

"Well, that is a tolerably round number.""In former times, my lord, there were, during certain years, as many as two hundred.""Still a minimum of sixty is not to be grumbled at.""Perhaps not; for, to anybody but myself, each prisoner would bring in two hundred and fifty pistoles; for instance, for a prince of the blood I have fifty francs a day.""Only you have no prince of the blood; at least, I suppose so," said Aramis, with a slight tremor in his voice.

"No, thank Heaven! -- I mean, no, unfortunately.""What do you mean by unfortunately?"

"Because my appointment would be improved by it.So, fifty francs per day for a prince of the blood, thirty-six for a marechal of France ---- ""But you have as many marechals of France, I suppose, as you have princes of the blood?""Alas! no more.It is true lieutenant-generals and brigadiers pay twenty-six francs, and I have two of them.

After that, come councilors of parliament, who bring me fifteen francs, and I have six of them.""I did not know," said Aramis, "that councilors were so productive.""Yes, but from fifteen francs I sink at once to ten francs;namely, for an ordinary judge, and for an ecclesiastic.""And you have seven, you say; an excellent affair.""Nay, a bad one, and for this reason.How can I possibly treat these poor fellows, who are of some good, at all events, otherwise than as a councilor of parliament?""Yes, you are right; I do not see five francs difference between them.""You understand; if I have a fine fish, I pay four or five francs for it; if I get a fine fowl, it costs me a franc and a half.I fatten a good deal of poultry, but I have to buy grain, and you cannot imagine the army of rats that infest this place.""Why not get half a dozen cats to deal with them?""Cats, indeed; yes, they eat them, but I was obliged to give up the idea because of the way in which they treated my grain.I have been obliged to have some terrier dogs sent me from England to kill the rats.These dogs, unfortunately, have tremendous appetites; they eat as much as a prisoner of the fifth order, without taking into account the rabbits and fowls they kill."Was Aramis really listening or not? No one could have told;his downcast eyes showed the attentive man; but the restless hand betrayed the man absorbed in thought -- Aramis was meditating.

"I was saying," continued Baisemeaux, "that a good-sized fowl costs me a franc and a half, and that a fine fish costs me four or five francs.Three meals are served at the Bastile, and, as the prisoners, having nothing to do, are always eating, a ten-franc man costs me seven francs and a half.""But did you not say that you treated those at ten francs like those at fifteen?""Yes, certainly."

"Very well! Then you gain seven francs and a half upon those who pay you fifteen francs.""I must compensate myself somehow," said Baisemeaux, who saw how he had been snapped up.

"You are quite right, my dear governor; but have you no prisoners below ten francs?""Oh, yes! we have citizens and barristers at five francs.

"And do they eat, too?"

"Not a doubt about it; only you understand that they do not get fish or poultry, nor rich wines at every meal; but at all events thrice a week they have a good dish at their dinner.""Really, you are quite a philanthropist, my dear governor, and you will ruin yourself.""No, understand me; when the fifteen-franc has not eaten his fowl, or the ten-franc has left his dish unfinished, I send it to the five-franc prisoner; it is a feast for the poor devil, and one must be charitable, you know.""And what do you make out of your five-franc prisoners?""A franc and a half."

  • 再见以后


  • 只因太过深爱


  • 红尘宿命


  • 大乘百法明门论开宗义记


  • 首席妻子来袭:总裁接招


  • 陆总别太傲


  • 都市修仙的仙者


  • 六字神咒经


  • 至尊公主的王子


  • 天行

