

Which is not well possible either. Jenkins's Ear, rising at last like a fiery portent, has kindled the London Fog over yonder, in a strange way, and the murky stagnancy is all getting on fire;the English intent, as seldom any Nation was, to give the Spaniards an effectual beating. Which they hope they can,--though unexpected difficulties will occur. And, in the mean while, what a riddle of potentialities for his poor Majesty to read, and pick his way from!--Bielfeld, in spite of all this, would fain be full of admiration for the Britannic Majesty. Confesses he is below the middle size, in fact a tiny little creature, but then his shape is perfect;leg much to be commended,--which his Majesty knows, standing always with one leg slightly advanced, and the Order of the Garter on it, that mankind may take notice. Here is Bielfeld's description faithfully abridged:--"Big blue eyes, perhaps rather of parboiled character, though proud enough; eyes flush with his face or more, rather IN RELIEFthan on a level with it,"--A FLEUR DE TETE, after the manner of a fish, if one might say so, and betokening such an intellect behind them! "Attitude constrained, leg advanced in that way;his courtiers call it majestic. Biggish mouth, strictly shut in the crescent or horse-shoe form (FERMEE EN CROISSANT); curly wig (A NOEUDS, reminding you of lamb's-wool, color not known);eyebrows, however, you can see are ashy-blond; general tint is fundamentally livid; but when in good case, the royal skin will take tolerably bright colors (PREND D'ASSEZ BELLES COULEURS).

As to the royal mind and understanding, what shall Bielfeld say?

That his Majesty sometimes makes ingenious and just remarks, and is laudably serious at all times, and can majestically hold his tongue, and stand with advanced leg, and eyes rather more than flush. Sense of his dignity is high, as it ought to be; on great occasions you see pride and a kind of joy mantling in the royal countenance. Has been known to make explosions, and to be very furious to Prince Fred and others, when pricked into:--but, my friend, what mortal is exempt from failings? Majesty reads the English Newspapers every morning in bed, which are often biting.

Majesty has his Walmoden, a Hanoverian Improper Female, Countess of Yarmouth so called; quiet, autumnal, fair complexioned, stupid;who is much a comfort to him. She keeps out of mischief, political or other; and gives Bielfeld a gracious nod now and then."[Bielfeld, i. 158.] Harrington is here too;--and Britannic Majesty and he are busy governing the English Nation on these terms.--We return now to the Prussian Majesty.

About six weeks after that of Dickens,--Cleve Journey and much else now ended,--Praetorius the Danish Envoy, whom we slightly knew at Reinsberg once, gives this testimony; writing home to an Excellency at Copenhagen, whose name we need not inquire into:--"To give your Excellency a just idea of the new Government here, I must observe that hitherto the King of Prussia does as it were everything himself; and that, excepting the Finance Minister von Boden, who preaches frugality, and finds for that doctrine uncommon acceptance, almost greater even than in the former reign, his Majesty allows no counselling from any Minister; so that Herr von Podewils, who is now the working hand in the department of Foreign Affairs, has nothing given him to do but to expedite the orders he receives from the Cabinet, his advice not being asked upon any matter; and so it is with the other Ministers.

People thought the loss of Herr von Thulmeyer," veteran Foreign Minister whom we have transiently heard of in the Double-Marriage time, and perhaps have even seen at London or elsewhere, [Died 4th August (Rodenbeck, p. 20).] "would be irreparable; so expert was he, and a living archive in that business: however, his post seems to have vanished with himself. His salary is divided between Herr von Podewils," whom the reader will sometimes hear of again, "Kriegsrath (Councillor of War) von Ilgen," son of the old gentleman we used to know, "and Hofrath Sellentin who is RENDANTOF THE LEGATIONS-KASSE" (Ambassadors' Paymaster, we could guess, Ambassador Body having specialty of cash assigned it, comparable with the specialty of value received from it, in this strict frugal Country),--neither of which two latter names shall the reader be troubled with farther. "A good many resolutions, and responses by the King, I have seen: they combine laconic expression with an admirable business eye (GESCHAFTSBLICK).

Unhappily,"--at least for us in the Diplomatic line, for your Excellency and me unhappily,--"there is nobody about the King who possesses his complete confidence, or whom we can make use of in regard to the necessary introductions and preliminary movements.

Hereby it comes that,--as certain things can only be handled with cautious foresight and circumlocution, and in the way of beginning wide,--an Ambassador here is more thrown out of his course than in any other Court; and knows not, though his object were steadily in sight, what road to strike into for getting towards it." [Preuss, <italic> Thronbesteigung, <end italic> p. 377 (2d October, 1740).]

Chapter III.


King Friedrich did not quite keep his day at Wesel; indeed this 24th was not the first day, but the last of several, he had appointed to himself for finis to that Journey in the Cleve Countries; Journey rather complex to arrange. He has several businesses ahead in those parts; and, as usual, will group them with good judgment, and thrift of time. Not inspections merely, but amusements, meetings with friends, especially French friends:

  • War of the Classes

    War of the Classes

  • 海印三昧论一卷(并序)


  • 史通会要


  • 上蔡语录


  • 古雪哲禅师语录


  • 学长是只喵


  • 嘤嘤嘤之主


  • 绝世之风云天下


  • 《中华人民共和国行政强制法》释义与案例


    2011年6月30日,十一届全国人大常委会第二十一次会议审议通过了《中华人民共和国行政强制法》,这是继行政处罚法、行政许可法之后又一部规范行政行为的重要法律。为了配合行政强制法的学习、宣传和贯彻实施,全国人大法工委行政法室参加这部法立法工作的同志编写了这本书,对条文的具体含义逐条解释。 本书作者具有权威性,条文释义准确,便于广大读者对于行政强制法精神和内容的学习和掌握。
  • 瀞灵廷的刀


  • 坏坏小女痞


  • 刀门


  • 时光遇倾歆


    在最陌生的时光里相遇最倾城的你,遇见你是我这辈子最美的缘。夏倾歆:“我知道我现在不强大,但我会努力保护你的。”护你一世安宁。三世浮生,故梦依旧,我只愿再与你相守一世长欢。白子衿:“真是个狠人,你教会了我怎样用一辈子去深爱一个人。却没有教会我怎样让你爱上我。”柳韵月:“此生惟愿一人,不负其路相思。”司陌时:“你的姓氏,我的名字,以你之姓,冠我之名。”凌零:“梦中人,眼中情。梦中情,眼中意,你是我的心上人,唯一。” ——你是我最熟悉的陌生人。——你是我的念念不忘。——余生漫漫,皆是你。每一个人,或许是炮灰,或是主角,但都可以成为自己的公主,自己的英雄。也许没有生来辉煌,却可以在岁月中创造成就。时光不会辜负每一个有心人,愿所有的女孩都被这个世界温柔以待?也祝全天下的有情人终成眷属?有你们,未来可期?
  • 总裁:说不出来的爱


  • 穿越到病毒末世之后

