

Irksome as all this necessarily was to a man of taste, I suffered even more when we reached our destination. As we drove through the village the girl Jenny uttered shrieks of delight at the sight of flowers growing up the cottage walls, and declared they were "just like a music-'all without the drink license." As my horses required a rest, I was forced to abandon my intention of dropping these persons at their lodgings and returning to town at once, and I could not go to the inn lest I should meet inquisitive acquaintances. Disagreeable circumstances, therefore, compelled me to take tea with a waiter's family--close to a window too, through which I could see the girl Jenny talking excitedly to the villagers, and telling them, I felt certain, that I had been good to William. I had a desire to go out and put myself right with those people.

William's long connection with the club should have given him some manners, but apparently his class cannot take them on, for, though he knew I regarded his thanks as an insult, he looked them when he was not speaking them, and hardly had he sat down, by my orders, than he remembered that I was a member of the club, and jumped up. Nothing is in worse form than whispering, yet again and again, when he thought I was not listening, he whispered to Mrs. Hicking, "You don't feel faint?" or "How are you now?" He was also in extravagant glee because she ate two cakes (it takes so little to put these people in good spirits), and when she said she felt like another being already the fellow's face charged me with the change. I could not but conclude, from the way Mrs. Hicking let the baby pound her, that she was stronger than she had pretended.

I remained longer than was necessary, because I had something to say to William which I knew he would misunderstand, and so I put off saying it. But when he announced that it was time for him to return to London,--at which his wife suddenly paled, so that he had to sign to her not to break down,--I delivered the message.

"William," I said, "the head waiter asked me to say that you could take a fortnight's holiday just now. Your wages will be paid as usual."

Confound them! William had me by the hand, and his wife was in tears before I could reach the door.

"Is it your doing again, sir?" William cried.

"William!" I said, fiercely.

"We owe everything to you," he insisted. "The port wine--"

"Because I had no room for it in my cellar."

"The money for the nurse in London--"

"Because I objected to being waited on by a man who got no sleep."

"These lodgings--"

"Because I wanted to do something for my old nurse."

"And now, sir, a fortnight's holiday!"

"Good-bye, William!" I said, in a fury.

But before I could get away Mrs. Hicking signed to William to leave the room, and then she kissed my hand. She said something to me. It was about my wife. Somehow I-- What business had William to tell her about my wife?

They are all back in Drury Lane now, and William tells me that his wife sings at her work just as she did eight years ago. I have no interest in this, and try to check his talk of it; but such people have no sense of propriety, and he even speaks of the girl Jenny, who sent me lately a gaudy pair of worsted gloves worked by her own hand.

The meanest advantage they took of my weakness, however, was in calling their baby after me. I have an uncomfortable suspicion, too, that William has given the other waiters his version of the affair; but I feel safe so long as it does not reach the committee.

  • 二老堂杂志


  • 牟梨曼陀罗咒经


  • 唐诗纪事


  • 王郭两先生崇论


  • 玄中记


  • 漠殇系列之冷情殿下的黑天使


  • 天行


  • 重生娱乐圈:天后归来


  • 洪荒天子轩辕绝第一卷


  • 我是你妖后大大


  • 天行


  • 倾城山下指南


    穿书后她变成了炮灰女,开篇就要被杀。 在系统的带领下她一步步成长,过五关斩六将,攻略男三。 集美丽与智慧于一身,算了,做人不能太倒贴,系统不让你主动追人家你就不要太露骨了。 act1:顾珏站在她身后,看着少女行动猥琐的前行,“噗”地一声笑了出来。柳卿卿回头:“你笑什么?”顾珏眼底的笑意收的及时,一脸淡然的看着柳卿卿:“你听错了。”柳卿卿被藏住的脸颊微微一红,转头,爬窗户。听错了?难道我刚刚不小心放了个屁? act2: 他对柳卿卿浅浅道:“桃花烂漫,玫瑰明媚,茉莉天真,栀子清丽,却都不及你。” 柳卿卿双耳被捂住,加之他的声音又小,忍不住问了一句:“你说什么?” 又一片烟花张开绚烂夺目的光芒,照亮他清寒的面容,她恍惚间见到一抹浅笑,和缓如林下风,韶朗如天上月。
  • 快穿之换生


  • 时空黑洞:异能总裁的罂粟花


  • 时空商店之商界大佬


    王宝意外得到一间可以沟通各个世界的时空商店,从此他的人生变得不同!倒卖东西成为土豪?学会功法成为高手?这些只是基本操作!我就想知道十级的时空商店倒底是什么样子的!(? ̄▽ ̄)?新人新书,求投资,求收藏!