
第29章 家政府与政党(5)

The European Court of Human rights says a British law banningprisoners in jail from voting is in breach of their human rights(.BBC)

brutal [5brU:tl]残忍的、蛮横的“Is Williams’redemption complete and sincere,or is it just a hollow promise?”Schwarzenegger wrote.“Without an apology and atonement forthese senseless and brutal killings,there can be no redemption.”(FOX NEWS)capital [5kApIt[l]死罪的Convicted killer Stanley Tookie Williams,the Crips gang co-founder whose case stirred a national debate about capital punishment versus thepossibility of redemption,was executed Tuesday morning(.FOX NEWS)

charge sb.with sth.指控某人某事charge sth.on sb.控告on a charge of 以……罪名The U.S.military has charged two soldiers with assaulting detainees inAfghanistan,according to a news release issued Sunday(.CNN)

A U.S.Army staff sergeant was charged with murder in connection with last week‘s shooting deaths of two Army officers at a base outsideBaghdad,the military said Thursday(.USA TODAY)

Ujaama had been indicted on charges of conspiracy to support international terrorism,but pled guilty to a lesser charge for providing money and other materials to the Taliban government in Afghanistan.Heserved two years in federal prison and now lives in Seattle(.Seattle Times)

commit[k[5mIt]犯、干(坏事、罪行)commit suicide 自杀According to press accounts,Byrnes lost his command as punishment for committing adultery.Yet Byrnes contends that the adultery occurred after he was formally separated from his wife,was committed with a civilian,anddid not affect his official duties(.CNN)

An apparent suicide of a woman found hanging from a tree wentunreported for hours because passers-by thought the body was a Halloweendecoration,authorities said(.AP)

A sailor who was apparently trying to commit suicide Thursday shot and wounded himself and two superiors as they struggled for the gun in an effortto stop him,the base commander said(.ABC)

confess [k[n5fes]承认、供认confession [k[n5feF[n]承认、招供Abu Ali also confessed to FBI agents in September,but prosecutors have acknowledged that confession is invalid because agents disregarded AbuAli’s request for an attorney(.AP)

Jury selection is to begin Tuesday after a judge rejected a terror suspect‘s claim that his confession was obtained illegally through torture(.CNN)

conspire [k[n5spai[]密谋、密商conspiracy [k[n5spIr[sI]阴谋、密谋The scandal began back in 2002with a SEC investigation into Stewart’s sale of ImClone stock.During the investigation,Stewart told the SEC she had a standing order with her stockbroker,Peter Baconovic,to sell the stock when the price tell to 60.The prosecution claimed that Stewart andBaconovic conspired to come up with that story(.CNN)

Ex-WorldCom chief Bernard Ebbers‘fraud and conspiracy convictions should be overturned because his trial was“fundamentally flawed,”hislawyers argued in papers filed with a federal appeals court Thursday(.NBC)

contradict [kCntr[5dikt]同……矛盾,同……抵触The military said a Web site that claims to be associated with the Baath Party contradicted Friday’s report and said Ibrahim was alive.(CNN)\convince [k [n5vins]说服Liverpool Council admitted it still had more to do to convince parents notto take their children out of school(.BBC)

Tony Blair is believed to be convinced over the need for nuclear powerto tackle the UK energy crisis(.BBC)

convict [kCn5vIkt]vt.证明……有罪,宣告……有罪n.罪犯convict sb of sth 证明有……罪;宣判有……罪A rape suspect who twice won mistrials because key DNA evidence could have come from either him or his twin brother was convictedWednesday in his third trial(.CNN)

An ex-convict who blamed a young woman for taking his video game system and clothes recruited three teenagers to stab and beat her and fiveothers to death,investigators said Sunday(.AP)

Ebbers was convicted of nine counts of fraud,conspiracy and filing false documents with securities regulators.A federal jury deliberated for eightdays in his case(.NBC)

court [kC:t]法院;法庭supreme court 最高法院An Israeli couple was fined 1,000rupees(23)after an Indian court found them guilty of obscenity for kissing during their marriage ceremonyin a Hindu pilgrim town,newspapers reported Wednesday(.CNN)

The Supreme Court is revisiting the emotionally charged issue of physician-assisted suicide in a test of the federal government‘s power toblock doctors from helping terminally ill patients end their lives(.NBC)

crime [kraim]犯罪、犯罪行为、罪行、罪恶Cannon pleaded guilty to 14charges,including six counts of capital first-degree murder,five counts of abusing a human corpse,one count of armed burglary of a dwelling and one count of a conspiracy to commit a crime.(AP)

culprit [kQlprIt]犯人;罪犯Within hours of the attacks on the loosely guarded hotels,where there were no metal detectors at the entrances,security was intensified throughout the capital.Armed police patrolled outside hotels,set up checkpoints and randomly stopped vehicles to check them.For more than 12hours,Jordanian authorities locked down their country’s borders toprevent culprits possibly slipping out(.NBC)

death penalty 死刑The major difference with recent trials is that Saddam faces the death penalty as a possible sentence.And unlike most similar cases since WorldWar II,he will be tried by his own countrymen(.NBC)

decide [dI5said]决定decision [dI5sIV[n]决定、决心Bodies of people killed by Hurricane Katrina went uncollected for more than a week in the New Orleans area as the federal government waited for Louisiana‘s governor to decide what to do with them,according to memosreleased Thursday by a Republican-led House committee(.FOX NEWS)

UK interest rates are kept on hold at 4.5%for the second month runningby the Bank of England,in a widely expected decision(.BBC)

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