My spirits were so much raised by seeing all this that I, too, hastily threw off my garments and endeavoured to imitate Jack's vigorous bound; but I was so awkward that my foot caught on a stump, and I fell to the ground; then I slipped on a stone while running over the mud, and nearly fell again, much to the amusement of Peterkin, who laughed heartily, and called me a "slow coach,"while Jack cried out, "Come along, Ralph, and I'll help you."However, when I got into the water I managed very well, for I was really a good swimmer, and diver too.I could not, indeed, equal Jack, who was superior to any Englishman I ever saw, but Iinfinitely surpassed Peterkin, who could only swim a little, and could not dive at all.
While Peterkin enjoyed himself in the shallow water and in running along the beach, Jack and I swam out into the deep water, and occasionally dived for stones.I shall never forget my surprise and delight on first beholding the bottom of the sea.As I have before stated, the water within the reef was as calm as a pond;and, as there was no wind, it was quite clear, from the surface to the bottom, so that we could see down easily even at a depth of twenty or thirty yards.When Jack and I dived in shallower water, we expected to have found sand and stones, instead of which we found ourselves in what appeared really to be an enchanted garden.
The whole of the bottom of the lagoon, as we called the calm water within the reef, was covered with coral of every shape, size, and hue.Some portions were formed like large mushrooms; others appeared like the brain of a man, having stalks or necks attached to them; but the most common kind was a species of branching coral, and some portions were of a lovely pale pink colour, others pure white.Among this there grew large quantities of sea-weed of the richest hues imaginable, and of the most graceful forms; while innumerable fishes - blue, red, yellow, green, and striped -sported in and out amongst the flower-beds of this submarine garden, and did not appear to be at all afraid of our approaching them.
On darting to the surface for breath, after our first dive, Jack and I rose close to each other.
"Did you ever in your life, Ralph, see anything so lovely?" said Jack, as he flung the spray from his hair.
"Never," I replied."It appears to me like fairy realms.I can scarcely believe that we are not dreaming.""Dreaming!" cried Jack, "do you know, Ralph, I'm half tempted to think that we really are dreaming.But if so, I am resolved to make the most of it, and dream another dive; so here goes, - down again, my boy!"We took the second dive together, and kept beside each other while under water; and I was greatly surprised to find that we could keep down much longer than I ever recollect having done in our own seas at home.I believe that this was owing to the heat of the water, which was so warm that we afterwards found we could remain in it for two and three hours at a time without feeling any unpleasant effects such as we used to experience in the sea at home.When Jack reached the bottom, he grasped the coral stems, and crept along on his hands and knees, peeping under the sea-weed and among the rocks.I observed him also pick up one or two large oysters, and retain them in his grasp, as if he meant to take them up with him, so I also gathered a few.Suddenly he made a grasp at a fish with blue and yellow stripes on its back, and actually touched its tail, but did not catch it.At this he turned towards me and attempted to smile; but no sooner had he done so than he sprang like an arrow to the surface, where, on following him, I found him gasping and coughing, and spitting water from his mouth.In a few minutes he recovered, and we both turned to swim ashore.
"I declare, Ralph," said he, "that I actually tried to laugh under water.""So I saw," I replied; "and I observed that you very nearly caught that fish by the tail.It would have done capitally for breakfast if you had.""Breakfast enough here," said he, holding up the oysters, as we landed and ran up the beach."Hallo! Peterkin, here you are, boy.
Split open these fellows while Ralph and I put on our clothes.
They'll agree with the cocoa nuts excellently, I have no doubt."Peterkin, who was already dressed, took the oysters, and opened them with the edge of our axe, exclaiming, "Now, that IS capital.
There's nothing I'm so fond of."
"Ah! that's lucky," remarked Jack."I'll be able to keep you in good order now, Master Peterkin.You know you can't dive any better than a cat.So, sir, whenever you behave ill, you shall have no oysters for breakfast.""I'm very glad that our prospect of breakfast is so good," said I, "for I'm very hungry.""Here, then, stop your mouth with that, Ralph," said Peterkin, holding a large oyster to my lips.I opened my mouth and swallowed it in silence, and really it was remarkably good.
We now set ourselves earnestly about our preparations for spending the day.We had no difficulty with the fire this morning, as our burning-glass was an admirable one; and while we roasted a few oysters and ate our cocoa nuts, we held a long, animated conversation about our plans for the future.What those plans were, and how we carried them into effect, the reader shall see hereafter.