

"What is the matter, then, with this dear child? she has just left me, and she complained of being indisposed, but Idid not think seriously of it." The young woman with tears in her eyes and every mark of affection of a true mother, approached Valentine and took her hand.D'Avrigny continued to look at Noirtier; he saw the eyes of the old man dilate and become round, his cheeks turn pale and tremble; the perspiration stood in drops upon his forehead."Ah," said he, involuntarily following Noirtier's eyes, which were fixed on Madame de Villefort, who repeated, -- "This poor child would be better in bed.Come, Fanny, we will put her to bed." M.d'Avrigny, who saw that would be a means of his remaining alone with Noirtier, expressed his opinion that it was the best thing that could be done; but he forbade that anything should be given to her except what he ordered.

They carried Valentine away; she had revived, but could scarcely move or speak, so shaken was her frame by the attack.She had, however, just power to give one parting look to her grandfather, who in losing her seemed to be resigning his very soul.D'Avrigny followed the invalid, wrote a prescription, ordered Villefort to take a cabriolet, go in person to a chemist's to get the prescribed medicine, bring it himself, and wait for him in his daughter's room.

Then, having renewed his injunction not to give Valentine anything, he went down again to Noirtier, shut the doors carefully, and after convincing himself that no one was listening, -- "Do you," said he, "know anything of this young lady's illness?""Yes," said the old man.

"We have no time to lose; I will question, and do you answer me." Noirtier made a sign that he was ready to answer."Did you anticipate the accident which has happened to your granddaughter?""Yes." D'Avrigny reflected a moment; then approaching Noirtier, -- "Pardon what I am going to say," added he, "but no indication should be neglected in this terrible situation.Did you see poor Barrois die?" Noirtier raised his eyes to heaven."Do you know of what he died!" asked d'Avrigny, placing his hand on Noirtier's shoulder.

"Yes," replied the old man.

"Do you think he died a natural death?" A sort of smile was discernible on the motionless lips of Noirtier.

"Then you have thought that Barrois was poisoned?""Yes."

"Do you think the poison he fell a victim to was intended for him?""No."

"Do you think the same hand which unintentionally struck Barrois has now attacked Valentine?""Yes."

"Then will she die too?" asked d'Avrigny, fixing his penetrating gaze on Noirtier.He watched the effect of this question on the old man."No," replied he with an air of triumph which would have puzzled the most clever diviner.

"Then you hope?" said d'Avrigny, with surprise.


"What do you hope?" The old man made him understand with his eyes that he could not answer."Ah, yes, it is true,"murmured d'Avrigny.Then, turning to Noirtier, -- "Do you hope the assassin will be tried?""No."

"Then you hope the poison will take no effect on Valentine?""Yes."

"It is no news to you," added d'Avrigny, "to tell you that an attempt has been made to poison her?" The old man made a sign that he entertained no doubt upon the subject."Then how do you hope Valentine will escape?" Noirtier kept his eyes steadfastly fixed on the same spot.D'Avrigny followed the direction and saw that they were fixed on a bottle containing the mixture which he took every morning."Ah, indeed?" said d'Avrigny, struck with a sudden thought, "has it occurred to you" -- Noirtier did not let him finish.

"Yes," said he."To prepare her system to resist poison?""Yes."

"By accustoming her by degrees" --

"Yes, yes, yes," said Noirtier, delighted to be understood.

"Of course.I had told you that there was brucine in the mixture I give you.""Yes."

"And by accustoming her to that poison, you have endeavored to neutralize the effect of a similar poison?" Noirtier's joy continued."And you have succeeded," exclaimed d'Avrigny."Without that precaution Valentine would have died before assistance could have been procured.The dose has been excessive, but she has only been shaken by it; and this time, at any rate, Valentine will not die." Asuperhuman joy expanded the old man's eyes, which were raised towards heaven with an expression of infinite gratitude.At this moment Villefort returned."Here, doctor," said he, "is what you sent me for.""Was this prepared in your presence?"

"Yes," replied the procureur.

"Have you not let it go out of your hands?""No." D'Avrigny took the bottle, poured some drops of the mixture it contained in the hollow of his hand, and swallowed them."Well," said he, "let us go to Valentine; Iwill give instructions to every one, and you, M.de Villefort, will yourself see that no one deviates from them."At the moment when d'Avrigny was returning to Valentine's room, accompanied by Villefort, an Italian priest, of serious demeanor and calm and firm tone, hired for his use the house adjoining the hotel of M.de Villefort.No one knew how the three former tenants of that house left it.

About two hours afterwards its foundation was reported to be unsafe; but the report did not prevent the new occupant establishing himself there with his modest furniture the same day at five o'clock.The lease was drawn up for three, six, or nine years by the new tenant, who, according to the rule of the proprietor, paid six months in advance.This new tenant, who, as we have said, was an Italian, was called Il Signor Giacomo Busoni.Workmen were immediately called in, and that same night the passengers at the end of the faubourg saw with surprise that carpenters and masons were occupied in repairing the lower part of the tottering house.

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