
第28章 家政府与政党(4)

spokesman [5sp[Uksm[n]政府发言人Blair’s official spokesman said the failure of the French and Dutch referendums on the charter had to be discussed at the European Councilsummit later this month(.CBS)

stalemate [5steil5meit]僵持、对峙

The fifth round of US-China talks on Chinese textiles ends in stalemate,but the two sides plan to meet again(.


standoff [stAnd9Cf]僵持、对峙(美)The latest nuclear standoff with North Korea was sparked in late 2002after U.S.officials accused the North of running a secret uraniumenrichment program(.FOX NEWS)

statesman [5steitsm[n]政治家All Americans,indeed all people throughout the world,owe him what he regarded as the ultimate compliment:He was a statesman who sought to builda lasting structure of peace(.Bill Clinton:On the Death of Richard Nixon)第7章法律与法庭accomplice [[5kCmplIs]从犯、同谋The seven-member jury sentenced Sales,who shot Stang six times with a .38caliber revolver on a muddy road,to 27years in prison.Batista,charged as an accomplice,was sentenced to 17years.The men had faced upto 30years in prison(.FOX NEWS)

accuse sb.of sth.[[5kju:z]指责或指控某人有the accused 被告The latest nuclear standoff with North Korea was sparked in late 2002after U.S.officials accused the North of running a secret uraniumenrichment program(.FOX NEWS)

A recluse accused of stuffing his dead mother in a freezer and shooting at neighbors who came to his door pleaded no contest in a deal withprosecutors(.CNN)

adjourn [[5dV[:n]休会、休庭A judge on Wednesday adjourned the trial of Saddam Hussein and seven co-defendants until Nov.28,after Saddam pleaded innocent to murder and other charges,questioned the court‘s authority and scuffled with guards.(NBC)

apppeal [[5pI:l]上诉appeal to sb.for sth.为某事向某人呼吁Roberts,a 50-year-old judge on the prestigious circuit court of appeals for Washington,was sworn in after the 18senators on the committee gaveopening remarks(.CNN)

Under the provision,Guantanamo Bay detainees would be allowed to appeal their status as an“enemy combatant”one time,to the Circuit Courtof Appeals in Washington,D.C.But they would not be able to file petitions known as writs of habeas corpus,which are used to fight unlawfuldetentions,in that or any other U.S.court(.NBC)

acquit [[5kwIt]宣告无罪,无罪释放A year after Robert Blake was acquitted in criminal court of killing his wife,the former tough guy actor spends his days exercising horses at afriend’s ranch and planning a comeback(.AP)

amend[[5mend]修正,改进,改正amendment [[5mendm[nt]修正、修正案A two-thirds majority would allow pro-Chavez lawmakers to amend theconstitution,and some lawmakers have said they would consider a reformto extend term limits for all offices,including the president.Chavez hasalready served nearly seven years(.FOX NEWS)

Setting up a possible veto showdown with the White House,the Senate voted overwhelmingly for an amendment to a Pentagon spending bill thatsets standards for the treatment of prisoners in U.S.military custody(.CNN)

argue [5B:gju]争论argument [5B:gjum[nt]争论、争议If democracy works there,if Iraq can become an agent of change and freedom,then President Bush will win a place in history.We can argue all day about how the war started and how it‘s been executed.The world,though,will be a better place if this ship doesn’t run aground(.CBS)

“After studying the evidence,searching the history,listening to the arguments and wrestling with the profound consequences,I could find no justification for granting clemency,”Schwarzenegger said.“The facts donot justify overturning the jury‘s verdict or the decisions of the courts in this case.”(FOX NEWS)Delegates were buoyed earlier in the day by an appearance by former President Clinton,a Kyoto supporter,who told them in a speech punctuated by enthusiastic applause that Mr.Bush’s economic argument is “flat wrong.”(CBS)arrest [[5rest]逮捕、拘留Police arrested four Danish Muslims Thursday on suspicion of belongingto a terror network planning a suicide attack in Europe,officials said(.NEWS)FOXAn Internet chat room,which contained“the worst imaginable forms of child pornography”has been shut down and more than two dozen peoplehave been arrested,federal law officials announced today(.CNN)

assassinate [[5sAsIneit]暗杀assassination [[9sAsI5neiF[n]暗杀Gunmen assassinated an Oil Ministry engineer in Baghdad on Thursday,while a cleric who was also an aide to Iraq‘s top Shiite cleric,a policeman and the policeman’s father were shot dead in separate attacks elsewhere,officials and relatives said(.NBC)

Gunmen killed the brother of Iraq‘s Shiite vice president Sunday and a top trade ministry official escaped assassination in another part of the capital,while the death toll in a major truck bombing the day before rose to30.A U.S.Marine was fatally injured in another bombing(.AP)

attempt [[5tempt]企图

A chartered jet filled with tourists returning home to the FrenchCaribbean island of Martinique crashed Tuesday in western Venezuela,killing all 160people on board.The pilot had been attempting an emergencylanding after both engines failed,officials said(.USA TODAY)

attorney [[5t[:nI]律师(美)attorney general 首席检察官、司法部长An attorney for one of three people accused in the nation’s deadliest human smuggling attempt argued Friday that his client hadn‘t physically done anything to cause the 19deaths,and another lawyer blamed federalimmigration policies(.ABC)

Louisiana Attorney General Charles Foti Jr.has issued 73subpoenas in an investigation into allegations that euthanasia may have taken place at one of the hospitals flooded by Hurricane Katrina,he told CNN Wednesdaynight(.CNN)

bail [beil]保释、保证金Ebbers,64,was found guilty in March of orchestrating an 11billion accounting fraud that drove WorldCom into bankruptcy.He was sentenced to 25years in prison,but remains free on bail while he pursues an appeal.(NBC)

ban [bAn]禁止、取缔

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