

"Madness it would be, I admit, if Madame were really indifferent to your martyrdom; but she takes so much notice of it, observes it to such an extent, that she compromises herself, and I tremble lest, on our arrival at Paris, M.de Bragelonne may not denounce both of you.""For shame, De Wardes, again attacking De Bragelonne.""Come, come, a truce to child's play," replied the count's evil genius, in an undertone; "you know as well as I do what I mean.Besides, you must have observed how the princess's glance softens as she looks at you; -- you can tell, by the very inflection of her voice, what pleasure she takes in listening to you, and can feel how thoroughly she appreciates the verses you recite to her.You cannot deny, too, that every morning she tells you how indifferently she slept the previous night.""True, De Wardes, quite true; but what good is there in your telling me all that?""Is it not important to know the exact position of affairs?""No, no; not when I am a witness of things that are enough to drive one mad.""Stay, stay," said De Wardes; "look, she calls you, -- do you understand? Profit by the occasion, while your pedagogue is absent."De Guiche could not resist; an invincible attraction drew him towards the princess.De Wardes smiled as he saw him withdraw.

"You are mistaken, monsieur," said Raoul, suddenly stepping across the barrier against which the previous moment the two friends had been leaning."The pedagogue is here, and has overheard you."De Wardes, at the sound of Raoul's voice, which he recognized without having occasion to look at him, half drew his sword.

"Put up your sword," said Raoul, "you know perfectly well that, until our journey is at an end, every demonstration of that nature is useless.Why do you distill into the heart of the man you term your friend all the bitterness that infects your own? As regards myself, you wish to arouse a feeling of deep dislike against a man of honor -- my father's friend and my own: and as for the count you wish him to love one who is destined for your master.Really, monsieur, I should regard you as a coward, and a traitor too, if I did not, with greater justice, regard you as a madman.""Monsieur," exclaimed De Wardes, exasperated, "I was deceived, I find, in terming you a pedagogue.The tone you assume, and the style which is peculiarly your own, is that of a Jesuit, and not of a gentleman.Discontinue, I beg, whenever I am present, this style I complain of, and the tone also.I hate M.d'Artagnan because he was guilty of a cowardly act towards my father.""You lie, monsieur," said Raoul, coolly.

"You give me the lie, monsieur?" exclaimed De Wardes.

"Why not, if what you assert is untrue?"

"You give me the lie and will not draw your sword?""I have resolved, monsieur, not to kill you until Madame shall have been delivered safely into her husband's hands.""Kill me! Believe me, monsieur, your schoolmaster's rod does not kill so easily.""No," replied Raoul, sternly, "but M.d'Artagnan's sword kills; and, not only do I possess his sword, but he has himself taught me how to use it: and with that sword, when a befitting time arrives, I will avenge his name ---a name you have dishonored.""Take care, monsieur," exclaimed De Wardes; "if you do not immediately give me satisfaction, I will avail myself of every means to revenge myself.""Indeed, monsieur," said Buckingham, suddenly, appearing upon the scene of action, "that is a threat which savors of assassination, and therefore, ill becomes a gentleman.""What did you say, my lord?" said De Wardes, turning round towards him.

"I said, monsieur, that the words you spoken are displeasing to my English ears.""Very well, monsieur, if what you say is true," exclaimed De Wardes, thoroughly incensed, "I at least find in you one who will not escape me.Understand my words as you like.""I take them in the manner they cannot but be understood,"replied Buckingham, with that haughty tone which characterized him.and which, even in ordinary conversation, gave a tone of defiance to everything he said; "M.de Bragelonne is my friend, you insult M.de Bragelonne, and you shall give me satisfaction for that insult."De Wardes cast a look upon De Bragelonne, who, faithful to the character he had assumed, remained calm and unmoved, even after the duke's defiance.

"It would seem that I did not insult M.de Bragelonne, since M.de Bragelonne, who carries a sword by his side, does not consider himself insulted.""At all events you insult some one."

"Yes, I insulted M.d'Artagnan," resumed De Wardes, who had observed that this was the only means of stinging Raoul, so as to awaken his anger.

"That then," said Buckingham, "is another matter.""Precisely so," said De Wardes, "it is the province of M.

d'Artagnan's friends to defend him."

"I am entirely of your opinion," replied the duke, who had regained all his indifference of manner; "if M.de Bragelonne were offended, I could not reasonably be expected to espouse his quarrel, since he is himself here; but when you say that it is a quarrel of M.d'Artagnan ---- ""You will of course leave me to deal with the matter," said De Wardes.

"Nay, on the contrary, for I draw my sword," said Buckingham, unsheathing it as he spoke; "for if M.

d'Artagnan injured your father, he rendered, or at least did all that he could to render, a great service to mine."De Wardes was thunderstruck.

"M.d'Artagnan," continued Buckingham, "is the bravest gentleman I know.I shall be delighted, as I owe him many personal obligations, to settle them with you, by crossing my sword with yours." At the same moment Buckingham drew his sword gracefully from its scabbard, saluted Raoul, and put himself on guard.

De Wardes advanced a step to meet him.

  • 起世经


  • 洞玄子


  • Henry James

    Henry James

  • 修行道地经


  • 道德真经广圣义


  • 仰望星空


  • 读小说易于身体健康


  • 发现2048


  • 渣男复活记


  • 复空纪


  • 刀锦年


  • 混乱断层


  • 潋生华年:安择良木栖


  • 素书


  • 星罗诀

