
第26章 The Lion King (2)

And if God gifted me wealth and beauty,I should have made it as hard for you to leave me,as it is now for me to leave you.


Selected Scene 1:

In Mr. Rochester’s garden at night.

Rochester:Still awake?

Jane:I could not sleep until I knew you were safe. How is Mr. Mason?

Rochester:He will be all right. He is with the doctor.

Jane:And the danger you thought were in last night?Is that past?

Rochester:I can’t vouch for that until Mason is out of England,which will be soon,I hope.

Jane:He did not seem a man willfully to injure you.

Rochester:No. But unintentionally he might. Sit down.

Jane:And what of Grace Poor?Why do you keep her on here?

Rochester:I have no choice.

Jane:But sure you do...

Rochester:Stay with me for a while. Don’t press me for answering that. I count on you more than you know. Advise me,Jane. I’ll put a case to you of a boy,a young man,spoiled and indulged from youth to commit a capital error. I don’t say crime but error. The consequences are dreadful. The only escape is exile and sense of pleasure. And then he meets a woman. A fine woman with qualities he has never met in 20 years. He has a chance of living like a human being again. Only convention stands in the way. Can he ask her to defy it?

Jane:You talk of yourself,Mr. Rochester.


Jane:We are each responsible to God for our actions,and I don’t think we could ask God to share the burdens,least of all,Miss Ingram.

Rochester:Don’t you think if I married her,she would regenerate me with a vengeance?

Jane:Since you ask me,sir,no,I do not.

Rochester:You do not like her. You can be honest.

Jane:I don’t think she is for you.

Rochester:Presumptions. And who is for me then?Have you seen someone you can recommend?You have grown attached to Thornfield?

Jane:I’ve been happy here.

Rochester:Would it grieve you to leave it?

Jane:Leave it?

Rochester:When I am married,I shall not want to live here.

Jane:Of course Adel will go to school,I will find another post. I must go in,sir. I’m cold.


Jane:Please let me go.


Jane:Let me go.


Jane:Why do you confide in me like this?What are you and she to me?You think that because I’m poor and plain,I have no feelings?I promise you,if God had gifted me with wealth and beauty,I would make it as hard for you to leave me now as it is for me to leave you. But he did not. But my spirit can address yours,as if both have passed through the grave and stood before heaven equal.


Jane:Let me go,sir.

Rochester:I love you. I love you!

Jane:No,don’t make me foolish.

Rochester:Foolish?I need you. What’s Blanch to me?I know what I am to her. Monry to manure her father’s land with. Marry me,Jane. Say you marry me.

Jane:I want to read your face!

Rochester:You torture me with your doubts. Say yes,say yes. (He takes her into his arms and kisses her.)God forgive me. And let no men meddle with me. She is mine. Mine.

Selected Scene 2:

After Jane finds out Mr. Rochester has an insane wife.

Rochester:So come out at last. You shut yourself in your room and grieve alone. Not one word of reproach. Nothing. Is that to be my punishment?I didn’t mean to wound you like this. Do you believe that?I would hurt you not for the world. What was I to do?Confess everything I should have lost you. I might as well have lost my life.

Jane:You have lost me,Edward. And I’ve lost you.

Rochester:Why did you say that to me?To punish me a little longer?Jane,I’ve been through! For the first time I have found what I can truly love. Don’t take it away from me.

Jane:I must leave you.

Rochester:Jane,will you listen to me?

Jane:I will not live as your mistress!

Rochester:Is that all that important to be Mrs. Rochester?

Jane:Can you really believe I think that?

Rochester:What am I supposed to believe?You say you love me. How can you think of leaving me then?

Jane:Edward,what would I be as your mistress?A hanger-on?A dependence with... with no place of my own?No right to be here. All rights would be on your side. None on mine.

Rochester:Rights. You talk like a lawyer. Everything that’s mine is yours. What more can I give you?

Jane:I want nothing. Nothing. Only you.


Jane:When I come to you,Edward,I come to you as an equal. I will not be less. Even for the man I love.

Rochester:You mean to go one way in the world and let me go another?


Rochester:It is wicked. Who in the world will care what we do?

Jane:I care. You have a wife and she is still living.

Rochester:Living?! Heh.

Jane:She still lives. Whatever state God has seen fit to visit on her,she still lives. She can’t help what she is. I will not slip past her slightly in the night to take my place in your bed.

Rochester:Fling me back then,upon the life I lived before.

Jane:You need no more choose,neither I. We are born to strive and endure. You will forget me before I forget you.

Rochester:You make a liar of me with such a language. Go then. Go! Such if I seem to you. Jane,wait,wait. Don’t decide too soon. Wait a while,wait just a while. Jane. Jane. Jane. Jane. Jane. Jane. Jane. Jane. Jane. Jane Eyre. Jane,wait,wait. Jane,wait a while,wait just a while.

Selected Scene 3:

Jane comes to Mr. Rochester’s home.

John:Miss Eyre.

Jane:John,what happened?

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