
第20章 青春不老,理想不死(7)



I remember the first time I went tothe United States and I was competing in acompetition, the World Championships inBodybuilding. I lost. I came in second, andI was devastated. I was crushed. I felt like aloser, a major loser, let me tell you. I cried, as amatter of fact, because I felt like I disappointedmy friends and I disappointed myself. Butthe next day I got my act together, I shiftedgears, and I said, “Im going to learn from thatlesson. Im going to stay here in America. Imnot going to go back to Europe. Im going tostay in America and Im going to train with theAmerican champions, Im going to train theAmerican way. Im going to eat the Americanfood, and Im going to train with the Americanmachines and the principles.” And a year later,in America, I became the World Champion inBodybuilding. So I think this is a very, veryimportant lesson.

And from then on, I continued. My careertook off, and everything that I wanted todo I accomplished. First it was to become achampion in bodybuilding. Later on I becamea movie star, to do all the great movies, theConan movies and the Terminator movies andall this. Then I became the governor of thegreat state of California, of the sixth largesteconomy in the world. All of this happenedbecause of my dreams, even though otherpeople told me that those dreams were bogusand they were crazy, but I held onto mydreams.



So always it just carried me on, thosedreams. So bodybuilding gave me theconfidence, movies gave me the money, andpublic service and being a governor gave mea purpose larger than myself. And that is thebrief story of my dreams and a brief story ofmy early life, and how my dreams made mesuccessful.

And I think what Im trying to say to youis that each and every one of you can make adifference. So as you study and as you becomesmarter, and as you become richer, think aboutthat, that there are millions of people that needyour help. Now, you maybe ask yourself thequestion, what can I do? Well, let me tell you. Even though you maybe have no money oranything, you can go out and help a child thathas not yet learned yet how to read. You maybecan go out and help a person that is physicallyhandicapped, to lift them up and to take themoutside so they can see the world. There areso many different things that you can do. You maybe can take a person that is mentallydisabled, to take them to a soccer game. Thereare all kinds of things that the individual cando to reach out and to help.

Thank you.




I Have a Dream我有一个梦想

[马丁·路德·金 / Martin Luther King, Jr.]

Five score years ago, a greatAmerican, in whose symbolic shadowwe stand today, signed the EmancipationProclamation. This momentous decreecame as a great beacon light of hopeto millions of Negro slaves who hadbeen seared in the flames of witheringinjustice. It came as a joyous daybreakto end the long night of their captivity.

But one hundred years later, theNegro still is not free. One hundredyears later, the life of the Negro isstill sadly crippled by the manaclesof segregation and the chains ofdiscrimination. One hundred years later,the Negro lives on a lonely island ofpoverty in the midst of a vast ocean ofmaterial prosperity. One hundred yearslater, the Negro is still languished in thecorners of American society and findshimself an exile in his own land. And soweve come here today to dramatize ashameful condition.



And so even though we face thedifficulties of today and tomorrow, I still havea dream. It is a dream deeply rooted in theAmerican dream.

I have a dream that one day this nationwill rise up and live out the true meaning ofits creed: “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal.”

I have a dream that one day on the redhills of Georgia, the sons of former slavesand the sons of former slave owners willbe able to sit down together at the table ofbrotherhood.

I have a dream that one day even thestate of Mississippi, a state sweltering withthe heat of injustice, sweltering with the heatof oppression, will be transformed into anoasis of freedom and justice.

I have a dream that my four littlechildren will one day live in a nation wherethey will not be judged by the color of theirskin but by the content of their character.

I have a dream today!







I have a dream that one day,down in Alabama, with its viciousracists, with its governor havinghis lips dripping with the words of“interposition” and “nullification” - one day right there in Alabamalittle black boys and black girls willbe able to join hands with little whiteboys and white girls as sisters andbrothers.

I have a dream today!

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