
第18章 悲惨之语(1)

The Deplorable Word

The children were facing one another across the pillar where the bell hung, still trembling, though it no longer gave out any note. Suddenly they heard a soft noise from the end of the room which was still undamaged. They turned as quick as lightning to see what it was. One of the robed figures, the furthest.off one of all, the woman whom Digory thought so beautiful, was rising from its chair. When she stood up they realized that she was even taller than they had thought. And you could see at once, not only from her crown and robes, but from the flash of her eyes and the curve of her lips, that she was a great queen. She looked round the room and saw the damage and saw the children, but you could not guess from her face what she thought of either or whether she was surprised. She came forward with long, swift strides.

“Who has awaked me? Who has broken the spell?” she asked. “I think it must have been me,” said Digory.

“You!” said the Queen, laying her hand on his shoulder.a white, beautiful hand, but Digory could feel that it was strong as steel pincers. “You? But you are only a child, a common child. Anyone can see at a glance that you have no drop of royal or noble blood in your veins. How did such as you dare to enter this house?”

“We‘ve come from another world; by Magic,” said Polly, who thought it was high time the Queen took some notice of her as well as of Digory.

“Is this true?” said the Queen, still looking at Digory and not giving Polly even a glance.

“Yes, it is,” said he.

The Queen put her other hand under his chin and forced it up so that she could see his face better. Digory tried to stare back but he soon had to let his eyes drop. There was something about hers that overpowered him. After she had studied him for well over a minute, she let go of his chin and said:

“You are no magician. The mark of it is not on you. You must be only the servant of a magician. It is on another’s Magic that you have travelled here.”

“It was my Uncle Andrew,” said Digory.

At that moment, not in the room itself but from somewhere very close, there came, first a rumbling, then a creaking, and then a roar of falling masonry, and the floor shook.

“There is great peril here,” said the Queen. “The whole palace is breaking up. If we are not out of it in a few minutes we shall be buried under the ruin.” She spoke as calmly as if she had been merely mentioning the time of day. “Come,” she added, and held out a hand to each of the children. Polly, who was disliking the Queen and feeling rather sulky, would not have let her hand be taken if she could have helped it. But though the Queen spoke so calmly, her movements were as quick as thought. Before Polly knew what was happening her left hand had been caught in a hand so much larger and stronger than her own that she could do nothing about it.

“This is a terrible woman,” thought Polly. “She‘s strong enough to break my arm with one twist. And now that she’s got my left hand I can‘t get at my yellow ring. If I tried to stretch across and get my right hand into my left pocket I mightn’t be able to reach it before she asked me what I was doing. Whatever happens we mustn‘t let her know about the rings. I do hope Digory has the sense to keep his mouth shut. I wish I could get a word with him alone.”

The Queen led them out of the Hall of Images into a long corridor and then through a whole maze of halls and stairs and courtyards. Again and again they heard parts of the great palace collapsing, sometimes quite close to them. Once a huge arch came thundering down only a moment after they had passed through it. The Queen was walking quickly.the children had to trot to keep up with her.but she showed no sign of fear. Digory thought, “She’s wonderfully brave.

And strong. She‘s what I call a Queen! I do hope she’s going to tell us the story of this place.”

She did tell them certain things as they went along:

“That is the door to the dungeons,” she would say, or “That passage leads to the principal torture chambers,” or “This was the old banqueting hall where my great.grandfather bade seven hundred nobles to a feast and killed them all before they had drunk their fill. They had had rebellious thoughts.”

They came at last into a hall larger and loftier than any they had yet seen. From its size and from the great doors at the far end, Digory thought that now at last they must be coming to the main entrance. In this he was quite right. The doors were dead black, either ebony or some black metal which is not found in our world. They were fastened with great bars, most of them too high to reach and all too heavy to lift. He wondered how they would get out.

The Queen let go of his hand and raised her arm. She drew herself up to her full height and stood rigid. Then she said something which they couldn‘t understand (but it sounded horrid) and made an action as if she were throwing something towards the doors. And those high and heavy doors trembled for a second as if they were made of silk and then crumbled away till there was nothing left of them but a heap of dust on the threshold.

“Whew!” whistled Digory.

“Has your master magician, your uncle, power like mine?” asked the Queen, firmly seizing Digory’s hand again. “But I shall know later. In the meantime, remember what you have seen. This is what happens to things, and to people, who stand in my way.”

Much more light than they had yet seen in that country was pouring in through the now empty doorway, and when the Queen led them out through it they were not surprised to find themselves in the open air. The wind that blew in their faces was cold, yet somehow stale. They were looking from a high terrace and there was a great landscape out below them.

Low down and near the horizon hung a great, red sun, far bigger than our sun. Digory felt at once that it was also older than ours: a sun near the end of its life, weary of looking down upon that world. To the left of the sun, and higher up, there was a single star, big and bright. Those were the only two things to be seen in the dark sky; they made a dismal group. And on the earth, in every direction, as far as the eye could reach, there spread a vast city in which there was no living thing to be seen. And all the temples, towers, palaces, pyramids and bridges cast long, disastrous.looking shadows in the light of that withered sun.

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    作品介绍:?N城?风云变幻?四大世家岌岌可危?真相?难辨是非?亏欠与原谅谁能言明?.....?—————他们的故事———————?女主:我从不是什么宽容善良的人,我会选择坚定,从不是因为我伟大;?我自诩我这黑暗枯竭的一生,却遇到了这辈子都没能想到会遇见的救赎。相遇与被相遇,因为你,不曾有过期许和自由的悲哀的人生,第一次那样强烈的想要改变。哪怕我明明知道,这样的我,不该,也不配。可我,不配,但还是想爱你。?———————————————— 男主:我爱你,连我自己都觉得不可思议,明明你该是我最讨厌的人。?我不懂这风云变幻的一切,我不懂你眼里暗藏的汹涌,我浅薄,我天真,可我不蠢,比起这个肮脏而迷乱的世界,这很珍贵,不是吗??你问我凭什么?你还要问我凭什么?凭着我喜欢你,你就可以视而不见,凭我爱你,这够了吗?连我自己都不明白,原来有一天我会这么爱你。
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