

"And yet," resumed D'Artagnan, throwing his eyes over Aramis, "you don't mean to bury yourself here forever?""Pardon me.Only I do not admit the word bury.""But it seems to me, that at this distance from Paris a man is buried, or nearly so.""My friend, I am getting old," said Aramis; "the noise and bustle of a city no longer suit me.At fifty-seven we ought to seek calm and meditation.I have found them here.What is there more beautiful, and stern at the same time, than this old Armorica.I find here, dear D'Artagnan, all that is opposite to what I formerly loved, and that is what must happen at the end of life, which is opposite to the beginning.A little of my odd pleasure of former times still comes to salute me here, now and then, without diverting me from the road of salvation.I am still of this world, and yet every step that I take brings me nearer to God.""Eloquent, wise and discreet; you are an accomplished prelate, Aramis, and I offer you my congratulations.""But," said Aramis, smiling, "you did not come here only for the purpose of paying me compliments.Speak; what brings you hither! May it be that, in some fashion or other, you want me?""Thank God, no, my friend," said D'Artagnan, "it is nothing of that kind.-- I am rich and free.""Rich!" exclaimed Aramis.

"Yes, rich for me; not for you or Porthos, understand.Ihave an income of about fifteen thousand livres.

Aramis looked at him suspiciously.He could not believe --particularly on seeing his friend in such humble guise --that he had made so fine a fortune.Then D'Artagnan, seeing that the hour of explanations was come, related the history of his English adventures.During the recital he saw, ten times, the eyes of the prelate sparkle, and his slender fingers work convulsively.As to Porthos, it was not admiration he manifested for D'Artagnan; it was enthusiasm, it was delirium.When D'Artagnan had finished, "Well!" said Aramis.

"Well!" said D'Artagnan, "you see, then, I have in England friends and property, in France a treasure.If your heart tells you so, I offer them to you.That is what I came here for."However firm was his look, he could not this time support the look of Aramis.He allowed, therefore, his eye to stray upon Porthos -- like the sword which yields to too powerful a pressure, and seeks another road.

"At all events," said the bishop, "you have assumed a singular traveling costume, old friend.""Frightful! I know it is.You may understand why I would not travel as a cavalier or a noble; since I became rich, I am miserly.""And you say, then, you came to Belle-Isle?" said Aramis, without transition.

"Yes," replied D'Artagnan; "I knew I should find you and Porthos there.""Find me!" cried Aramis."Me! for the last year past I have not once crossed the sea.""Oh," said D'Artagnan, "I should never have supposed you such a housekeeper.""Ah, dear friend, I must tell you that I am no longer the Aramis of former times.Riding on horseback is unpleasant to me; the sea fatigues me.I am a poor, ailing priest, always complaining, always grumbling, and inclined to the austerities which appear to accord with old age, --preliminary parlayings with death.I linger, my dear D'Artagnan, I linger.""Well, that is all the better, my friend, for we shall probably be neighbors soon.""Bah!" said Aramis with a degree of surprise he did not even seek to dissemble."You my neighbor!""Mordioux! yes."

"How so?"

"I am about to purchase some very profitable salt-mines, which are situated between Pirial and Croisic.Imagine, my friend, a clear profit of twelve per cent.Never any deficiency, never any idle expenses; the ocean, faithful and regular, brings every twelve hours its contingency to my coffers.I am the first Parisian who has dreamt of such a speculation.Do not say anything about it, I beg of you, and in a short time we will communicate on the matter.I am to have three leagues of country for thirty thousand livres."Aramis darted a look at Porthos, as if to ask if all this were true, if some snare were not concealed beneath this outward indifference.But soon, as if ashamed of having consulted this poor auxiliary, he collected all his forces for a fresh assault and new defense."I heard that you had had some difference with the court but that you had come out of it as you know how to get through everything, D'Artagnan, with the honors of war.""I!" said the musketeer, with a burst of laughter that did not conceal his embarrassment, for, from these words, Aramis was not unlikely to be acquainted with his last relations with the king."I! Oh, tell me all about that, pray, Aramis?""Yes, it was related to me, a poor bishop, lost in the middle of the Landes, that the king had taken you as the confidant of his amours.""With whom?"

"With Mademoiselle de Mancini."

D'Artagnan breathed freely again."Ah! I don't say no to that," replied he.

"It appears that the king took you one morning over the bridge of Blois to talk with his lady-love.""That's true," said D'Artagnan."And you know that, do you?

Well, then, you must know that the same day I gave in my resignation!""What, sincerely?"

"Nothing more so."

"It was after that, then, that you went to the Comte de la Fere's?""Yes."

"Afterwards to me?"


"And then Porthos?"


"Was it in order to pay us a ****** visit?""No, I did not know you were engaged, and I wished to take you with me into England.""Yes, I understand; and then you executed alone, wonderful man as you are, what you wanted to propose to us all four.Isuspected you had something to do with that famous restoration, when I learned that you had been seen at King Charles's receptions, and that he appeared to treat you like a friend, or rather like a person to whom he was under an obligation.""But how the devil did you learn all that?" asked D'Artagnan, who began to fear that the investigation of Aramis had extended further than he wished.

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