

"My dear duke," said he, with the most affectionate politeness; "is it really true what I have just been told?"Buckingham turned round, he had not noticed Monsieur approach; but had merely heard his voice.He started in spite of his command over himself, and a slight pallor overspread his face."Monseigneur," he asked, "what has been told you that surprises you so much?""That which throws me into despair, and will, in truth, be a real cause of mourning for the whole court.""Your highness is very kind, for I perceive that you allude to my departure.""Precisely."

Guiche had overheard the conversation from where he was standing, and started in his turn."His departure," he murmured."What does he say?"Philip continued with the same gracious air, "I can easily conceive, monsieur, why the king of Great Britain recalls you; we all know that King Charles II.; who appreciates true gentlemen, cannot dispense with you.But it cannot be supposed we can let you go without great regret; and I beg you to receive the expression of my own.""Believe me, monseigneur," said the duke, "that if I quit the court of France ---- ""Because you are recalled; but, if you suppose the expression of my own wish on the subject might possibly have any influence with the king, I will gladly volunteer to entreat his majesty Charles II.to leave you with us a little while longer.""I am overwhelmed, monseigneur, by so much kindness,"replied Buckingham, "but I have received positive commands.

My residence in France was limited; I have prolonged it at the risk of displeasing my gracious sovereign.It is only this very day that I recollected I ought to have set off four days ago.""Indeed," said Monsieur.

"Yes, but," added Buckingham, raising his voice in such a manner that the princess could hear him, -- "but I resemble that dweller in the East, who turned mad, and remained so for several days, owing to a delightful dream that he had had, but who one day awoke, if not completely cured, in some respects rational at least.The court of France has its intoxicating properties, which are not unlike this dream, my lord; but at last I wake and leave it.I shall be unable, therefore, to prolong my residence, as your highness has so kindly invited me to do.""When do you leave?" inquired Philip, with an expression full of interest.

"To-morrow, monseigneur.My carriages have been ready for three days."The Duc d'Orleans made a movement of the head, which seemed to signify, "Since you are determined, duke, there is nothing to be said." Buckingham returned the gesture, concealing under a smile a contraction of his heart; and then Monsieur moved away in the same direction by which he had approached.At the same moment, however, De Guiche advanced from the opposite direction.Raoul feared that the impatient young man might possibly make the proposition himself, and hurried forward before him.

"No, no, Raoul, all is useless now," said Guiche, holding both his hands toward the duke, and leading him behind a column."Forgive me, duke, for what I wrote to you, I was mad; give me back my letter.""It is true," said the duke, "you cannot owe me a grudge any longer now.""Forgive me, duke; my friendship, my lasting friendship is yours.""There is certainly no reason why you should bear me any ill-will from the moment I leave her never to see her again."Raoul heard these words, and comprehending that his presence was now useless between the two young men, who had now only friendly words to exchange, withdrew a few paces; a movement which brought him closer to De Wardes, who was conversing with the Chevalier de Lorraine respecting the departure of Buckingham."A strategic retreat," said De Wardes.

"Why so?"

"Because the dear duke saves a sword-thrust by it." At which reply both laughed.

Raoul, indignant, turned round frowningly, flushed with anger and his lip curling with disdain.The Chevalier de Lorraine turned on his heel, but De Wardes remained and waited.

"You will not break yourself of the habit," said Raoul to De Wardes, "of insulting the absent; yesterday it was M.

d'Artagnan, to-day it is the Duke of Buckingham.""You know very well, monsieur," returned De Wardes, "that Isometimes insult those who are present."

De Wardes was close to Raoul, their shoulders met, their faces approached, as if to mutually inflame each other by the fire of their looks and of their anger.It could be seen that the one was at the height of fury, the other at the end of his patience.Suddenly a voice was heard behind them full of grace and courtesy saying, "I believe I heard my name pronounced."They turned round and saw D'Artagnan, who, with a smiling eye and a cheerful face, had just placed his hand on De Wardes's shoulder.Raoul stepped back to make room for the musketeer.De Wardes trembled from head to foot, turned pale, but did not move.D'Artagnan, still with the same smile, took the place which Raoul abandoned to him.

"Thank you, my dear Raoul," he said."M.de Wardes, I wish to talk with you.Do not leave us Raoul; every one can hear what I have to say to M.de Wardes." His smile immediately faded away, and his glance became cold and sharp as a sword.

"I am at your orders, monsieur," said De Wardes.

"For a very long time," resumed D'Artagnan, "I have sought an opportunity of conversing with you; to-day is the first time I have found it.The place is badly chosen, I admit, but you will perhaps have the goodness to accompany me to my apartments, which are on the staircase at the end of this gallery.""I follow you, monsieur," said De Wardes.

"Are you alone here?" said D'Artagnan.

"No; I have M.Manicamp and M.de Guiche, two of my friends.""That's well," said D'Artagnan; "but two persons are not sufficient; you will be able to find a few others, I trust.""Certainly," said the young man, who did not know what object D'Artagnan had in view."As many as you please.""Are they friends?"

"Yes, monsieur."

"Real friends?"

"No doubt of it."

"Very well, get a good supply, then.Do you come, too, Raoul; bring M.de Guiche and the Duke of Buckingham.""What a disturbance," replied De Wardes, attempting to smile.The captain slightly signed to him with his hand, as though to recommend him to be patient, and then led the way to his apartments.

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