

Dukkipen, s. Fortune-telling.

Dukker, v. n. To ache: my sherro dukkers, my head aches. See Duke, dukker.

Dum / Dumo, s. Black. Pers. [Persian: ] (tail).

Dur, ad. Far. Sans. Dur. Pers. [Persian: ]

Dur-dicki mengri, s. Telescope. Lit. far-seeing-thing.

Durro, ad. Far.

Durro-der, ad. Farther.

Durriken, s. Fortune-telling.

Durril, s. Any kind of berry, a gooseberry in particular.

Durrilau / Durilyor, pl. Berries.

Durrileskie guyi, s. Gooseberry pudding.

Dusta, a. s. Enough, plenty: dusta foky, plenty of people. See Dosta.

Duvvel, s. God.

EEANGE, s. Itch.

Ebyok, s. The sea. Sans. Aapa (water). Wal. Ape.

Eft, a. Seven. Few of the English Gypsies are acquainted with this word; consequently, the generality, when they wish to express the number seven, without being understood by the Gorgios or Gentiles, say Dui trins ta yeck, two threes and one.

En. A kind of genitive particle used in compound words, being placed between a noun and the particle 'gro' or 'guero,' which signifies a possessor, or that which governs a thing or has to do with it: e.g.

lav-en-gro, a linguist or man of words, lit. word-of-fellow; wesh-en-gro, a forester, or one who governs the wood; gurush-en-gre, things costing a groat, lit. groat-of-things.

Engri. A neuter affix, composed of the particles 'en' and 'gro,'

much used in the formation of figurative terms for things for which there are no positive names in English Gypsy: for example, yag-engri, a fire-thing, which denotes a gun; poggra-mengri, a breaking-thing or mill; 'engri' is changed into 'mengri' when the preceding word terminates in a vowel.

Engro. A masculine affix, used in the formation of figurative names;for example, kaun-engro, an ear-fellow, or creature with ears, serving to denote a hare; ruk-engro, or ruko-mengro, a tree-fellow, denoting a squirrel; it is also occasionally used in names for inanimate objects, as pov-engro, an earth-thing or potato. See Guero.

Escunyo, s. A wooden skewer, a pin. Span. Gyp. Chingabar (a pin).

Escunyes, pl. Skewers.

Escunye-mengro, s. A maker of skewers.

Eskoe, fem. Eskie. A particle which affixed to a noun turns it into an adjective: e.g. Duvel, God; duveleskoe, divine. It seems to be derived from the Wal. Esk, Easkie.

Eskey. An affix or postposition, signifying, for the sake of: e.g.

Mi-dubble-eskey, for God's sake.

Ever-komi, ad. Evermore.

FFAKE, v. a. To work, in a dishonest sense; to steal, pick pockets.

Fakement, s. A robbery, any kind of work: a pretty fakement that, a pretty piece of work. A scoundrel--you ratfelo fakement, you precious scoundrel; a man of any kind--he's no bad fakement after all; a girl, St. Paul's Cathedral--what a rinkeny fakement, what a pretty girl, what a noble church.

Fashono, a. False, fashioned, made up. Wal. Fatche (to make); fatze (face, surface).

Fashono wangustis. Pretended gold rings, made in reality of brass or copper.

Fashono wangust engre. Makers of false rings.

Fenella. A female Gypsy name.

Ferreder, a. Better, more. Gaelic, Feairde.

Feter, ad. Better. Pers. [Persian: ] Span. Gyp. Feter.

Figis, s. Fig.

Figis-rookh, s. Fig-tree.

Filisen, s. Country-seat.

Fino, a. Fine. This word is not pure Gypsy: fino covar, a fine thing.

Floure, s. Flower; a female Gypsy name.

Fordel, v. a. Forgive; generally used for Artav, or Artavello, q.v., and composed of the English 'for' and the Gypsy 'del.'

Fordias / Fordios, part. pass. Forgiven.

Foros, s. City. See Vauros.

Ful, s. Dung: ful-vardo, muck cart.

Fuzyanri, s. Fern. Hun. Fuz (willow), facska (a shrub), fuszar (a stem).

GGAD, s. A shirt: pauno gad, a clean shirt.

Gare, v. n., v. a. To take care, beware; to hide, conceal. Sans.

Ghar, to cover.

Garridan. You hid: luvvu sor garridan, the money which you hid.

Garrivava, v. a. I hide or shall hide, take care: to gare his nangipen, to hide his nakedness.

Gav, s. A town, village. Pers. [Persian: ]

Gav-engro, s. A constable, village officer, beadle, citizen.

Gillie, s. A song. Sans. Kheli.

Gillies. Songs. Sometimes used to denote newspapers; because these last serve, as songs did in the old time, to give the world information of remarkable events, such as battles, murders, and robberies.

Gilyava. I sing, or shall sing. Hin. Guywuya. Mod. Gr. [Greek: ].

Gin, v. a. To count, reckon. Sans. Gan. Hin. Ginna.

Ginnipen, s. A reckoning.

Giv, s. Wheat. Sans. Yava (barley). See Jobis.

Giv-engro, s. Wheat-fellow, figurative name for farmer.

Giv-engro ker, s. Farmhouse.

Giv-engro puv, s. Farm.

Godli, s. A warrant, perhaps hue and cry. See Gudlie. Span. Gyp.

Gola (order).

Gono, s. A sack. Hin. Gon.

Gorgio, s. A Gentile, a person who is not a Gypsy; one who lives in a house and not in a tent. It is a modification of the Persian word [Persian: ] Cojia, which signifies a gentleman, a doctor, a merchant, etc. Span. Gyp. Gacho.

Gorgiken rat. Of Gentile blood.

Gorgie, s. A female Gentile or Englishwoman.

Gorgikonaes, ad. After the manner of the Gentiles.

Gooee, s. Pudding. See Guyi.

Gran, s. A barn: I sov'd yeck rarde drey a gran, I slept one night within a barn (Gypsy song).

Gran-wuddur, s. A barn door.

Gran-wuddur-chiriclo. Barn-door fowl.

Grasni / Grasnakkur, s. Mare, outrageous woman: what a grasni shan tu, what a mare you are! Grasnakkur is sometimes applied to the mayor of a town.

Grestur / Gristur, s. A horse. Span. Gyp. Gras, graste.

Gry, s. A horse. Sans. Kharu. Hin. Ghora. Irish and Scottish Gaelic, Greadh.

Gry-choring, s. Horse-stealing.

Gry-engro, s. Horse-dealer.

Gry-nashing. Horse-racing.

Gudlee / Godli, s. Cry, noise, shout. Hin. Ghooloo. Irish, Gul.

Rus. Gyl=gool (shout); Golos (voice).

Grommena / Grovena / Grubbena, s. and v. Thunder, to thunder. Sans.

Garjana. Rus. Groin (thunder). Heb. Ream, raemah. Gaelic, Gairm (a cry).

Gudlo, a., s. Sweet; honey, sugar.

Gudlo-pishen, s. Honey-insect, bee. See Bata.

Gue. An affix, by which the dative case is formed: e.g. Man, I;mangue, to me.

Guero, s. A person, fellow, that which governs, operates. Sans.

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