师The lawyer for a fugitive American priest wanted in the United States on charges of sexually molesting boys urged an Italian court on Friday not tosend his client home because he risked being killed in prison(.Reuters)

With just two weeks before the trial’s start,one of Saddam Hussein‘s defense lawyers waited in his London office for a courier to bring formalnotice of the charges against his client.It didn’t arrive(.NBC)

legal [5lI:g[l]合法的

Drugs group AstraZeneca files a legal case in the US against TevaPharmaceuticals to protect its best-selling schizophrenia drug(.BBC)

lethal [5lI:W[l]致命的、致死的

China confirms an eighth outbreak within a month of the bird flu strainthat is lethal to humans(.BBC)

murder [5m[:d[]谋杀、凶杀murderer [5m[:d[r[]杀人犯、凶手One of the four men accused in the 2004beating deaths of six peoplepleaded guilty to murder Thursday(.NBC)

Johnny Brewer,a convicted murderer,and Jimmy Causey,a convicted kidnapper,had been on the loose since Tuesday,when they escaped from a Columbia prison.They were apprehended about 110miles to the south,ata motel along busy Interstate 95in Ridgeland,said Robert Stewart,chief ofthe state Law Enforcement Division(.AP)

overthrow [9[Uv[5Wr[U]打倒、推翻、颠覆Bush said Afghanistan was“coming around”after the overthrow of the Taliban,“but I fully understand there is a lot more work to be done.”(CNN)plaintiff [5pleintIf]起诉人、原告Jere Beasley,lead lawyer for the plaintiff in the first federal trial,said histeam is undaunted by the New Jersey verdict(.CNN)

plea [plI:]答辩、抗辩

A female teacher pleaded guilty Tuesday to having sex with a 14-year-oldmiddle school student,avoiding prison as part of a plea agreement(.CNN)

plead [pli:d]辩护、恳求Gov.Bob Taft became the first Ohio governor found guilty of a crime Thursday as he pleaded no contest to charges that he broke state ethics lawby failing to report golf outings and other gifts(.FOX NEWS)


A man accused of plotting to kill President George W.Bush was a trained terrorist who betrayed the United States because he was intent on“killing the leader of the infidels”,U.S.prosecutors said in opening statementsMonday(.CNN)

prison [5prizn]监狱put sb in prison(jail)把某人关进监狱prisoner [5przn[]犯人、囚犯Two men serving life sentences for a 1987murder were ordered released from prison after a prosecutor acknowledged there was substantial doubtabout their guilt(.AP)

At the time of the slaying,Smith was in violation of the terms of his probation on a state cocaine charge because he failed to pay 411in fines and court costs.But a judge declined to put him in jail,saying Florida does not have a“debtor‘s prison.”(AP)A woman who authorities said had sex with high school boys during alcohol-and drug-fueled parties has been sentenced to 30years in prison,officials said(.AP)

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