
第22章 选举(2)

Former President Clinton said Wednesday the political changes in Iraq,including parliamentary elections in January,will help bring stability to theregion(.CBS)

We need to provide well-supervised elections with perhaps suitable autonomies with the acquiescence,of course,of the Shiites,Sunnis,and Kurds.And we need to continue humanitarian assistance to those people inIraq.That’s the way to get it done(.NBC)

extremist [Iks5trI:mIst]极端分子

Jewish extremist who plotted attacks on Middle Eastern targets in LosAngeles gets 20years in prison(.BBC)

impeach [Im5pI:tF]弹劾impeachment[Im5pI:tFm[nt]弹劾Nigeria‘s Bayelsa state governor,charged with money laundering in theUK,is impeached and arrested(.BBC)

A rubber company in China has begun marketing condoms under the brand names Clinton and Lewinsky,apparently seeking to exploit the White House affair that led to the impeachment of America’s 42nd president.(FOX NEWS)

inauguration [I9nC:gjU5reiF[n]总统就职inaugurate [I5nC:gjUreit]为……举行就职典礼inaugural address 就职演说inaugural session [5seF[n]总统就职议程The Republican-American of Waterbury reported that Democratic AldermanMichael D‘Occhio did not attend Mayor Michael Jarjura’s inaugurationThursday evening and is expected to resign(.AP)

Mahinda Rajapakse is inaugurated as president of Sri Lanka after Friday‘s narrow election victory(.BBC)

A re-elected President Lincoln in his second inaugural address in March 1865called for malice toward none and charity for all,to bind up thenation’s wounds,and achieve a just and lasting peace(.VOA)

U.N.Secretary-General Kofi Annan is to attend the inaugural session and address attendees.He has chided nations for their weak financial response.(CNN)

interference [9Int[5fi[r[ns]干涉、打扰Though surprised that the authorities have let it take so many seats,the Brotherhood complained again on Friday at the conduct of the elections,which have been marred by violence and police interference to restrictaccess to polling stations in areas where the Brotherhood is popular(.ABC)

lame duck.[leim]即将去职的官员;任期快满但没被重新选上的落选官员Last month,as Congress approved a flurry of major bills in the last days before the August recess,the White House took a victory lap,citing progress on the energy bill and the Central American Free Trade Agreement as signsthat Bush was not yet a lame duck.“The facts say otherwise,”McClellansaid.“We are getting things done for the American people.”(NBC)leftist [5leftIst]左翼The election death toll climbed to three when Gomaa Saad el-Ziftawi was shot dead in Kafr el-Sheikh.The Egyptian Organization for Human Rightssaid he was a supporter of a leftist politician and was killed by police(.NBC)

majority [m[5dVCrItI]多数

An overwhelming majority of Algerian voters endorse a plan aimed atending the country‘s long-running civil war(.BBC)

nominee [9nCmI5nI:]被提名者President Bush on Thursday accepted the withdrawal of Supreme Court nominee Harriet Miers after weeks of opposition from both liberals andconservatives,who questioned her qualifications and record(.CNN)

minority [mai5nCr[tI]少数The Senate minority leader said Sunday that President Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney owe the country an explanation of“what’s goingon”in the administration and called for White House Deputy Chief of StaffKarl Rove to be fired(.CNN)

opposition party[9Cp[5zIF[n]反对党

Charles Clarke is meeting opposition parties to try to agree on the timeterror suspects can be held(.BBC)

opponent [[5p[Un[nt]反对者

Opponents of Ivory Coast‘s President,Laurent Gbagbo,are to holdrallies to protest at his failure to step down(.BBC)

oppose to 反对White House deputy press secretary Trent Duffy said the work in South Korea amounted to human cloning for the sole purpose of scientificresearch.

The president is opposed to that,”Duffy said.“That representsexactly what we’re opposed to.”(FOX NEWS)oust 剥夺、取代、驱逐oust ...from power(office)[aUst]把某人撤职Forty-eight American soldiers have died in combat in Afghanistan this year making it the worst period since U.S.forces arrived to oust the Talibanin October 2001(.NBC)

DeLay has denied wrongdoing in the Texas case and said he is the victim of a Democratic plot to oust him from power because of his effectiveness inadvancing his conservative political agenda.He faces up to life in prison ifconvicted(.Reuters)

Premier Gary Doer said the province wanted to get a deal in writing before the federal Liberals face a non-confidence motion that could oustthem from office(.Canadian Press)

pledge [pledV]发誓、保证给与Democrats on the committee pledged tough questioning of the federal judge,while Republicans countered he had the right to refuse to providespecifics on hot-button issues(.CNN)

plurality [plU[5rAl[tI]超过票数、未超过半数的最多票数The gift-giving season is quickly approaching and most Americans say they plan to spend the same amount or less on holiday gifts this year compared to last.A sizable minority(38percent)says their spending level will remain the same as last year,but a 45percent plurality says they plan to spend less.About one in 10(13percent)say they plan to spend more.(FOX NEWS)

poll [p[Ul]民意测验Beset with an unpopular war and an American public increasingly less trusting,President Bush faces the lowest approval rating of his presidency,according to a national poll released Monday(.CNN)

predecessor [5prI:dIses[](某职位的)前任New Mexico‘s newly appointed state treasurer vowed on Tuesday to overhaul how his office does business in the wake of prosecutors filingextortion charges against two of his predecessors(.Reuters)

the president-elect 选出来还没有上任的总统,当选总统Liberia’s president-elect pledges to make women “proud”,afterbecoming Africa‘s first elected female head of state(.BBC)

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