

A change came over Margaret Brandt.She went about her household duties like one in a dream.If Peter did but speak a little quickly to her, she started and fixed two terrified eyes on him.

She went less often to her friend Margaret Van Eyck, and was ill at her ease when there.Instead of meeting her warm old friend's caresses, she used to receive them passive and trembling, and sometimes almost shrink from them.But the most extraordinary thing was, she never would go outside her own house in daylight.

When she went to Tergou it was after dusk, and she returned before daybreak.She would not even go to matins.At last Peter, unobservant as he was, noticed it, and asked her the reason.

"Methinks the folk all look at me.

One day, Margaret Van Eyck asked her what was the matter.

A scared look and a flood of tears were all the reply; the old lady expostulated gently."What, sweetheart, afraid to confide your sorrows to me?""I have no sorrows, madam, but of my own ******.I am kinder treated than I deserve; especially in this house.""Then why not come oftener, my dear?"

"I come oftener than I deserve;" and she sighed deeply.

"There, Reicht is bawling for you," said Margaret Van Eyck; "go, child! - what on earth can it be?"Turning possibilities over in her mind, she thought Margaret must be mortified at the contempt with which she was treated by Gerard's family."I will take them to task for it, at least such of them as are women;" and the very next day she put on her hood and cloak and followed by Reicht, went to the hosier's house.

Catherine received her with much respect, and thanked her with tears for her kindness to Gerard.But when, encouraged by this, her visitor diverged to Margaret Brandt, Catherine's eyes dried, and her lips turned to half the size, and she looked as only obstinate, ignorant women can look.When they put on this cast of features, you might as well attempt to soften or convince a brick wall.Margaret Van Eyck tried, but all in vain.So then, not being herself used to be thwarted, she got provoked, and at last went out hastily with an abrupt and mutilated curtsey, which Catherine, returned with an air rather of defiance than obeisance.Outside the door Margaret Van Eyck found Reicht conversing with a pale girl on crutches.Margaret Van Eyck was pushing by them with heightened colour, and a scornful toss intended for the whole family, when suddenly a little delicate hand glided timidly into hers, and looking round she saw two dove-like eyes, with the water in them, that sought hers gratefully and at the same time imploringly.The old lady read this wonderful look, complex as it was, and down went her choler.She stopped and kissed Kate's brow.

"I see," said she."Mind, then, I leave it to you." Returned home, she said - "I have been to a house to-day, where I have seen a very common thing and a very uncommon thing; I have seen a stupid, obstinate woman, and I have seen an angel in the flesh, with a face-if I had it here I'd take down my brushes once more and try and paint it."Little Kate did not belie the good opinion so hastily formed of her.She waited a better opportunity, and told her mother what she had learned from Reicht Heynes, that Margaret had shed her very blood for Gerard in the wood.

"See, mother, how she loves him."

"Who would not love him?"

"oh, mother, think of it! Poor thing."

"Ay, wench.She has her own trouble, no doubt, as well as we ours.

I can't abide the sight of blood, let alone my own."This was a point gained; but when Kate tried to follow it up she was stopped short.

About a month after this a soldier of the Dalgetty tribe, returning from service in Burgundy, brought a letter one evening to the hosier's house.He was away on business; but the rest of the family sat at Supper.The soldier laid the letter on the table by Catherine, and refusing all guerdon for bringing it, went off to Sevenbergen.

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