
第18章 南卡罗来纳州(3)

Officially adopted by the General Assembly on February 1,1924,for the following reasons:it is indigenous(本土的)to every nook(隐蔽处)and corner of the State;it is the first premonitor(征兆)of coming Spring;its fragrance greets us first in the woodland and its delicate flower suggests the pureness of gold;its perpetual(永久的)return out of the dead Winter suggests the lesson of constancy(不屈不挠,坚定不移)in,loyalty to and patriotism(爱国精神)in the service of the State.

“No flower that blooms holds such perfume,

As kindness and sympathy won.

Wherever there grows the sheltering pine

Is clinging(粘紧,附着)a Yellow Jessamine vine(藤,蔓).”

The “Carolina or Yellow Jessamine”is defined by the New International Encyclopedia(百科全书)as “A climbing plant which grows upon trees and fences and bears a profusion(丰富)of yellow,funnel-shaped flowers an inch in diameter,with a fragrance similar to that of the true Jasmine.”Its odor(气味,名声)on a damp evening or morning fills the atmosphere with a rare and delicate sweetness(甜蜜,可爱).

“As fair as Southern Chivalry(骑士精神,骑士制度)

As pure as truth,and shaped like stars.”

Gelsemium sempervirens belongs to the family Loganiaceae.It grows in the piedmont(山麓地带)and coastal areas of the southeastern U.S.It is an early flowering climbing vine.The flowers are yellow,funnel shaped,and have a strong odor.The roots and rhizome([植]根茎,根状茎)of yellow jessamine were historically used to treat migraine headaches(偏头痛)and types of neuralgia(神经痛).

Common Names:Carolina Jessamine,Gelber Jasmin,Jasmin sauvage,Sariyasemin,and Yellow Jessamine

Stem:Thin,wiry,greenish to brown,glabrous([生物]无毛的,光洁的).

Size:10′to 20′;will climb trees or scramble over fences,rock piles,and other structures;can develop a 3′to 4′mound of tangled(缠结的,紊乱的)stems if left to its own devices.

Leaves:Opposite,simple,evergreen,lanceolate(矛尖形的,披针状的)or oblong-lanceolate,rarely ovate(卵形的),1to 33/4″long,1/3as wide,acute or acuminate(尖形的),rounded,lustrous(有光泽的)dark green and glabrous above,entire;short-petioled.

Leaf Color:Lustrous dark green developing a slight yellow-green or purple-green cast in winter.

Buds:Several pairs of scales rather loosely aggregated(合计)together.

Flowers:Perfect,yellow,fragrant,solitary or in cymes([植]聚伞花序),11/2″long,1″wide,funnelform(漏斗状的)with 5short imbricate(重叠成瓦状的,鳞状的)lobes;February into April;often flowers again in fall but sporadically(偶发地,零星地);usually peaks in late March.

Fruit:Compressed,11/2″long,short-beaked capsule[(植物)蒴果].

Habitat:Twining evergreen vine with thin,wiry stems;becomes more dense when sited in full sun;have used the species as a ground cover on the Georgia campus but plants twine around each other and ascend(攀登,上升)every which direction creating a rather wild and woolly aura,akin to my never combed hair.

State Flag州旗

1775年秋天安全革命委员会要求为南卡罗来纳州军队设计一枚旗帜,于是William Moultrie上校选择了与军装相称的蓝色为底色。旗帜上的月牙图案,是军人军帽的徽章标志。后来加上的蒲葵树的图案,它则代表着1776年将士们在Sullivan岛的蒲葵树林堡垒上顽强反抗英国舰队的英雄战绩。本州在1861年使用给州旗。

Asked by the Revolutionary Council of Safety in the fall of 1775to design a flag for the use of the South Carolina troops,Col.William Moultrie chose a blue which matched the color of their uniforms and a crescent which reproduced the silver emblem worn on the front of their caps(帽子).The palmetto[[植]美洲蒲葵(棕榈科植物)]tree was added later to represent Moultrie’s heroic defense of the palmetto-log fort on Sullivan’s Island against the attack of the British fleet[舰队(尤指有固定活动地区的舰队)]on June 28,1776.

South Carolina needed a national flag after it seceded(正式脱离或退出,分离)from the Union on December 20,1860.The General Assembly considered a wide range of designs,but on January 28,1861,added the palmetto to Moultrie’s original design,thereby officially creating the flag as we know it today.A resolution proposing changing the color to “royal purple”as a memorial to the Confederate dead was resoundingly(轰动地,成功地)defeated in 1899,leaving the flag’s Revolutionary War symbolism intact(完整无缺的).

By statute(法令,条例)the flag shall be displayed “upon the inside of every public school building in this State so that all school children shall be instructed in proper respect for the flag”,and daily except in rainy weather,from a staff upon the State House and from a staff upon each County Courthouse.The State Flag is also to be displayed in accordance with rules set by the State

Superintendent of Education(教育厅[局]长),on the grounds of educational institutions supported in whole or part,by funds derived from the State.It is also prescribed[处(方),开(药)]that any person who mutilates(毁伤),injures or desecrates(亵渎,污辱)the State Flag,wherever displayed,shall be guilty of a misdemeanor[〈美〉(=misdemeanour)[律]轻罪,(与felony相对,英国1967年刑法条例已废除misdemeanour和felony之间的一切区别)],punishable by a fine of not more than 100or by imprisonment(关押)for not more than 30days or both.

The state military crest,which is the crest used in the coats of arms of units of the National Guard,as granted by the precursor(先驱)organizations of what is now the Army Institute of Heraldry.The official Institute of Heraldry blazon is “Upon a mount vert a palmetto tree proper charged with a crescent(新月形的)argent(银)”.

State Song州歌


Hold up the glories of thy dead;

Say how thy elder children bled,

And point to Eutaw’s battle-bed.


Throw thy bold banner to the breeze!

Front with thy ranks the threatening seas

Like thine own proud armorial trees,


Thy skirts indeed the foe may part,

Thy robe be pierced with sword and dart,

They shall not touch thy noble heart,


Girt with such wills to do and bear,

Assured in right,and mailed in prayer,

Thou wilt not bow thee to despair,


Facts and Trivia相关资料

1.Campbell’s Covered Bridge built in 1909,is the only remaining covered bridge in South Carolina.Off Hwy 14near Gowensville.

2.The salamander was given the honor of official state amphibian.

3.The walls of the American fort on Sullivan Island,in Charleston Harbor,were made of spongy Palmetto logs.This was helpful in protecting the fort because the British cannonballs bounced off the logs.

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