
第21章 选举(1)

abstain(from)[[b5stein]弃权、放弃abstention [Ab5stenF[n]弃权Sri Lankans vote for a new president,but most people in Tamil Tiger-controlled areas abstain(.BBC)

South Korea said it would abstain from voting on a UN resolution condemning North Korea for human rights abuses on Thursday,hours after US and South Korean leaders agreed to try to improve life in the North.(Daily Times )

The resolution,which also calls for the negotiations on cessation of violence and the resumption of negotiations on a political settlement,met with only one protest.It came in the form of abstention by the Syrian ArabRepublic(.VOA)

activist [5AktIvIst]积极分子

The Syrian government frees 190political prisoners,including twoprominent human rights activists(.BBC)

anniversary [9AnI5v[:s[rI]周年纪念日Despite protests around the world and criticism at home,President Bush marked the third anniversary of the military invasion of Iraq by expressing confidence in Iraqis to form a unity government and thanking the U.S.

military for its service(.FOX NEWS)

approve [[5prU:v]批准、通过

Afghanistan approves a plan to investigate allegations of human rightsabuses and war crimes(.BBC)

ballot [5bAl[t]选票open ballot 公开投票secret ballot 秘密投票、无记名投票cast a ballot 投票Open ballots are listed chronologically by close date and then alphabetically by name,so the next ballot to close is at the top of the list.Closed ballots are listed chronologically by most recent close date and then alphabetically by name,so the most recently closed ballot is at the top of thelist(.Group)

“After good dialogue with members of the executive board,I decided that it was in the best interests of the membership to conduct a secret ballot vote amongst our player representatives and executive officers so that thereare absolutely no questions regarding my election,”he said(.CBC)

Voters in mainland France began casting their ballots Sunday on aproposed landmark constitution for Europe(.CNN)

balme sb.for sth.blame sth.on sb.谴责某人某事On Tuesday,Iraq‘s government blamed a Syria-based Moroccan for the Sept.29triple car bomb attack that killed at least 60people north of Baghdadin the city of Balad(.AP)

Nationwide,childhood obesity is at all time high.More than 15percent of children ages six to 11year olds are obese.Thirty percent are overweight,and for minorities,the percentage is higher.Many expertsblame fast food(.CBS)

cabinet[5kAbInIt]内阁full cabinet 全体内阁成员A cabinet minister who helped lead Mexico’s anti-drug fight,his deputy and seven others died in a helicopter crash in the mountains west ofMexico‘s capital on Wednesday.There were no survivors(.


We came to know through different media that she was invited to attend the important events of the conference with the rank and status of a full cabinetminister and we understand that is the protocol(.Bangladesh Daily Star)

candidate [5kAndIdeit]候选人Former Alabama Chief Justice Roy Moore,who was fired in 2003for disobeying a federal order to remove a Ten Commandments monument from a courthouse,said Monday he would be a candidate for governor ofAlabama in 2006(.NBC)

claim[kleim]声称、自称Liberia’s Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf appeared poised Friday to become Africa‘s first democratically elected female president,claiming victory after results from most of the West African country gave her an apparentlyunbeatable lead(.CBS)

coalition [9k[U[5lIF[n]联合

Germany’s Chancellor Schroeder is to meet his rival Angela Merkel astheir parties move towards a coalition(.BBC)


Palestinians commemorate the first anniversary of the death of theirformer leader,Yasser Arafat(.BBC)


New York is competing with Paris,London,Madrid and Moscow for the2012Games(.CBS)

compromise [5kCmpr[maiz]妥协、调和The United States and Europe are ready to compromise with Iran over its nuclear program and have tentatively approved a plan that would allow it to make the precursor of enriched uranium,senior officials said Thursday.(NBC)

constitution [9kCnstI5tjU:F[n]宪法amended constitution[[5mendId]修改过的宪法Condoleezza Rice said she wanted to discuss the new government‘s upcoming tasks including writing a constitution,as well as addressing thecountry’s security and infrastructure needs(.USA TODAY)

In accordance with the amended Constitution,the president will be the only one with the authority to touch the remote,which a nearby Marine willcarry in a briefcase(.


champion [5tFAmpj[n]支持者、赞助者、拥护者The Glasgow native has been a champion of Benjamin Britten and has staged a number of works by the British composer at Glimmerglass,including“Death in Venice”this summer(.AP)

declare [dI5klZ[]宣布declaration[9dekl[5reiF[n]宣言、声明The WHO declares 10African states polio-free and says the disease canbe wiped out in 18months(.BBC)

Following are the key points from a declaration the leaders of the 21member economies of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC)forum issued at the end of their two-day summit talks on Saturday(.CNN)

election [I5lekF[n]选举disputed election [dIs5pjU:tId]有争议的选举general election [5dVen[r[l]大选parliamentary election [9pB:l[5ment[rI]国会、议会选举supervised election [5sjU:p[vaizd]监督选举Candidates began signing up on Saturday for a Palestinian legislativeelection next month at which the ruling Fatah of President Mahmoud Abbas will face its first major challenge from powerful Islamist faction Hamas.(Reuters)

President Jo o Bernardo Vieira picked Aristides Gomes,a 50-year-old former African Development Bank official,to be the new prime minister.Mr.Vieira,a former military ruler,won a disputed election in July.He dismissed the previous prime minister,Carlos Gomes Jr.,and his cabinetlate Friday(.Reuters)

Final results from New Zealand‘s general election confirm the LabourParty as the biggest in parliament(.BBC)

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