
第55章 外层空间(3)

You must be willing to submit medical information to the production and submit to a medical examination,psychological examination,andbackground check(.The Discovery Channel)

Saturn [5sAt[:n]土星The Cassini space probe has found evidence of geysers erupting from underground pools of liquid water on Saturn‘s moon Enceladus,scientistsannounced on Thursday(.


shuttle [5FQtl]航天飞机The US space agency is investigating the possibility of a highly flammable gaseous oxygen leak during the launch of space shuttleDiscovery in July(.BBC)

solar [9s[Ul[]太阳的solar system 太阳系solar cycle 太阳活动周期State energy regulators on Tuesday unveiled what would be the nation’s most ambitious program to expand solar power,proposing to offer morethan 3billion in consumer rebates over the next decade(.NBC)

Pluto,that cosmic oddball at the far reaches of our solar system,mayhave three moons instead of one,scientists announced on Monday(.CNN)

A new computer model suggests the next solar cycle will be more activethan the previous one,potentially spawning magnetic storms that will bemore disruptive to communication systems on Earth(.AP)

space [speis]太空Bypassing the United States‘long-established coastal spaceports,London-based Virgin Galactic plans to launch tourists on suborbital space rides from a new,225-million site being built in land-locked New Mexico,the company announced Tuesday(.The Discovery Channel)

space craft 宇宙飞船The launch of the European Space Agency’s“Venus Express”spacecraft has been delayed after technicians discovered contamination in the Russian-made launcher,an ESA official said on Monday(.Reuters)

space dust 宇宙的尘埃

A major dust storm has just broken out on Mars and the event will bevisible this weekend with good-sized backyard telescopes(.CNN)

space prope 宇宙探测器

An unmanned Japanese space probe sent to collect the first samples froman asteroid fails to reach its target(.BBC)

space ship 宇宙飞船The HL-20emerged from SpaceDev‘s work with NASA’s Ames Research Center to analyze designs for future spaceships.Benson and his team found that the HL-20‘s outer mold line seemed to work much betterthan alternate designs(.NBC)

space shuttle 航天飞机

In the ’70s,NASA touted the space shuttle as reliable,economical andsafe as flying an airplane.It didn‘t quite work out that way(.CNN)

space station 太空站、空间站

US businessman and scientist Gregory Olsen is launched on his trip to theInternational Space Station(BBC)

space suit 宇航服Xinhua said that during their flight,the astronauts will take off their 22-pound spacesuits to travel back and forth between the two halves of their vessel -a re-entry capsule and an orbiter that is to stay aloft after they land.(AP)

space telescope 空间望远镜The most detailed portrait ever of the most studied object in the night sky has just been released by Hubble Space Telescope astronomers.(The Discovery Channel)space vehicle 太空交通工具European governments tentatively have declined to takea role in Russia’s Clipper manned space vehicle project,saying Europe would not have control over the program and would be limited to being a small industrialcontributor,according to European government officials(.Space)

splash down 溅落For most of the years since its splashdown in the Atlantic in 1966,Gemini 12has been virtually out of sight in the lobby of a NASA buildingin suburban Washington,D.C(.NBC)

tiny particle 小微粒Genesis was launched in August of 2001.Its scientific task,gathering tiny particles given off by the sun,with the aim of learning more about the origins of the solar system.After today‘s crash landing,some teammembers said it was like a kick in the gut(.NBC)

touch down 着陆

The announcement came only a few hours after the Shenzhou V capsule touched down in China’s Inner Mongolia region,with its lone crewmembertaikonnaut Yang Liwei safely aboard(.VOA)

transport [trAns5pC:t]运输transportation [9trAnspC:5teiF[n]运输、运送However,flying a spacecraft to a distant asteroid is difficult because conventional rockets transport limited quantities of fuel and are designed toburn it up quickly to provide thrust(.The Discovery Channel)

The concept of personal flying machines seems to be as old as the aviation itself,yet cars,trucks and buses still claim the transportation throne.However,NASA researchers,as well as private aviation engineers,are working to develop the next step in personal air transportation(.Space)

universe [5ju:nI5v[:s]宇宙

Astronomers have detected a faint glow from the first stars to form in theUniverse,Nature journal reports(.BBC)

Uranus [5ju:[r[n[s]天王星As Uranus has moved to present a more edge-on view of its rings,the rings have become brighter and more distinct,revealing for the first timefrom Earth the innermost ring(.The Discovery Channel)

vacuum [5vAkjU[m]真空

The organisms survived the high levels of ultraviolet radiation,as well asthe vacuum and extreme temperatures of space(.The Discovery Channel)

Venus [5vI:n[s]金星Europe‘s first mission to Venus was scheduled for Wednesday but will be delayed for several days while tests are carried out on the Soyuz-Fregat launcher,a spokesman at the agency’s European Space Operations Centerin Darmstadt said(.CNN)

weight [weit]重量weightless [5weitlIs]失重的“If you‘re going to do things with complex robotics,or with astronauts on another world like the moon or Mars,not having to run wire from Point A to Point B,from your solar power farm to your habitation module or your lab,for example,saves us a ton of weight that we don’t have to lift off from the Earth,”said Brant Sponberg,the NASA manager in charge of theChallenges programs(.The Discovery Channel)

These experiments are not conducted in zero-g,however.It is hoped that research on astronauts in weightless conditions can be made to match up with research on people in isolated environments,an assumption whosecorrectness we are still too ignorant to judge(.Space)

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