
第54章 外层空间(2)

Pakistani forces arrest an al-Qaeda suspect and kill another,theinformation minister says(.BBC)

inspect [In5spekt]调查、审查Commander Eileen Collins does a flip while talking to mission control workers as astronaut Steve Robinson,left,and Japanese astronaut SoichiNoguchi inspect their spacewalking gear on Discovery’s middeck in thisview from television Friday.The two completed a successful spacewalk onSaturday(.The Discovery Channel)

install [In5stC:l]安装installation [9Inst[5leiF[n]安装The camera will provide critical views for the space shuttle crew thatplans to install the next truss segment and solar array panels(.Channel)The DiscoverySpacewalkers Soichi Noguchi and Steve Robinson are expected to spend about 61/2hours on Saturday in the shuttle‘s open payload bay and the outside of the space station to test heat shield repair techniques and begin installation of a new gyroscope for the orbital outpost.(The DiscoveryChannel)instrument[5InstrUm[nt]工具;仪器Two instruments will study the Martian atmosphere,looking at cloud formation and seasonal temperature change.Zurek said,“The annual change on Mars is just like on the Earth,the seasons are pretty pronounced.”

The team wants to understand how long those seasons last.And how muchwater,and dust is moving around the atmosphere(.CNN)

Jupiter [5dVU:pIt[]木星With seven science instruments,including three cameras,New Horizons is expected to provide the first close-up views of a planetary body that is neither terrestrial in nature,like Mercury,Venus,Earth and Mars,nor a gasgiant,such as Jupiter,Saturn,Neptune and Uranus(.NBC)

launch [lC:ntF]发射

Students from more than 20universities across Europe have designed,built and on Thursday launched their own satellite into space(.Reuters)

launching pad 导弹或火箭发射场、发射台

New Horizons was scheduled to be taken to the Atlas 5launch pad at Cape Canaveral in December,said the project’s principal investigator,Alan Stern,of the Southwest Research Institute in Boulder,Colorado.(NBC)

lift off (火箭、导弹等)发射,(直升飞机等)起飞The launch of Europe‘s most powerful rocket to date,the Ariane 5-ECA,is postponed shortly before lift-off(.BBC)

manned space flight 载人航天飞行China’s first manned space flight in October 2003made it the third country able to launch a human into space on its own,after Russia and theUnited States(.AP)

Mars [mB:z]火星

It had to abandon a mission to Mars two years ago,however,after theprobe moved off course(.NBC)

mechanical arm [mI5kAnIkl]机械臂Nonetheless,signs of fatigue are beginning to show.Around 10days ago,the mechanical arm on Opportunity stopped moving.The problem,the rover teams believe,lies with the shoulder joint of the arm.If they can get the elbow of the arm out of the T-shaped housing where the arm rests,thearm can still collect samples(.CNET News)

Mercury [5m[:kjurI]水星It‘s a surprisingly difficult matter,getting from Earth to Mercury,said McNutt,because it takes a lot of energy to slow down the spacecraft so it can move into an orbit that’s closer to the sun,while at the same time keeping it at a speed that will allow the craft to enter orbit around Mercury.(The Discovery Channel)

meteor [5mI:ti[r]流星When most people hear through the news media of an impending meteor shower,likely their first impression is of a sky filled with shooting stars pouring down through the sky like rain.Such meteor storms have indeed occurred with the November Leonids,such as in 1833and 1966,whenmeteor rates of tens of thousands per hour were observed(.NBC)

mission [5mIF[n]使命The Hubble Space Telescope has taken a rare look at the moon to gauge the amount of oxygen-bearing minerals in the lunar soil that could be minedby astronauts and used in a new moon mission(.AP)

Neptune [5neptju:n]海王星

Neptune and its largest moon could be the targets of a space mission inthe decades ahead,researchers propose(.BBC)

orbit [5C:bIt]轨道;绕轨道运行The failed launch came just one month after China successfully put its first astronaut into orbit.Beijing has since announced it is aiming for themoon(.NBC)

NASA‘s latest mission to Mars could eclipse all previous ones if it canget into orbit on Friday(.CNN)

outer space 太空、外层空间Fortunately,McArthur did well in math and science during his school years -and astronauts uniformly say those are the courses to take if you wantto go to outer space(.NBC)

planet [5plAnIt]行星Pluto’s first known moon,Charon,was discovered in 1978.Charon is about half Pluto‘s size,making it less like a satellite and more like a sibling,and many scientists consider Pluto and Charon to be a binary system,with the moon orbiting about 12,000miles from the planet.(REUTERS)

Pluto [5plU:t[U]冥王星A Lockheed Martin Atlas 5rocket being prepared to launch NASA’s first probe to Pluto was slightly damaged when Hurricane Wilma cut a swath through Florida but should still be able to launch as planned,officialssaid on Friday(.REUTERS)

postpone [p[Ust5p[Un]推迟、延期

An upstart rocket company postponed its first-ever satellite launch onSaturday after a series of last-minute snags(.NBC)

probe [pr[Ub]探针、探测器;探索NASA plans to crash a space probe into the moon in 2009-a collision so violent it will be visible on Earth through a telescope,the space agencysaid Monday(.AP)

The Hayabusa probe,launched in May 2003,will hover around the asteroid for about three months before making its brief landing to recover the samples in early November.The asteroid is located between Earth andMars(.NBC)

psychology [sai5kCl[dVI]心理学psychological [9saik[5lCdVIk[l]心理学的Tom Langen,assistant professor of biology and psychology at Clarkson University,said the study demonstrated that small-brained critters are notnecessarily simpletons(.The Discovery Channel)

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