

The Tents.

The admiral, as we have seen, was determined to pay no further attention to Buckingham's threatening glances and fits of passion.In fact, from the moment they quitted England, he had gradually accustomed himself to his behavior.De Guiche had not yet in any way remarked the animosity which appeared to influence that young nobleman against him, but he felt, instinctively, that there could be no sympathy between himself and the favorite of Charles II.

The queen-mother, with greater experience and calmer judgment, perceived the exact position of affairs, and, as she discerned its danger, was prepared to meet it, whenever the proper moment should arrive.Quiet had been everywhere restored, except in Buckingham's heart; he, in his impatience, addressed himself to the princess, in a low tone of voice: "For Heaven's sake, madame, I implore you to hasten your disembarkation.Do you not perceive how that insolent Duke of Norfolk is killing me with his attentions and devotions to you?"Henrietta heard this remark; she smiled, and without turning her head towards him, but giving only to the tone of her voice that inflection of gentle reproach, and languid impertinence, which women and princesses so well know how to assume, she murmured, "I have already hinted, my lord, that you must have taken leave of your senses."Not a single detail escaped Raoul's attention; he heard both Buckingham's entreaty and the princess's reply; he remarked Buckingham retire, heard his deep sigh, and saw him pass his hand across his face.He understood everything, and trembled as he reflected on the position of affairs, and the state of the minds of those about him.At last the admiral, with studied delay, gave the last orders for the departure of the boats.

Buckingham heard the directions given with such an exhibition of delight that a stranger would really imagine the young man's reason was affected.As the Duke of Norfolk gave his commands, a large boat or barge, decked with flags, and capable of holding about twenty rowers and fifteen passengers, was slowly lowered from the side of the admiral's vessel.The barge was carpeted with velvet and decorated with coverings embroidered with the arms of England, and with garlands of flowers; for, at that time, ornamentation was by no means forgotten in these political pageants.No sooner was this really royal boat afloat and the rowers with oars uplifted, awaiting, like soldiers presenting arms, the embarkation of the princess, than Buckingham ran forward to the ladder in order to take his place.His progress was, however, arrested by the queen."My lord," she said, "it is hardly becoming that you should allow my daughter and myself to land without having previously ascertained that our apartments are properly prepared.I beg your lordship to be good enough to precede us ashore, and to give directions that everything be in proper order on our arrival."This was a fresh disappointment for the duke, and, still more so, since it was so unexpected.He hesitated, colored violently, but could not reply.He had thought he might be able to keep near Madame during the passage to the shore, and, by this means, to enjoy to the very last moment the brief period fortune still reserved for him.The order, however, was explicit; and the admiral, who heard it given, immediately called out, "Launch the ship's gig." His directions were executed with that celerity which distinguishes every maneuver on board a man-of-war.

Buckingham, in utter hopelessness, cast a look of despair at the princess, of supplication towards the queen, and directed a glance full of anger towards the admiral.The princess pretended not to notice him, while the queen turned aside her head, and the admiral laughed outright, at the sound of which Buckingham seemed ready to spring upon him.

The queen-mother rose, and with a tone of authority said, "Pray set off, sir."The young duke hesitated, looked around him, and with a last effort, half-choked by contending emotions, said, "And you, gentlemen, M.de Guiche and M.de Bragelonne, do not you accompany me?"De Guiche bowed and said, "Both M.de Bragelonne and myself await her majesty's orders; whatever the commands she imposes on us, we shall obey them." Saying this, he looked towards the princess, who cast down her eyes.

"Your grace will remember," said the queen, "that M.de Guiche is here to represent Monsieur; it is he who will do the honors of France, as you have done those of England; his presence cannot be dispensed with; besides, we owe him this slight favor for the courage he displayed in venturing to seek us in such a terrible stress of weather."Buckingham opened his lips, as if he were about to speak, but, whether thoughts or expressions failed him, not a syllable escaped them, and turning away, as though out of his mind, he leapt from the vessel into the boat.The sailors were just in time to catch hold of him to steady themselves; for his weight and the rebound had almost upset the boat.

"His grace cannot be in his senses," said the admiral aloud to Raoul.

"I am uneasy on the Duke's account," replied Bragelonne.

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    大龄美制片青梅vs腹黑小老板竹马,ves我对自家女儿一向好,剧情不傻白,但是一定甜~男主要帅,但是贱,女主要美,但是强,互动要萌,但是更要势均力敌~青梅竹马,现实向,女主独立自主大龄女青年一枚。正经文案:何凭生28岁,女,制片人,不挑食,不混吧,口味清淡,睡眠充足,无不良嗜好,雨雪天自备雨伞,冷天戴帽子围脖,坚持不为美丽而冻人的基本政策。相较于同职业的其他人,她像是横空出世的一朵大奇葩。但是天知道,18岁之前何凭生才不是这个样子。喜欢ves文的宝宝们支持一下,加个书架,或者留个言,送个推荐都可以咯~(づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭?~
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