

"I say, since you command me, Mercedes, I must die.""Die? and why so? Who talks of dying? Whence have you these ideas of death?""You do not suppose that, publicly outraged in the face of a whole theatre, in the presence of your friends and those of your son -- challenged by a boy who will glory in my forgiveness as if it were a victory -- you do not suppose that I can for one moment wish to live.What I most loved after you, Mercedes, was myself, my dignity, and that strength which rendered me superior to other men; that strength was my life.With one word you have crushed it, and I die.""But the duel will not take place, Edmond, since you forgive?""It will take place," said Monte Cristo, in a most solemn tone; "but instead of your son's blood to stain the ground, mine will flow." Mercedes shrieked, and sprang towards Monte Cristo, but, suddenly stopping, "Edmond," said she, "there is a God above us, since you live and since I have seen you again; I trust to him from my heart.While waiting his assistance I trust to your word; you have said that my son should live, have you not?""Yes, madame, he shall live," said Monte Cristo, surprised that without more emotion Mercedes had accepted the heroic sacrifice he made for her.Mercedes extended her hand to the count.

"Edmond," said she, and her eyes were wet with tears while looking at him to whom she spoke, "how noble it is of you, how great the action you have just performed, how sublime to have taken pity on a poor woman who appealed to you with every chance against her, Alas, I am grown old with grief more than with years, and cannot now remind my Edmond by a smile, or by a look, of that Mercedes whom he once spent so many hours in contemplating.Ah, believe me, Edmond, as Itold you, I too have suffered much; I repeat, it is melancholy to pass one's life without having one joy to recall, without preserving a single hope; but that proves that all is not yet over.No, it is not finished; I feel it by what remains in my heart.Oh, I repeat it, Edmond; what you have just done is beautiful -- it is grand; it is sublime.""Do you say so now, Mercedes? -- then what would you say if you knew the extent of the sacrifice I make to you? Suppose that the Supreme Being, after having created the world and fertilized chaos, had paused in the work to spare an angel the tears that might one day flow for mortal sins from her immortal eyes; suppose that when everything was in readiness and the moment had come for God to look upon his work and see that it was good -- suppose he had snuffed out the sun and tossed the world back into eternal night -- then -- even then, Mercedes, you could not imagine what I lose in sacrificing my life at this moment." Mercedes looked at the count in a way which expressed at the same time her astonishment, her admiration, and her gratitude.Monte Cristo pressed his forehead on his burning hands, as if his brain could no longer bear alone the weight of its thoughts.

"Edmond," said Mercedes, "I have but one word more to say to you." The count smiled bitterly."Edmond," continued she, "you will see that if my face is pale, if my eyes are dull, if my beauty is gone; if Mercedes, in short, no longer resembles her former self in her features, you will see that her heart is still the same.Adieu, then, Edmond; I have nothing more to ask of heaven -- I have seen you again, and have found you as noble and as great as formerly you were.

Adieu, Edmond, adieu, and thank you."

But the count did not answer.Mercedes opened the door of the study and had disappeared before he had recovered from the painful and profound revery into which his thwarted vengeance had plunged him.The clock of the Invalides struck one when the carriage which conveyed Madame de Morcerf away rolled on the pavement of the Champs-Elysees, and made Monte Cristo raise his head."What a fool I was," said he, "not to tear my heart out on the day when I resolved to avenge myself!"

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    【新文《阮先生不会谈恋爱》已发布,讲述娱乐圈的恐婚恐恋问题。 被英俊潇洒的神秘男子盯上了,对方声称自己来自月光。举手投足彰显王者贵气,什么?对方居然是外星球的执政官!曾经她无数次猜测,自己老公的模样,后来才发现,英俊温柔的他,竟有无数个模样。温柔霸气的庄医生,一国冷血的执政官和霸气侧漏的指挥官……最后,她愕然发现,她和他老公都在星际排行榜上。而且第一是他?第二,是她?阅读指南:充满爱的星际文+人工智能+外太空生物+CP乱乱炖剧情反转、反转、再反转!宠文一宠到底!
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