

Martin Wittenhaagen went straight to Rotterdam, to take the bull by the horns.The bull was a biped, with a crown for horns.It was Philip the Good, duke of this, earl of that, lord of the other.

Arrived at Rotterdam, Martin found the court was at Ghent.To Ghent he went, and sought an audience, but was put off and baffled by lackeys and pages.So he threw himself in his sovereign's way out hunting, and contrary to all court precedents, commenced the conversation - by roaring lustily for mercy.

"Why, where is the peril, man?" said the duke, looking all round and laughing.

"Grace for an old soldier hunted down by burghers!"Now kings differ in character like other folk; but there is one trait they have in common; they are mightily inclined to be affable to men of very low estate.These do not vie with them in anything whatever, so jealousy cannot creep in; and they amuse them by their bluntness and novelty, and refresh the poor things with a touch of nature - a rarity in courts.So Philip the Good reined in his horse and gave Martin almost a tete-a-tete, and Martin reminded him of a certain battlefield where he had received an arrow intended for his sovereign.The duke remembered the incident perfectly, and was graciously pleased to take a cheerful view of it.He could afford to, not having been the one hit.Then Martin told his majesty of Gerard's first capture in the church, his imprisonment in the tower, and the manoeuvre by which they got him out, and all the details of the hunt; and whether he told it better than I have, or the duke had not heard so many good stories as you have, certain it is that sovereign got so wrapt up in it, that, when a number of courtiers came galloping up and interrupted Martin, he swore like a costermonger, and threatened, only half in jest, to cut off the next head that should come between him and a good story; and when Martin had done, he cried out -"St.Luke! what sport goeth on in this mine earldom, ay! in my own woods, and I see it not.You base fellows have all the luck." And he was indignant at the partiality of Fortune."Lo you now! this was a man-hunt," said he."I never had the luck to be at a man-hunt.""My luck was none so great," replied Martin bluntly: "I was on the wrong side of the dogs' noses.""Ah! so you were; I forgot that" And royalty was more reconciled to its lot."What would you then?""A free pardon, your highness, for myself and Gerard.""For what?"

"For prison-breaking."

"Go to; the bird will fly from the cage.'Tis instinct.Besides, coop a young man up for loving a young woman? These burgomasters must be void of common sense.What else?""For striking down the burgomaster."

"Oh, the hunted boar will turn to bay.'Tis his right; and I hold him less than man that grudges it him.What else?""For killing of the bloodhounds."

The duke's countenance fell.

"'Twas their life or mine," said Martin eagerly.

"Ay! but I can't have, my bloodhounds, my beautiful bloodhounds, sacrificed to-"No, no, no! They were not your dogs."

"Whose dogs, then?"

"The ranger's."

"Oh.Well, I am very sorry for him, but as I was saying I can't have my old soldiers sacrificed to his bloodhounds.Thou shalt have thy free pardon.""And poor Gerard."

"And poor Gerard too, for thy sake.And more, tell thou this burgomaster his doings mislike me: this is to set up for a king, not a burgomaster.I'll have no kings in Holland but one.Bid him be more humble; or by St.Jude I'll hang him before his own door, as I hanged the burgomaster of what's the name, some town or other in Flanders it was; no, 'twas' somewhere in Brabant - no matter -I hanged him, I remember that much - for oppressing poor folk."The duke then beckoned his chancellor, a pursy old fellow that rode like a sack, and bade him write out a free pardon for Martin and one Gerard.

This precious document was drawn up in form, and signed next day, and Martin hastened home with it.

Margaret had left her bed some days, and was sitting pale and pensive by the fireside, when he burst in, waving the parchment, and crying, "A free pardon, girl, for Gerard as well as me! Send for him back when you will; all the burgomasters on earth daren't lay a finger on him."She flushed all over with joy and her hands trembled with eagerness as she took the parchment and devoured it with her eyes, and kissed it again and again, and flung her arms round Martin's neck, and kissed him.When she was calmer, she told him Heaven had raised her up a friend in the dame Van Eyck."And I would fain consult her on this good news; but I have not strength to walk so far.""What need to walk? There is my mule."

"Your mule, Martin?"

The old soldier or professional pillager laughed, and confessed he had got so used to her, that he forgot at times Ghysbrecht had a prior claim.To-morrow he would turn her into the burgomaster's yard, but to-night she should carry Margaret to Tergou.

It was nearly dusk; so Margaret ventured, and about seven in the evening she astonished and gladdened her new but ardent friend, by arriving at her house with unwonted roses on her cheeks, and Gerard's pardon in her bosom.

  • Bird Neighbors

    Bird Neighbors

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