

They wish for secrecy, since we are to converse in a private room.I understand, Bertuccio has been sent by my protector."The keeper spoke for a moment with an official, then opened the iron gates and conducted Andrea to a room on the first floor.The room was whitewashed, as is the custom in prisons, but it looked quite brilliant to a prisoner, though a stove, a bed, a chair, and a table formed the whole of its sumptuous furniture.Bertuccio sat down upon the chair, Andrea threw himself upon the bed; the keeper retired.

"Now," said the steward, "what have you to tell me?""And you?" said Andrea.

"You speak first."

"Oh, no.You must have much to tell me, since you have come to seek me.""Well, be it so.You have continued your course of villany;you have robbed -- you have assassinated.""Well, I should say! If you had me taken to a private room only to tell me this, you might have saved yourself the trouble.I know all these things.But there are some with which, on the contrary, I am not acquainted.Let us talk of those, if you please.Who sent you?""Come, come, you are going on quickly, M.Benedetto!""Yes, and to the point.Let us dispense with useless words.

Who sends you?"

"No one."

"How did you know I was in prison?"

"I recognized you, some time since, as the insolent dandy who so gracefully mounted his horse in the Champs Elysees.""Oh, the Champs Elysees? Ah, yes; we burn, as they say at the game of pincette.The Champs Elysees? Come, let us talk a little about my father.""Who, then, am I?"

"You, sir? -- you are my adopted father.But it was not you, I presume, who placed at my disposal 100,000 francs, which Ispent in four or five months; it was not you who manufactured an Italian gentleman for my father; it was not you who introduced me into the world, and had me invited to a certain dinner at Auteuil, which I fancy I am eating at this moment, in company with the most distinguished people in Paris -- amongst the rest with a certain procureur, whose acquaintance I did very wrong not to cultivate, for he would have been very useful to me just now; -- it was not you, in fact, who bailed me for one or two millions, when the fatal discovery of my little secret took place.Come, speak, my worthy Corsican, speak!""What do you wish me to say?"

"I will help you.You were speaking of the Champs Elysees just now, worthy foster-father.""Well?"

"Well, in the Champs Elysees there resides a very rich gentleman.""At whose house you robbed and murdered, did you not?""I believe I did."

"The Count of Monte Cristo?"

"'Tis you who have named him, as M.Racine says.Well, am Ito rush into his arms, and strain him to my heart, crying, `My father, my father!' like Monsieur Pixerecourt."*"Do not let us jest," gravely replied Bertuccio, "and dare not to utter that name again as you have pronounced it."* Guilbert de Pixerecourt, French dramatist (1775-1844).

"Bah," said Andrea, a little overcome, by the solemnity of Bertuccio's manner, "why not?""Because the person who bears it is too highly favored by heaven to be the father of such a wretch as you.""Oh, these are fine words."

"And there will be fine doings, if you do not take care.""Menaces -- I do not fear them.I will say" --"Do you think you are engaged with a pygmy like yourself?"said Bertuccio, in so calm a tone, and with so steadfast a look, that Andrea was moved to the very soul."Do you think you have to do with galley-slaves, or novices in the world?

Benedetto, you are fallen into terrible hands; they are ready to open for you -- make use of them.Do not play with the thunderbolt they have laid aside for a moment, but which they can take up again instantly, if you attempt to intercept their movements.""My father -- I will know who my father is," said the obstinate youth; "I will perish if I must, but I will know it.What does scandal signify to me? What possessions, what reputation, what `pull,' as Beauchamp says, -- have I? You great people always lose something by scandal, notwithstanding your millions.Come, who is my father?""I came to tell you."

"Ah," cried Benedetto, his eyes sparkling with joy.Just then the door opened, and the jailer, addressing himself to Bertuccio, said, -- "Excuse me, sir, but the examining magistrate is waiting for the prisoner.""And so closes our interview," said Andrea to the worthy steward; "I wish the troublesome fellow were at the devil!""I will return to-morrow," said Bertuccio.

"Good! Gendarmes, I am at your service.Ah, sir, do leave a few crowns for me at the gate that I may have some things Iam in need of!"

"It shall be done," replied Bertuccio.Andrea extended his hand; Bertuccio kept his own in his pocket, and merely jingled a few pieces of money."That's what I mean," said Andrea, endeavoring to smile, quite overcome by the strange tranquillity of Bertuccio."Can I be deceived?" he murmured, as he stepped into the oblong and grated vehicle which they call "the salad basket." "Never mind, we shall see!

To-morrow, then!" he added, turning towards Bertuccio.

"To-morrow!" replied the steward.

  • 天行


  • 强势宠婚:老公,晚上好


  • 平行世界之彼岸生花


  • 迷途蔷薇


  • 快穿之当女王成为炮灰


  • 绝世之风云天下


  • 九一班


  • 现代初修仙


  • 炎黄之万物复苏


  • 本王的杂货铺

