
第38章 Unit Nine(4)

Bertrand Arthur William Russell (1872 1970) , born in Wales, was a British philosopher, mathematician and social reformer who combined scholarship with literary skill and had a rare talent for popularization both in writing and as a broadcaster .On politics and education he held unorthodox options.Well known for his social views, he was an active pacifist during World War Ⅰ.In 1927 he and his wife founded the highly experimental Beacon Hill School.His liberal views on marriage, sex, adultery and homosexuality made him controversial during most of the 1930s.He abandoned pacifism during World War Ⅱ in the face of the Nazi threat but reverted to it after the war, becoming a leader in the “ Ban the Bomb” movement to halt the manufacture of nuclear weapons, and in the European opposition to U .S .

involvement in the Vietnam War in the 1960s .

Russell had one of the most widely varied and persistently influential intellects of the 20th century.During most of his active life, a span of three generations, Russell had at any time more than 40 books in print ranging over philosophy, mathematics, science, ethics, sociology, education, history,religion, politics and polemics, many of them widely read.The extend of his influence resulted partly from his amazing efficiency in applying his intellect (he normally wrote at the rate of 3 000 largely unaltered words a day) , his memory, and his aristocratic independence, and partly from his deep humanitarian feeling that was the main spring of his actions.Among his well-known works are Principles of Mathematics ( 1930 ) , Marriage and Morals (1929) , A History of Western Philosophy (1945).In 1950 he was awarded the Nobel Prize in literature .

“How to Grow Old”is taken from Russell s book Portraits from Memory,supposedly an autobiographical writing that was published in 1956.It belongs to the genre of“informal or familiar essay” , written in an easy, intimate and conversational tone.Characterized by wit and humor , the essay contains a crystallization of Russell s mature philosophy of life, full of wisdom and sensible advice to the reader in a kindly and benevolent spirit .

Honours awarded to Bertrand Russell:

Nobel Prize Awarded in 1950.

Fellow of the Royal Society Elected in 1908.

Royal Society Sylvester Medal Awarded in 1934.

LMS De Morgan Medal Awarded in 1932.

Ⅱ.Words and Expressions

ancestors n.Your ancestors are the people from whom you are descended.祖先。

descendants n.Someone s descendants are the people in later generations who are related to them.后代。

maternal n.A maternal relative is one who is related through a person s mother rather than their father.母亲这一方的。

miscarriage n .If a pregnant woman has a miscarriage, her baby dies and she gives birth to it before it is properly formed .


wholesome a.good for the body or likely to produce good health undue a.excessiv.

melancholy n.an intense feeling of sadness which lasts for a long time and which strongly affects your behavior and attitudes 忧郁。

contemplative a.Someone who is contemplative thinks deeply, or is thinking in a serious and calm way.沉思的。

philanthropic a.A philanthropic person or organization freely gives money or other help to people who need it.乐于助人的。

cling to If you cling to someone or something, you hold onto them tightly.依恋。

callous a.A callous person or action is very cruel and shows no concern for other people or their feelings.缺 乏同情心的。

oppressive a.An oppressive situation makes you feel depressed and uncomfortable.压抑的。

render v.If you render someone help or service, you help them .


abject a.You use abject to emphasize that a situation or quality is extremely bad.卑微的。

ignoble a.dishonorable 不光彩的。

ego n.自我。

recede v.to move back; move away.

Ⅲ.Notes to the Text

1.The author begins his article in an unexpected way, which greatly arouses the reader s interest .

2.Humor is employed here.There are many other humorous expressions in this passage which you may find as you read on .

3.Here is another humorous expression (note the word“terror” ) .

4.One should not stick too much to your“glorious past”nor miss your dead friends.It is good for one to live in the present rather than in the past .

5.The second half of the sentence means“one s mind used to be keener” , but the author leaves out“used to be”to avoid repetition .

6.A paradox that adds more color to the article .

7.A metaphor is used here .

8.Compared with animals, human beings overprotect their children .

9.Old people should widen their interest and do something for the benefit of the whole society rather than restrict themselves to their own small families .

10.The author means that failure is educational, so it is useless for the old people to try their best to prevent their children from making mistakes .

11.It is natural for young people to fear death because they do not know much about life .

12.It is not reasonable for the old to fear death because they have already experienced ups and downs in life .

13.The author uses metaphor to indicate our life is like a river which , though narrow at first, becomes wider and wider as we grow old.This is the best part of the passage that fully demonstrates the author s philosophical wisdom .

14.The author uses a double negative here for emphasis and that brings out the conclusion of the article .

Ⅳ.Text-Related Practice

A.Questions for discussion:

1.The author lived a long life (of 98 years).Is this influenced by his heredity ?

2.Why does the author say “Young men who have reason to fear that they will be killed in battle may justifiably feel bitter in the thought that they have been cheated of the best things that life has to offer”?

3.Make a list of things which the author recommends as important for a happy, successful old age.In China some old people are rich, others poor;some are highly educated, others illiterate or almost illiterate; some are hale and hearty, others bed-ridden; some are childless, others with big families.Are the author s recommendations applicable to all types of old people in China ?

B.Find out figures of speech ( such as metaphor , analogy, parallelism ,repetition , hyperbole , and euphemism) used in this essay .

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