

At break of day the moat was filled, and the wooden tower began to move on its wheels towards a part of the curtain on which two catapults were already playing to breach the hoards, and clear the way.There was something awful and magical in its approach without visible agency, for it was driven by internal rollers worked by leverage.On the top was a platform, where stood the first assailing party protected in front by the drawbridge of the turret, which stood vertical till lowered on to the wall; but better protected by full suits of armour.The beseiged slung at the tower, and struck it often, but in vain.It was well defended with mattresses and hides, and presently was at the edge of the moat.The knight bade fire the mine underneath it.

Then the Turkish engine flung a stone of half a hundredweight right amongst the knights, and carried two away with it off the tower on to the plain.One lay and writhed: the other neither moved nor spake.

And now the besieging catapults flung blazing tar-barrels, and fired the hoards on both sides, and the assailants ran up the ladders behind the tower, and lowered the drawbridge on to the battered curtain, while the catapults in concert flung tar-barrels and fired the adjoining works to dislodge the defenders.The armed men on the platform sprang on the bridge, led by Baldwyn.The invulnerable knight and his men-at-arms met them, and a fearful combat ensued, in which many a figure was seen to fall headlong down off the narrow bridge.But fresh besiegers kept swarming up behind the tower, and the besieged were driven off the bridge.

Another minute, and the town was taken; but so well had the firing of the mine been timed, that just at this instant the underpinners gave way, and the tower suddenly sank away from the walls, tearing the drawbridge clear and pouring the soldiers off it against the masonry, and on to the dry moat.The besieged uttered a fierce shout, and in a moment surrounded Baldwyn and his fellows; but strange to say, offered them quarter.While a party disarmed and disposed of these, others fired the turret in fifty places with a sort of hand grenades.At this work who so busy as the tall knight.He put the fire-bags on his long spear, and thrust them into the doomed structure late so terrible.To do this he was obliged to stand on a projecting beam of the shattered hoard, holding on by the hand of a pikeman to steady himself.This provoked Denys; he ran out from his mantelet, hoping to escape notice in the confusion, and levelling his crossbow missed the knight clean, but sent his bolt into the brain of the pikeman, and the tall knight fell heavily from the wall, lance and all.Denys gazed wonder-struck; and in that unlucky moment, suddenly he felt his arm hot, then cold, and there was an English arrow skewering it.

This episode was unnoticed in a much greater matter.The knight, his armour glittering in the morning sun, fell headlong, but turning as he neared the water, struck it with a slap that sounded a mile off.

None ever thought to see him again.But he fell at the edge of the fascines on which the turret stood all cocked on one side, and his spear stuck into them under water, and by a mighty effort he got to the side, but could not get out.Anthony sent a dozen knights with a white flag to take him prisoner.He submitted like a lamb, but said nothing.

He was taken to Anthony's tent.

That worthy laughed at first at the sight of his muddy armour.but presently, frowning, said, "I marvel, sir, that so good a knight as you should know his devoir so ill as turn rebel, and give us all this trouble.""I am nun-nun-nun-nun-nun-no knight."

"What then?"

"A hosier."

"A what? Then thy armour shall be stripped off, and thou shalt be tied to a stake in front of the works, and riddled with arrows for a warning to traitors.""N-n-n-n-no! duda-duda-duda-duda-don't do that.""Why not?"

"Tuta-tuta-tuta-townsfolk will-h-h-h-hang t'other buba-buba-buba-buba-bastard.""What, whom?"

"Your bub-bub-bub-brother Baldwyn."

"What, have you knaves ta'en him?"

The warlike hosier nodded.

"Hang the fool!" said Anthony, peevishly.

The warlike hosier watched his eye, and doffing his helmet, took out of the lining an intercepted letter from the duke, bidding the said Anthony come to court immediately, as he was to represent the court of Burgundy at the court of England; was to go over and receive the English king's sister, and conduct her to her bridegroom, the Earl of Charolois.The mission was one very soothing to Anthony's pride, and also to his love of pleasure.For Edward the Fourth held the gayest and most luxurious court in Europe.The sly hosier saw he longed to be off, and said, "We'll gega-gega-gega-gega-give ye a thousand angels to raise the siege.""And Baldwyn?"

"I'll gega-gega-gega-gega-go and send him with the money.

It was now dinner-time; and a flag of truce being hoisted on both sides, the sham knight and the true one dined together and came to a friendly understanding.

"But what is your grievance, my good friend?""Tuta-tuta-tuta-tuta-too much taxes."

Denys, on finding the arrow in his right arm, turned his back, which was protected by a long shield, and walked sulkily into camp.He was met by the Comte de Jarnac, who had seen his brilliant shot, and finding him wounded into the bargain, gave him a handful of broad pieces.

"Hast got the better of thy grief, arbalestrier, methinks.""My grief, yes; but not my love.As soon as ever I have put down this rebellion, I go to Holland, and there I shall meet with him."This event was nearer than Denys thought.He was relieved from service next day, and though his wound was no trifle, set out with a stout heart to rejoin his friend in Holland.

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