There could not be a more perfect work of the American imagination than The Scarlet Letter.— D. H. Lawrence "It is beautiful, admirable, extraordinary; it has in the highest degree that merit which I have spoken of as the mark of Hawthorne's best things—an indefinable purity and lightness of conception... One can often return to it; it supports familiarity and has the inexhaustible charm and mystery of great works of art."— Henry JamesThe Scarlet Letter is a work of historical fiction by American author Nathaniel Hawthorne, published in 1850, and was an instant best-seller. It is also one of the first mass-produced books in in Puritan Massachusetts Bay Colony during the years 1642 to 1649, the novel tells the story of Hester Prynne who conceives a daughter through an affair and then struggles to create a new life of repentance and dignity. The book explores themes of legalism, sin, and Scarlet Letter was one of the first mass-produced books in
第5章 THE INTERVIEW(2020-06-17 16:47:19)
《葛传椝向学习英语者讲话》是从葛传椝先生的三本选集《葛传椝英文集(Man and Student)》、《英文刍言(A Word to the Wise)》和《英文作文教本(A Textbook of English Composition)》中选出论述学习英语的三十七篇文章编成的。每篇揭示一个或两个问题,大都是英语语法书和英语修辞学书所不曾讲到的。内容谈到什么读物是初学者需要读的和什么是不宜读的;怎样才能读得精细;说、读和写的关系;以及拘泥语法条条,一概类推所造成的错误等问题。动物庄园(英汉双语版)