

"You think I shall deprive you of those three millions,"said Danglars; "but do not fear it.They are destined to produce at least ten.I and a brother banker have obtained a grant of a railway, the only industrial enterprise which in these days promises to make good the fabulous prospects that Law once held out to the eternally deluded Parisians, in the fantastic Mississippi scheme.As I look at it, a millionth part of a railway is worth fully as much as an acre of waste land on the banks of the Ohio.We make in our case a deposit, on a mortgage, which is an advance, as you see, since we gain at least ten, fifteen, twenty, or a hundred livres' worth of iron in exchange for our money.Well, within a week I am to deposit four millions for my share;the four millions, I promise you, will produce ten or twelve.""But during my visit to you the day before yesterday, sir, which you appear to recollect so well," replied Eugenie, "Isaw you arranging a deposit -- is not that the term? -- of five millions and a half; you even pointed it out to me in two drafts on the treasury, and you were astonished that so valuable a paper did not dazzle my eyes like lightning.""Yes, but those five millions and a half are not mine, and are only a proof of the great confidence placed in me; my title of popular banker has gained me the confidence of charitable institutions, and the five millions and a half belong to them; at any other time I should not have hesitated to make use of them, but the great losses I have recently sustained are well known, and, as I told you, my credit is rather shaken.That deposit may be at any moment withdrawn, and if I had employed it for another purpose, Ishould bring on me a disgraceful bankruptcy.I do not despise bankruptcies, believe me, but they must be those which enrich, not those which ruin.Now, if you marry M.

Cavalcanti, and I get the three millions, or even if it is thought I am going to get them, my credit will be restored, and my fortune, which for the last month or two has been swallowed up in gulfs which have been opened in my path by an inconceivable fatality, will revive.Do you understand me?""Perfectly; you pledge me for three millions, do you not?""The greater the amount, the more flattering it is to you;it gives you an idea of your value."

"Thank you.One word more, sir; do you promise me to make what use you can of the report of the fortune M.Cavalcanti will bring without touching the money? This is no act of selfishness, but of delicacy.I am willing to help rebuild your fortune, but I will not be an accomplice in the ruin of others.""But since I tell you," cried Danglars, "that with these three million" --"Do you expect to recover your position, sir, without touching those three million?""I hope so, if the marriage should take place and confirm my credit.""Shall you be able to pay M.Cavalcanti the five hundred thousand francs you promise for my dowry?""He shall receive then on returning from the mayor's."** The performance of the civil marriage.

"Very well!"

"What next? what more do you want?"

"I wish to know if, in demanding my signature, you leave me entirely free in my person?""Absolutely."

"Then, as I said before, sir, -- very well; I am ready to marry M.Cavalcanti.""But what are you up to?"

"Ah, that is my affair.What advantage should I have over you, if knowing your secret I were to tell you mine?"Danglars bit his lips."Then," said he, "you are ready to pay the official visits, which are absolutely indispensable?""Yes," replied Eugenie.

"And to sign the contract in three days?""Yes."

"Then, in my turn, I also say, very well!" Danglars pressed his daughter's hand in his.But, extraordinary to relate, the father did not say, "Thank you, my child," nor did the daughter smile at her father."Is the conference ended?"asked Eugenie, rising.Danglars motioned that he had nothing more to say.Five minutes afterwards the piano resounded to the touch of Mademoiselle d'Armilly's fingers, and Mademoiselle Danglars was singing Brabantio's malediction on Desdemona.At the end of the piece Etienne entered, and announced to Eugenie that the horses were in the carriage, and that the baroness was waiting for her to pay her visits.

We have seen them at Villefort's; they proceeded then on their course.

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