

The Consent of Athos.

Raoul quitted the Palais-Royal full of ideas that admitted no delay in execution.He mounted his horse in the courtyard, and followed the road to Blois, while the marriage festivities of Monsieur and the princess of England were being celebrated with exceeding animation by the courtiers, but to the despair of De Guiche and Buckingham.

Raoul lost no time on the road, and in sixteen hours he arrived at Blois.As he traveled along, he marshaled his arguments in the most becoming manner.Fever also is an argument that cannot be answered, and Raoul had an attack.

Athos was in his study, ****** additions to his memoirs, when Raoul entered, accompanied by Grimaud.Keen-sighted and penetrating, a mere glance at his son told him that something extraordinary had befallen him.

"You seem to come on a matter of importance," said he to Raoul, after he had embraced him, pointing to a seat.

"Yes, monsieur," replied the young man; "and I entreat you to give me the same kind attention that has never yet failed me.""Speak, Raoul."

"I present the case to you, monsieur, free from all preface, for that would be unworthy of you.Mademoiselle de la Valliere is in Paris as one of Madame's maids of honor.Ihave pondered deeply on the matter; I love Mademoiselle de la Valliere above everything; and it is not proper to leave her in a position where her reputation, her virtue even, may be assailed.It is my wish, therefore, to marry her, monsieur, and I have come to solicit your consent to my marriage."While this communication was being made to him, Athos maintained the profoundest silence and reserve.Raoul, who had begun his address with an assumption of self-possession, finished it by allowing a manifest emotion to escape him at every word.Athos fixed upon Bragelonne a searching look, overshadowed indeed by a slight sadness.

"You have reflected well upon it?" he inquired.

"Yes, monsieur."

"I believe you are already acquainted with my views respecting this alliance?""Yes, monsieur," replied Raoul, in a low tone of voice, "but you added, that if I persisted ---- ""You do persist, then?"

Bragelonne stammered out an almost unintelligible assent.

"Your passion," continued Athos, tranquilly, "must indeed be very great, since, notwithstanding my dislike to this union, you persist in wishing it."Raoul passed his trembling hand across his forehead to remove the perspiration that collected there.Athos looked at him, and his heart was touched by pity.He rose and said, ----"It is no matter.My own personal feelings are not to be taken into consideration since yours are concerned; you need my assistance; I am ready to give it.Tell me what you want.""Your kind indulgence, first of all, monsieur," said Raoul, taking hold of his hand.

"You have mistaken my feelings, Raoul, I have more than mere indulgence for you in my heart."Raoul kissed as devotedly as a lover could have done the hand he held in his own.

"Come, come," said Athos, "I am quite ready; what do you wish me to sign?""Nothing whatever, monsieur.only it would be very kind if you would take the trouble to write to the king to whom Ibelong, and solicit his majesty's permission for me to marry Mademoiselle de la Valliere.""Well thought, Raoul! After, or rather before myself, you have a master to consult, that master being the king; it is loyal in you to submit yourself voluntarily to this double proof; I will grant your request without delay, Raoul."The count approached the window, and leaning out, called to Grimaud, who showed his head from an arbor covered with jasmine, which he was occupied in trimming.

"My horses, Grimaud," continued the count.

"Why this order, monsieur?" inquired Raoul.

"We shall set off in a few hours."


"For Paris."

"Paris, monsieur?"

"Is not the king at Paris?"


"Well, ought we not to go there?"

"Yes, monsieur," said Raoul, almost alarmed by this kind condescension."I do not ask you to put yourself to such inconvenience, and a letter merely ---- ""You mistake my position, Raoul; it is not respectful that a ****** gentleman, such as I am, should write to his sovereign.I wish to speak, I ought to speak, to the king, and I will do so.We will go together, Raoul.""You overpower me with your kindness, monsieur.""How do you think his majesty is affected?""Towards me, monsieur?"


"Excellently well disposed."

"You know that to be so?" continued the count.



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