
第17章 南卡罗来纳州(2)

By the beginning of the 20th century,South Carolina was starting to recover economically.The textile industry began to develop first,then in the years that followed other manufacturers moved into the state,providing jobs and economic stability.In recent years tourism has become a major industry,as travelers discovered the state’s beaches and mountains.On September 21,1989Hurricane Hugo struck the coast,causing great damage to homes,businesses,and natural areas,but the state has made a remarkable(非凡的,值得注意的,显著的)recovery in the ensuing years.The second half of the 20th century also brought enormous change in the status of black South Carolinians.The civil rights movement of the 1960s brought a relatively peaceful end to segregation and legal discrimination.The most serious incident(事件,事变)of this period occurred in 1968at Orangeburg,where three black protesters were shot by state police.Two years later three African Americans were elected to the state legislature,and many others have subsequently served in state and local offices.As the century drew to a close,all of South Carolina’s citizens were able to participate in(参加,参与)the state’s government and economy.


Mark Sanford在2002年11月5日被选为南卡罗来纳州的州长,并2003年1月15日宣布就职。本着效率、节约成本和重视纳税者,Sanford将自己的精力放在本州的四个核心领域:保持南卡罗来纳州的竞争力,担负政府财政责任、推进社会的发展和提高本州人们的生活水平,建立了政府自上而下的管理体制。

Mark Sanford was elected as South Carolina’s 115th governor on November 5,2002.He was sworn in and took office on January 15,2003.

With an eye on efficiency(效率),cost-savings and value to the taxpayer(纳税人),Governor Sanford continues to focus on efforts in four core areas-keeping South Carolina competitive,bringing fiscal responsibility(财政责任)to state government,promoting an “ownership society”and improving the state’s quality of life.He has undertaken a top-to-bottom review of South Carolina’s governmental structure.In addition to holding in-depth budget hearings with over thirty individual state agencies,Gov.Sanford’s Cabinet agencies have already saved taxpayers millions of dollars with innovative(创新的,革新(主义)的)new initiatives designed to streamline(流线型的)operations and eliminate(消除)waste and duplication in government.For example,after making the Department of Motor Vehicles a cabinet agency the DMV is now offering Saturday office hours and online services to better provide for its customers.Wait times at the DMV are down from 66minutes to 15minutes and all with roughly(大概)half the general funds requested in the past.

Gov.Sanford,who campaigned on opening up South Carolina’s political process,also signed landmark(里程碑,划时代的事)campaign finance reform and Commerce Department disclosure(揭发,败露)reform bills in 2003,two measures that have brought much needed sunlight and accountability to state government.The governor holds “Open Door After 4”meetings every month in his office,chatting one-on-one with individual South Carolinians and listening to their questions and concerns.The governor also travels across the state holding regular “Neighborhood Office Hours”to meet with citizens.

Prior to Gov.Sanford’s election as governor,he lived on the South Carolina coast with his wife,Jenny,and their four young sons,Marshall,Landon,Bolton and Blake.He served three terms in the U.S.House of Representatives with no previous(早先的)political experience.He was rated #1in the U.S.Congress by Citizens Against Government Waste in 1995,1997and 1999for his votes to protect the taxpayer before stepping down in 2001to honor a term limits pledge.

Gov.Sanford learned the themes of hard work and frugality(节俭)with two brothers and a sister on their family farm near Beaufort,S.C.He graduated from high school in Beaufort before attending Furman University in Greenville,S.C.,where he received a B.A.in business.He later received an M.B.A.from the University of Virginia’s Darden School of Business and went on to work in real estate finance and investment in New York and Charleston,S.C.

State Bird州鸟


Though the sabal palmetto is its most important symbol,South Carolina also holds birds in great esteem(尊敬,尊重).Writing in Nature Magazine in 1932,state bird proponent(建议者,支持者)Katherine Tippetts reported that the Carolina wren beat out the Carolina dove(eastern mourning dove)in a state bird campaign in 1930.The effort was led by Miss Claudia Phelps,of South Carolina’s State Federation of Women’s Clubs.

Prior to 1939“The Carolina Wren”had been unofficially(非正式地,非公认地)recognized as the State Bird of S.C.In 1939the General Assembly passed an Act(No.311)designating the Mockingbird as the official Bird of the State.Act No.693,1948(1962Civil Code,Sec.28—2)was passed repealing(废除,撤销)the 1939Act and designating the Carolina Wren as the official State Bird instead of the Mockingbird.

It is present in all areas in South Carolina from the coast to the highest mountain.The song;which may be interpreted(解释,说明)as tea-ket-tle,tea-ket-tle,tea-ket-tle,tea-ket-tle;may be heard the year-round,day and night,in all kinds of weather.

The Carolina Wren is slightly smaller than an English Sparrow and has a conspicuous(显著的)white stripe over the eyes.The back of its body is rufous-red with underparts(腹部)somewhat lighter in color.The tail,which is finely(细微地,美好地)barred with black,is held erect when the bird is excited.

The following is identification:

1.4.75inches length

2.Long,thin,slightly decurved bill

3.Bold white supercilium

4.Rusty upperparts

5.White throat and buffy underparts

6.Wings and tail barred with black

7.Thin white wing bars

8.Long tail frequently held upright

9.Pink legs

10.Sexes similar

11.Usually very vocal and loud

State Flower州花


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