

Graves, wondering vaguely what sort of telephone system was in use on Cape Cod, heard his prospective pilot ring the instrument for a full two seconds, repeating the ring four times altogether. This he followed with two sharp tinkles. Then came a series of shouted "Hellos!" and, at last, fragments of one-half of a dialogue.

"That you, Shattuck? Know who this is, don't you? Yes, that's right . . . Say, how many folks listen every time a bell rings on this line? I've heard no less'n eight receivers come down so far . . . Two of 'em went up then, did you hear 'em? . . .

Sartin . . . I want to hire a team to go over home with . . .

To-night--Sartin . . . I don't care . . . Yes, you will, too . . .

YES, you WILL . . . Send my man back with it to-morrow . . .

I don't care WHAT it is, so it's got four legs and wheels . . ."And so on for at least five minutes. Then the captain hung up the receiver and came back to the waiting room.

"Bargain's made, Mr. Graves," he announced. "Pete'll have some sort of a turn-out alongside soon's he can get it harnessed. If you've got any extra storm duds in that satchel of yours, I'd advise you to put 'em on. We're goin' to have a rough passage."Just how rough it was likely to be, Graves realized when he emerged from the station to board the Shattuck buggy. "Pete" himself had driven the equipage over from the livery stable.

"I wouldn't do this for anybody but you, Cap'n," he vouchsafed, in what might be called a reproachful shout. Shouting was necessary, owing to the noise of the storm.

"Wouldn't do what?" replied the captain, looking first at the ancient horse and then at the battered buggy.

"Let this horse out a night like this."

"Humph! I should think night would be the only time you would let him out. . . . There! there! never mind. Get aboard, Mr. Graves.

Put your satchel on the floor between your feet. Here, let me h'ist that boot for you."The "boot" was a rubber curtain buttoned across the front of the buggy, extending from the dashboard to just below the level of the driver's eyes. The lawyer clambered in behind it, the captain followed, the end of the reins was passed through a slit in the boot, Mr. Shuttuck, after inquiring if they were "all taut," gave the command, "Gid-dap!" and horse and buggy moved around the corner of the station, out into darkness.

Of the next hour Graves's memories are keen but monotonous,--a strong smell of stable, arising from the laprobe which had evidently been recently used as a horse blanket; the sound of hoofs, in an interminable "jog, jog--splash, splash," never hurrying; a series of exasperated howls from the captain, who was doing his best to make them hurry; the thunderous roar of rain on the buggy top and the shrieking gale which rocked the vehicle on its springs and sent showers of fine spray driving in at every crack and crevice between the curtains.

The view ahead, over the boot, was blackness, bordered by spidery trees and branches whipping in the wind. Occasionally they passed houses sitting well back from the road, a lighted window gleaming cozily. And ever, as they moved, the storm seemed to gather force.

  • 明名臣琬琰录


  • 括异志


  • Two Short Pieces

    Two Short Pieces

  • Mauprat


    Napoleon in exile declared that were he again on the throne he should make a point of spending two hours a day in conversation with women, from whom there was much to be learnt.
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  • 天行


  • 飞玉清扬


  • 北地


  • 时光遇倾歆


    在最陌生的时光里相遇最倾城的你,遇见你是我这辈子最美的缘。夏倾歆:“我知道我现在不强大,但我会努力保护你的。”护你一世安宁。三世浮生,故梦依旧,我只愿再与你相守一世长欢。白子衿:“真是个狠人,你教会了我怎样用一辈子去深爱一个人。却没有教会我怎样让你爱上我。”柳韵月:“此生惟愿一人,不负其路相思。”司陌时:“你的姓氏,我的名字,以你之姓,冠我之名。”凌零:“梦中人,眼中情。梦中情,眼中意,你是我的心上人,唯一。” ——你是我最熟悉的陌生人。——你是我的念念不忘。——余生漫漫,皆是你。每一个人,或许是炮灰,或是主角,但都可以成为自己的公主,自己的英雄。也许没有生来辉煌,却可以在岁月中创造成就。时光不会辜负每一个有心人,愿所有的女孩都被这个世界温柔以待?也祝全天下的有情人终成眷属?有你们,未来可期?
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