

"Oh, mother! whom should I mean? Why, Gerard's Margaret.""Gerard's Margaret," screamed Catherine; "how dare you say such a word to me? And I rede you never mention that hussy's name in this house, that she has laid bare.She is the ruin of my poor boy, the flower of all my flock.She is the cause that he is not a holy priest in the midst of us, but is roaming the world, and I a desolate broken-hearted mother.There, do not cry, my girl, I do ill to speak harsh to you.But oh, Kate! you know not what passes in a mother's heart.I bear up before you all; it behoves me swallow my fears; but at night I see him in my dreams, and still some trouble or other near him: sometimes he is torn by wild beasts; other times he is in the hands of robbers, and their cruel knives uplifted to strike his poor pale face, that one should think would move a stone.Oh! when I remember that, while I sit here in comfort, perhaps my poor boy lies dead in some savage place, and all along of that girl: there, her very name is ratsbane to me.I tremble all over when I hear it.""I'll not say anything, nor do anything to grieve you worse, mother," said Kate tenderly; but she sighed.

She whose name was so fiercely interdicted in this house was much spoken of, and even pitied elsewhere.All Sevenbergen was sorry for her, and the young men and maidens cast many a pitying glance, as they passed, at the little window where the beauty of the village lay "dying for love." In this familiar phrase they underrated her spirit and unselfishness.Gerard was not dead, and she was too loyal herself to doubt his constancy.Her father was dear to her and helpless; and but for bodily weakness, all her love for Gerard would not have kept her from doing her duties, though she might have gone about them with drooping head and heavy heart.But physical and mental excitement had brought on an attack of fever so violent, that nothing but youth and constitution saved her.The malady left her at last, but in that terrible state of bodily weakness in which the patient feels life a burden.

Then it is that love and friendship by the bedside are mortal angels with comfort in their voice, and healing in their palms.

But this poor girl had to come back to life and vigour how she could.Many days she lay alone, and the heavy hours rolled like leaden waves over her.In her enfeebled state existence seemed a burden, and life a thing gone by.She could not try her best to get well.Gerard was gone.She had not him to get well for.Often she lay for hours quite still, with the tears welling gently out of her eyes.

One day, waking from an uneasy slumber, she found two women in her room, One was a servant, the other by the deep fur on her collar and sleeves was a person of consideration: a narrow band of silvery hair, being spared by her coiffure, showed her to be past the age when women of sense concealed their years.The looks of both were kind and friendly.Margaret tried to raise herself in the bed, but the old lady placed a hand very gently on her.

"Lie still, sweetheart; we come not here to put you about, but to comfort you, God willing.Now cheer up a bit, and tell us, first, who think you we are?""Nay, madam, I know you, though I never saw you before: you are the demoiselle Van Eyck, and this is Reicht Heynes.Gerard has oft spoken of you, and of your goodness to him.Madam, he has no friend like you near him now," and at this thought she lay back, and the tears welled out of her eyes in a moment.

The good-natured Reicht Heynes began to cry for company; but her mistress scolded her."Well, you are a pretty one for a sick-room," said she; and she put out a world of innocent art to cheer the patient; and not without some little success.An old woman, that has seen life and all its troubles, is a sovereign blessing by a sorrowful young woman's side.She knows what to say, and what to avoid.She knows how to soothe her and interest her.

Ere she had been there an hour, she had Margaret's head lying on her shoulder instead of on the pillow, and Margaret's soft eyes dwelling on her with gentle gratitude.

"Ah! this is hair," said the old lady, running her fingers through it."Come and look at it, Reicht!"Reicht came and handled it, and praised it unaffectedly.The poor girl that owned it was not quite out of the reach of flattery;owing doubtless to not being dead.

"In sooth, madam, I did use to think it hideous; but he praised it, and ever since then I have been almost vain of it, saints forgive me.You know how foolish those are that love.""They are greater fools that don't," said the old lady, sharply.

Margaret opened her lovely eyes, and looked at her for her meaning.

This was only the first of many visits.In fact either Margaret Van Eyck or Reicht came nearly every day until their patient was convalescent; and she improved rapidly under their hands.Reicht attributed this principally to certain nourishing dishes she prepared in Peter's kitchen; but Margaret herself thought more of the kind words and eyes that kept telling her she had friends to live for.

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