

"Monsieur," said the king, addressing Raoul, "I have asked monsieur le prince to be kind enough to give you up to me; Ihave received his reply, and you belong to me from this morning.Monsieur le prince was a good master, but I hope you will not lose by the exchange.""Yes, yes, Raoul, be satisfied; the king has some good in him," said D'Artagnan, who had fathomed the character of Louis, and who played with his self-love, within certain limits; always observing, be it understood, the proprieties and flattering, even when he appeared to be bantering.

"Sire," said Bragelonne, with a voice soft and musical, and with the natural and easy elocution he inherited from his father, "sire, it is not from to-day that I belong to your majesty.""Oh! no, I know," said the king, "you mean your enterprise of the Greve.That day, you were truly mine, monsieur.""Sire, it is not of that day I would speak; it would not become me to refer to so paltry a service in the presence of such a man as M.d'Artagnan.I would speak of a circumstance which created an epoch in my life, and which consecrated me, from the age of sixteen, to the devoted service of your majesty.""Ah! ah!" said the king, "what was that circumstance? Tell me, monsieur.""This is it, sire.-- When I was setting out on my first campaign, that is to say, to join the army of monsieur le prince, M.le Comte de la Fere came to conduct me as far as Saint-Denis, where the remains of King Louis XIII.wait, upon the lowest steps of the funeral basilique, a successor, whom God will not send him, I hope, for many years.Then he made me swear upon the ashes of our masters, to serve royalty, represented by you -- incarnate in you, sire -- to serve it in word, in thought, and in action.I swore, and God and the dead were witnesses to my oath.During ten years, sire, I have not so often as I desired had occasion to keep it.I am a soldier of your majesty, and nothing else; and, on calling me nearer to you, I do not change my master, I only change my garrison."Raoul was silent, and bowed.Louis still listened after he had done speaking.

"Mordioux!" cried D'Artagnan, "that was well spoken! was it not, your majesty? A good race! a noble race!""Yes," murmured the agitated king, without, however, daring to manifest his emotion, for it had no other cause than contact with a nature intrinsically noble."Yes, monsieur, you say truly: -- wherever you were, you were the king's.

But in changing your garrison, believe me you will find an advancement of which you are worthy."Raoul saw that this ended what the king had to say to him.

And with the perfect tact which characterized his refined nature, he bowed and retired.

"Is there anything else, monsieur, of which you have to inform me?" said the king, when he found himself again alone with D'Artagnan.

"Yes, sire, and I kept that news for the last, for it is sad, and will clothe European royalty in mourning.""What do you tell me?"

"Sire, in passing through Blois, a word, a sad word, echoed from the palace, struck my ear.""In truth, you terrify me, M.d'Artagnan.""Sire, this word was pronounced to me by a piqueur, who wore crape on his arm.""My uncle, Gaston of Orleans, perhaps."

"Sire, he has rendered his last sigh."

"And I was not warned of it!" cried the king, whose royal susceptibility saw an insult in the absence of this intelligence.

"Oh! do not be angry, sire," said D'Artagnan; "neither the couriers of Paris, nor the couriers of the whole world, can travel with your servant; the courier from Blois will not be here these two hours, and he rides well, I assure you, seeing that I only passed him on the thither side of Orleans.""My uncle Gaston," murmured Louis, pressing his hand to his brow, and comprising in those three words all that his memory recalled of that symbol of opposing sentiments.

"Eh! yes, sire, it is thus," said D'Artagnan, philosophically replying to the royal thought, "it is thus the past flies away.""That is true, monsieur, that is true; but there remains for us, thank God! the future; and we will try to make it not too dark.""I feel confidence in your majesty on that head," said D'Artagnan, bowing, "and now ---- ""You are right, monsieur; I had forgotten the hundred leagues you have just ridden.Go, monsieur, take care of one of the best of soldiers, and when you have reposed a little, come and place yourself at my disposal.""Sire, absent or present, I am always yours."D'Artagnan bowed and retired.Then, as if he had only come from Fontainebleau, he quickly traversed the Louvre to rejoin Bragelonne.

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