
第8章 Unit Two(3)

casserole n.餐桌上用有盖的焙盘,砂锅菜。

whine v.to complain or protest in a childish fashion 嘀咕,哼哼唧唧地说;用种孩子气般的方式抱怨或提出异议。

balk v.to stop short and refuse to go on 突然停止并拒绝前进。

squash v.to beat,squeeze,or press into a pulp or a flattened mass;crush 把……压碎,击打。

slump v.to droop,as in sitting or standing; slouch 懒散的坐着、 站着; 耷拉着。

slouch v.to sit,stand,or walk with an awkward,drooping,excessively relaxed posture 懒散困倦地站着,坐着或行走。

Cinderella n.(源自 Cinderella )灰姑娘(《水晶鞋与玫瑰花》中的女主人公)。

band together 结合起来。

saunter v.闲逛,漫步。

stamp v.跺(脚),顿(足),压印。

stride v.to walk with long steps 大步走(过),跨过,大步行走。

Ⅲ.Note to the Text

1.This overstatement emphasizes the overweight of“I”.

2.High heels are common signs for feminine features in movies or novels,for example,in the famous series movies named 007.Regardless of the concomitant pain and possible hurt,women wear high-heeled-shoes to be more beautiful to attract men.3.The stern treatment and possible results described by the doctor highlight the question: is it reasonable for women to wear high-heeled shoes to shoulder such serious consequences?4.“Booing somebody off the stage”refers to shouting“boo”at actors or players on the stage to show your contempt,or disapproval,so that the actors or players cannot finish his or her role on the stage and have to quit.5.The multi roles played by“I”suggest the pressure,duties and obligations of modern women.6.Feminism is the belief and aim that women should have the same rights,

power,and opportunities as men.Here,“politically correct”points out the author s negative attitude and slight skepticism towards feminism.7.The repetition of“high heels”as well as other things described by the author shows her traditional convention that women should stay at home as housewives and men should go out to work as bread-winners.8.The detailed description reflects the author s dislike of the young man.The appearances and the following ridiculous and funny behaviors of the man indicate the author s traditional beauty values on femininity and masculinity.9.Anything is related to feet,like toe.10.Here is the gender equality embodied in marriage.11.A typical dialogue between husband and wife after years of marriage and a typical illustration of the different mind between men and women.Note the rhetorical use of repetition and alliteration here“I slump,I slouch.I realize...”

12.“Wannabe”is the informal form for“want to be”.

13.A contrast between her imagination and her reality,that is,a superwoman and a little woman.Ⅳ.Text-Related Practice A.Questions for discussion:

1.Why does the author repeat“heel”for so many times?2.What do you sense from the story in terms of women equality,feminism,the contrast between the dream of superwoman and the reality?B.Word matching:

Match the words in Column A with those in Colum n B.A B.

(1) adroitl a.parti-colored.

(2) flexes b.greedy.

(3) flaunt c.pain.

(4) motley d.skillfully.

(5) voracious e.search.

(6) afflictions f.bend.

(7) rummage g.injury.

(8) trauma h.exhibit.

C.Find out:

1.the words and expressions relating to the heroine s feet.2.the figures of speech in the story.

Text B

Speech Elizabeth Cady Stanton

The point I wish plainly to bring before you on this occasion is the individuality of each human soul - our Protestant idea , the right of individual conscience and judgment - our republican idea , individual citizenship .

In discussing the rights of woman , we are to consider, first , what belongs to her as an individual, in a world other own, the arbiter other own destiny, an imaginary Robinson Crusoe with her woman Friday on a solitary island .

Her rights under such circumstances are to use all her faculties for her own safety and happiness .

Secondly, if we consider her as a citizen, as a member of a great nation ,she must have the same rights as all other members, according to the fundamental principles of our Government .

Thirdly, viewed as a woman, an equal factor in civilization, her rights and duties are still the same - individual happiness and development .

Fourthly, it is only the incidental relations of life, such as mother, wife,sister, daughter, which may involve some special duties and training.In the usual discussion in regard to woman s sphere, such men as Herbert Spencer,Frederick Harrison and Grant Alien uniformly subordinate her rights and duties as an individual, as a citizen, as a woman, to the necessities of these incidental relations, some of which a large class of women never assume.In discussing the sphere of man we do not decide his rights as an individual, as a citizen, as a man, by his duties as a father, a husband, a brother or a son, some of which he may never undertake.Moreover he would be better fitted for these very relations, and whatever special work he might choose to do to earn his bread,by the complete development of all his faculties as an individual.Just so with woman .

The education which will fit her to discharge the duties in the largest sphere of human usefulness, will best fit her for whatever special work she may be compelled to do .

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