

"`Ah,' continued my father, still frowning, `their idolized emperor treated these madmen as they deserved; he called them `food for powder,' which was precisely all they were good for; and I am delighted to see that the present government have adopted this salutary principle with all its pristine vigor; if Algiers were good for nothing but to furnish the means of carrying so admirable an idea into practice, it would be an acquisition well worthy of struggling to obtain.Though it certainly does cost France somewhat dear to assert her rights in that uncivilized country.'""Brutal politics, I must confess." said Maximilian; "but don't attach any serious importance, dear, to what your father said.My father was not a bit behind yours in that sort of talk.`Why,' said he, `does not the emperor, who has devised so many clever and efficient modes of improving the art of war, organize a regiment of lawyers, judges and legal practitioners, sending them in the hottest fire the enemy could maintain, and using them to save better men?' You see, my dear, that for picturesque expression and generosity of spirit there is not much to choose between the language of either party.But what did M.Danglars say to this outburst on the part of the procureur?""Oh, he laughed, and in that singular manner so peculiar to himself -- half-malicious, half-ferocious; he almost immediately got up and took his leave; then, for the first time, I observed the agitation of my grandfather, and I must tell you, Maximilian, that I am the only person capable of discerning emotion in his paralyzed frame.And I suspected that the conversation that had been carried on in his presence (for they always say and do what they like before the dear old man, without the smallest regard for his feelings) had made a strong impression on his mind; for, naturally enough, it must have pained him to hear the emperor he so devotedly loved and served spoken of in that depreciating manner.""The name of M.Noirtier," interposed Maximilian, "is celebrated throughout Europe; he was a statesman of high standing, and you may or may not know, Valentine, that he took a leading part in every Bonapartist conspiracy set on foot during the restoration of the Bourbons.""Oh, I have often heard whispers of things that seem to me most strange -- the father a Bonapartist, the son a Royalist; what can have been the reason of so singular a difference in parties and politics? But to resume my story;I turned towards my grandfather, as though to question him as to the cause of his emotion; he looked expressively at the newspaper I had been reading.`What is the matter, dear grandfather?' said I, `are you pleased?' He gave me a sign in the affirmative.`With what my father said just now?' He returned a sign in the negative.`Perhaps you liked what M.

Danglars said?' Another sign in the negative.`Oh, then, you were glad to hear that M.Morrel (I didn't dare to say Maximilian) had been made an officer of the Legion of Honor?' He signified assent; only think of the poor old man's being so pleased to think that you, who were a perfect stranger to him, had been made an officer of the Legion of Honor! Perhaps it was a mere whim on his part, for he is falling, they say, into second childhood, but I love him for showing so much interest in you.""How singular," murmured Maximilian; "your father hates me, while your grandfather, on the contrary -- What strange feelings are aroused by politics.""Hush," cried Valentine, suddenly; "some one is coming!"Maximilian leaped at one bound into his crop of lucerne, which he began to pull up in the most ruthless way, under the pretext of being occupied in weeding it.

"Mademoiselle, mademoiselle!" exclaimed a voice from behind the trees."Madame is searching for you everywhere; there is a visitor in the drawing-room.""A visitor?" inquired Valentine, much agitated; "who is it?""Some grand personage -- a prince I believe they said -- the Count of Monte Cristo.""I will come directly," cried Valentine aloud.The name of Monte Cristo sent an electric shock through the young man on the other side of the iron gate, to whom Valentine's "I am coming" was the customary signal of farewell."Now, then,"said Maximilian, leaning on the handle of his spade, "Iwould give a good deal to know how it comes about that the Count of Monte Cristo is acquainted with M.de Villefort."

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