
第20章 外交(7)

Elections can not be held before the end of June that the June 30th datesfor handover of sovereignty must be respected(.CNN)

stable [5steibl]稳定的、牢固的、安定的stability [st[5bIlItI]稳定性Another soldier remained in critical condition at that hospital,and two others were in stable condition at a separate facility,the ministry said.(CNN)

Basing a U.S.nuclear-powered warship in Japanese waters for the first time will boost stability in East Asia,Japan‘s government said Friday,hailing an agreement even as it drew protests from the community that willhost the aircraft carrier(.FOX NEWS)

statement [5steitm[nt]声明strongly-worded statement 措辞强烈的声明Mexican President Vicente Fox said the leaders agreed to issue a statement on the WTO talks that,while not citing Europe,would bringpressure to bear on the continent(.AP)

Australia and Canada were unable to convince APEC leaders to send a more strongly worded statement to the EU,South Korea’s Foreign Minister Ban Ki Moon said yesterday.The final statement,which didn‘t specifically mention the EU,is little changed from a draft obtained by Bloomberg Newsearlier this week(.Bloomberg)

status [5steit[s]地位

Turkey is granted“market economy”status by the European Union,avital hurdle on the road to membership(.BBC)

submit[s[b5mIt]提交;屈从submission [s[b5mIF[n]提交;屈从A Sunni Arab coalition submitted its list of candidates for the Decemberelection Friday,signaling the intention of many Sunnis to join the political process despite their failure to block ratification of the new constitution.(FOX NEWS)

The submission of Microsoft’s Office Open XML to the Switzerland-based standardization body Ecma is supported by Apple,Barclays Capital,BP,the British Library,Essilor,Intel Corp.,NextPage Inc,Statoil ASA andToshiba(.Reuters)

summit meeting [5sQmIt]首脑会议

President Bush arrived Thursday night in Argentina for a summit with other leaders from across the Americas,where trade issues and fightingpoverty are expected to be major topics of conversation(.CNN)

suspend [s[s5pend]暂停、中止suspension [s[s5penF[n]暂停、中止Israel has suspended its offensive into the Gaza Strip following a lull in rocket fire by Palestinian militants,but it is ready to restart the operation ifattacks resume,the army said on Sunday(.NBC)

Pakistan cricket authorities have backed the suspension handed out to Shahid Afridi for damaging the pitch during the second Test againstEngland(.BBC)

sustain [s[s5tein]支撑、承受make sustained effort 做不断的努力South Africa‘s economy should be able to sustain an annual growth rateof 6%,a top official says(.BBC)

These are longer-term approaches.This problem didn’t pop up overnight,so it‘s going to require a sustained effort to beat it.(SeattleTimes)treaty [5trI:tI]公约、条约If the French reject the treaty,Chirac would suffer the humiliation of becoming only the second leader,after Gen.Charles de Gaulle ,to lose areferendum since the founding of the Fifth Republic in 1958(.FOX NEWS)

ultimatum [9QltI5meit[m]最后通牒Venezuela“rejects as an unjustified attack the ultimatum issued by the government of Mexico,”Rodriguez said.“This situation is entirely the responsibility of President Fox.”(AP)unilateral [9ju:nI5lAt[r[l]单方面的、单边的The administration lost at the 9th U.S.Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco,which said Ashcroft’s“unilateral attempt to regulate general medical practices historically entrusted to state lawmakers interferes withthe democratic debate about physician-assisted suicide”(.FOX NEWS)

upset [Qp5set]倾覆、推翻、混乱In a rare TV interview ahead of his official tour of the United States next week,Charles expressed concern that economic progress is“upsetting thewhole balance of nature.”(AP)urge [[:dV]催促、极力主张China urges the US to take“concrete measures”against any Taiwanesemoves towards independence(.BBC)

violate [5vai[leit]违反、侵犯violation [9vai[5leiF[n]违反、侵犯Hastening someone‘s death is an improper use of medication and violates federal drug laws,Ashcroft reasoned,an opposite conclusion than the one reached by Janet Reno,the Clinton administration attorney general.(FOX NEWS)

California State University,Chico,had already cut its ties to Chi Tau in 2002for alcohol violations.Carrington’s death last February led to a push foran alcohol ban for all fraternities and sororities on campus(.AP)

visa [5vIz[]签证grant a visa [grB:nt]保证得到签证Verez-Bencomo said the State Department denied him a visa because thevisit would be“detrimental to the interests of the United States”(.AP)

Australia grants visas to asylum seekers from Indonesia‘s Papuaprovince,against Jakarta’s wishes(.BBC)

vow [vaU]誓约、起誓

Thai PM Thaksin Shinawatra vows tough action against the killers of twomarines,as their funerals take place(.BBC)

warn ...of(against)警告

Many climate specialists warn that continued warming could have severeimpacts,such as rising sea levels and changing rainfall patterns(.NBC)

The US vice-president says America faces a long fight against terror,andwarns against the US losing its nerve over Iraq(.BBC)

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