

"Oh! yes, I understand; I am going to Paris, and that word Paris recalls to your mind a certain cavalier ---- ""Aure!"

"A certain cavalier who formerly lived near Blois, and who now resides at Paris.""In truth, I know not what ails me, but I feel stifled.""Weep, then, weep, as you cannot give me a smile!"Louise raised her sweet face, which the tears, rolling down one after the other, illumined like diamonds.

"Come, confess," said Montalais.

"What shall I confess?"

"What makes you weep; people don't weep without cause.I am your friend; whatever you would wish me to do, I will do.

Malicorne is more powerful than you would think.Do you wish to go to Paris?""Alas!" sighed Louise.

"Do you wish to come to Paris?"

"To remain here alone, in this old castle, I who have enjoyed the delightful habit of listening to your songs, of pressing your hand, of running about the park with you.Oh!

how I shall be ennuyee! how quickly I shall die!""Do you wish to come to Paris?"

Louise breathed another sigh.

"You do not answer me."

"What would you that I should reply?"

"Yes or no; that is not very difficult I think.""Oh! you are very fortunate, Montalais!"

"That is to say you would like to be in my place."Louise was silent.

"Little obstinate thing!" said Montalais; "did ever any one keep her secrets from her friend thus? But confess that you would like to come to Paris, confess that you are dying with the wish to see Raoul again?""I cannot confess that."

"Then you are wrong."

"In what way?"

"Because ---- do you see this brevet?"

"To be sure I do."

"Well, I would have got you a similar one.""By whose means?"


"Aure, are you telling the truth? Is that possible?""Malicorne is there; and what he has done for me, he surely can do for you."Malicorne had heard his name pronounced twice; he was delighted at having an opportunity of coming to a conclusion with Madame de Saint-Remy, and he turned round: --"What is the question, mademoiselle?"

"Come hither, Malicorne," said Montalais, with an imperious gesture.Malicorne obeyed.

"A brevet like this," said Montalais.

"How so?"

"A brevet like this; that is plain enough.

"But ---- "

"I want one -- I must have one!"

"Oh! oh! you must have one!"


"It is impossible, is it not, M.Malicorne?" said Louise, with her sweet, soft voice.

"If it is for you, mademoiselle ---- "

"For me.Yes, Monsieur Malicorne, it would be for me.""And if Mademoiselle de Montalais asks it at the same time ---- ""Mademoiselle de Montalais does not ask it, she requires it.""Well! we will endeavor to obey you, mademoiselle.""And you will have her named?"

"We will try."

"No evasive answers.Louise de la Valliere shall be maid of honor to Madame Henrietta within a week.""How you talk!"

"Within a week, or else ---- "

"Well! or else?"

"You may take back your brevet, Monsieur Malicorne; I will not leave my friend.""Dear Montalais!"

"That is right.Keep your brevet, Mademoiselle de la Valliere shall be a maid of honor.""Is that true?"

"Quite true."

"I may then hope to go to Paris?"

"Depend upon it."

"Oh! Monsieur Malicorne, what joy!" cried Louise, clapping her hands, and bounding with pleasure.

"Little dissembler!" said Montalais, "try again to make me believe you are not in love with Raoul."Louise blushed like a rose in June, but instead of replying, she ran and embraced her mother."Madame," said she, "do you know that M.Malicorne is going to have me appointed maid of honor?""M.Malicorne is a prince in disguise," replied the old lady, "he is all-powerful, seemingly.""Should you also like to be maid of honor?" asked Malicorne of Madame de Saint-Remy."Whilst I am about it, I might as well get everybody appointed."And upon that he went away, leaving the poor lady quite disconcerted.

"Humph!" murmured Malicorne as he descended the stairs, --"Humph! there goes another note of a thousand livres! but Imust get through as well as I can; my friend Manicamp does nothing for nothing."

  • 菩萨处胎经


  • 立齋閒錄


  • The Path of the King

    The Path of the King

  • 续灯正统目录


  • 金丹四百字


  • 天行


  • 诗说忆着心


  • 我只能毁灭这个大陆了


    武兽大陆——在天地初开之际,便被分为五方势力,三重天地。这五方势力分别为:北方仙族,南方魔族,西方妖族,东方异族,还有——中心最弱小的人族。其中仙魔双方势力,长年以来,征战不断,导致人族——生灵涂炭,只有东西双方的人族才得以勉强生存,自立王朝。而在人族西方的一个家族里,??的出现,导致这个世界大变,那么,这个世界是变得更好呢?还是更坏呢?让我们——拭目以待............ 现在再来看我的这个简介,简直中二之魂爆发了…… 作者文笔略小白,不喜勿喷,男主绝对不圣母。
  • 寻韵前尘


  • 快穿之原来是渣男啊


  • 天行


  • 超神学院的天道


  • 天行


  • 三明市情概览


  • 喜欢你四天

