

Astis, a. Possible, it is possible: astis mangue, I can; astis lengue, they can.

Asha / Ashaw, ad. So: ashaw sorlo, so early. Wal. Asha. See Ajaw.

Atch, v. n. To stay, stop.

Atch opre. Keep up.

Atraish, a. part. Afraid. Sans. Tras (to fear), atrasit (frightened). See Traish.

Av, imperat. of Ava, to come: av abri, come out.

Ava, ad. Yes. Sans. Eva.

Ava, v. a. To come.

Avata acoi. Come thou here.

Avali, ad. Yes. Wal. Aieva (really).

Avava. An affix by which the future tense of a verb is formed, e.g.

mor-avava, I will kill. See Vava.

Aukko, ad. Here.

Az, v. n. To stay.

BBAL, s. Hair. Tibetian, Bal (wool). Sans. Bala (hair).

Baleneskoe, a. Hairy.

Balormengro. A hairy fellow; Hearne, the name of a Gypsy tribe.

Balanser, s. The coin called a sovereign.

Ballivas, s. Bacon. Span. Gyp. Baliba.

Bangalo, a. Devilish. See Beng, bengako.

Bango, a. Left, sinister, wrong, false: bango wast, the left hand;to saulohaul bango, like a plastra-mengro, to swear bodily like a Bow-street runner. Sans. Pangu (lame). Hun. Pang, pango (stiff, lazy, paralysed).

Bar, s. A stone, a stoneweight, a pound sterling. Span. Gyp. Bar.

Hun. Gyp. Bar. Hindustani, Puthur. Wal. Piatre. Fr. Pierre. Gr.

[Greek: ] (weight).

Bareskey, a. Stony.

Bark, s. Breast, woman's breast.

Bas / Base, s. Pound sterling. Wal. Pes (a weight, burden).

Bas-engro, s. A shepherd. Run. Bacso.

Bashadi, s. A fiddle.

Bata, s. A bee. Sans. Pata.

Bau, s. Fellow, comrade. See Baw.

Baul, s. Snail. See Bowle.

Baulo, s. Pig, swine. The proper meaning of this word is anything swollen, anything big or bulky. It is connected with the English bowle or bole, the trunk of a tree; also with bowl, boll, and belly;also with whale, the largest of fish, and wale, a tumour; also with the Welsh bol, a belly, and bala, a place of springs and eruptions.

It is worthy of remark that the English word pig, besides denoting the same animal as baulo, is of the same original import, being clearly derived from the same root as big, that which is bulky, and the Turkish buyuk, great, huge, vast.

Baulie-mas, s. Pork, swine's flesh.

Bavano. Windy, broken-winded.

Bavol, s. Wind, air. Sans. Pavana. See Beval.

Bavol-engro, s. A wind-fellow; figurative name for a ghost.

Baw, bau, s. Fellow, comrade: probably the same as the English country-word baw, bor. Ger. Bauer. Av acoi, baw, Come here, fellow. Boer, in Wallachian, signifies a boyard or lord.

Beano, part. pass. Born.

Beano abri. Born out of doors, like a Gypsy or vagrant.

Bebee, s. Aunt. Rus. Baba (grandmother, old woman, hag); Baba Yaga, the female demon of the Steppes.

Beng / Bengui, s. Devil. Sans. Pangka (mud). According to the Hindu mythology, there is a hell of mud; the bengues of the Gypsies seem to be its tenants.

Bengako tan, s. Hell. Lit. place belonging to devils.

Bengeskoe potan. Devil's tinder, sulphur.

Bengeskoe / Benglo, a. Devilish.

Bengree, s. Waistcoat. Span. Gyp. Blani. Wal. (Blani fur).

Berro, bero, s. A ship, a hulk for convicts. Span. Gyp. Bero, las galeras, the galleys; presidio, convict garrison.

Ber-engro, s. A sailor.

Bero-rukh, s. A mast.

Bersh / Besh, s. A year. Sans. Varsha. He could cour drey his besh, he could fight in his time.

Bershor, pl. Years.

Besh, v. n. To sit: beshel, he sits.

Beshaley / Beshly, Gypsy name of the Stanley tribe.

Besh-engri, s. A chair. See Skammen.

Beti, a. Little, small.

Beval, s. Wind. See Bavol.

Bi, prep. Without: bi luvvu, without money.

Bicunyie, a. Alone, undone: meklis or mukalis bicunyie, let it alone.

Bikhin / Bin v. a. To sell. Hin. Bikna.

Bikhnipen, s. Sale.

Birk, s. Woman's breast. See Bark.

Bis, a. Twenty.

Bisheni, s. The ague.

Bitch / Bitcha, v. a. To send. Sans. Bis, bisa.

Bitched / Bitcheno, part. pass. Sent Bitcheno pawdel. Sent across, transported.

Bitti, s. a. Small, piece, a little. This word is not true Gypsy.

Bloen / Blowing, A cant word, but of Gypsy origin, signifying a sister in debauchery, as Pal denotes a brother in villainy. It is the Plani and Beluni of the Spanish Gypsies, by whom sometimes Beluni is made to signify queen; e.g. Beluni de o tarpe (tem opre), the Queen of Heaven, the Virgin. Blower is used by Lord Byron, in his 'Don Juan.' Speaking of the highwayman whom the Don shoots in the vicinity of London, he says that he used to go to such-and-such places of public resort with--his blowen.

Bob, s. A bean. Wal. Bob: pl. bobbis, bobs.

Boccalo, a. Hungry: boccale pers, hungry bellies.

Bokht, s. Luck, fortune: kosko bokht, good luck. Sans. Bhagya.

Pers. Bakht.

Bokra, s. A sheep. Hun. Birka.

Bokra-choring. Sheep-stealing.

Bokkar-engro, s. A shepherd: bokkar-engro drey, the dude, man in the moon.

Bokkari-gueri, s. Shepherdess.

Bokkeriskoe, a. Sheepish, belonging to a sheep: bokkeriskey pire, sheep's feet.

Bolla, v. a. To baptize.

Bonnek, s. Hold: lel bonnek, to take hold.

Booko, s. Liver. See Bucca.

Bolleskoe divvus. Christmas-day; query, baptismal day. Wal. Botez (baptism).

Bollimengreskoenaes. After the manner of a Christian.

Boogones, s. Smallpox, pimples. See Bugnior.

Bor, s. A hedge.

Boona, a. Good. Lat. Bonus. Wal. Boun.

Booty, s. Work.

Bori, a. fem. Big with child, enceinte.

Booty, v. a. To work, labour.

Boro, a. Great, big. Hin. Bura. Mod. Gr. [Greek: ] (heavy).

Borobeshemeskeguero, s. Judge, great-sitting-fellow.

Boro Gav. London, big city. See Lundra.

Boronashemeskrutan. Epsom race-course.

Bosh, s. Fiddle. Pers. [Persian: ] Bazee, baz (play, joke), whence the English cant word 'bosh.' See Bashadi.

Boshomengro, s. Fiddler.

Bosno / Boshno, s. A cock, male-bird. Sans. Puchchin. Wal. Bosh (testicle). Gaelic, Baois (libidinousness).

Boshta, s. A saddle.

Bostaris, s. A bastard.

Bovalo, a. Rich. Sans. Bala (strong).

Bowle, s. Snail. See Baul.

Brishen / Brisheno, s. Rain. Hun. Gyp. Breshino. Sans. Vrish.

Mod. Gr. [Greek: ].

Brisheneskey, a. Rainy: brisheneskey rarde, a rainy night;brisheneskey chiros, a time of rain. Mod. Gr. [Greek: ].

Bucca, s. Liver. Sans. Bucca (heart). Wal. Phikat.

Bucca naflipen, s. Liver-complaint.

Buchee, s. Work, labour. See Butsi.

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