

That would compromise the honor of the French army, to say nothing of the fact that the continual presence of a captain of Spahis in a place where no warlike projects could be supposed to account for it might well create surprise; so Ihave become a gardener, and, consequently, adopted the costume of my calling.""What excessive nonsense you talk, Maximilian!""Nonsense? Pray do not call what I consider the wisest action of my life by such a name.Consider, by becoming a gardener I effectually screen our meetings from all suspicion or danger.""I beseech of you, Maximilian, to cease trifling, and tell me what you really mean.""Simply, that having ascertained that the piece of ground on which I stand was to let, I made application for it, was readily accepted by the proprietor, and am now master of this fine crop of lucerne.Think of that, Valentine! There is nothing now to prevent my building myself a little hut on my plantation, and residing not twenty yards from you.Only imagine what happiness that would afford me.I can scarcely contain myself at the bare idea.Such felicity seems above all price -- as a thing impossible and unattainable.But would you believe that I purchase all this delight, joy, and happiness, for which I would cheerfully have surrendered ten years of my life, at the small cost of 500 francs per annum, paid quarterly? Henceforth we have nothing to fear.I am on my own ground, and have an undoubted right to place a ladder against the wall, and to look over when I please, without having any apprehensions of being taken off by the police as a suspicious character.I may also enjoy the precious privilege of assuring you of my fond, faithful, and unalterable affection, whenever you visit your favorite bower, unless, indeed, it offends your pride to listen to professions of love from the lips of a poor workingman, clad in a blouse and cap." A faint cry of mingled pleasure and surprise escaped from the lips of Valentine, who almost instantly said, in a saddened tone, as though some envious cloud darkened the joy which illumined her heart, "Alas, no, Maximilian, this must not be, for many reasons.We should presume too much on our own strength, and, like others, perhaps, be led astray by our blind confidence in each other's prudence.""How can you for an instant entertain so unworthy a thought, dear Valentine? Have I not, from the first blessed hour of our acquaintance, schooled all my words and actions to your sentiments and ideas? And you have, I am sure, the fullest confidence in my honor.When you spoke to me of experiencing a vague and indefinite sense of coming danger, I placed myself blindly and devotedly at your service, asking no other reward than the pleasure of being useful to you; and have I ever since, by word or look, given you cause of regret for having selected me from the numbers that would willingly have sacrificed their lives for you? You told me, my dear Valentine, that you were engaged to M.d'Epinay, and that your father was resolved upon completing the match, and that from his will there was no appeal, as M.de Villefort was never known to change a determination once formed.Ikept in the background, as you wished, and waited, not for the decision of your heart or my own, but hoping that providence would graciously interpose in our behalf, and order events in our favor.But what cared I for delays or difficulties, Valentine, as long as you confessed that you loved me, and took pity on me? If you will only repeat that avowal now and then, I can endure anything.""Ah, Maximilian, that is the very thing that makes you so bold, and which renders me at once so happy and unhappy, that I frequently ask myself whether it is better for me to endure the harshness of my mother-in-law, and her blind preference for her own child, or to be, as I now am, insensible to any pleasure save such as I find in these meetings, so fraught with danger to both.""I will not admit that word," returned the young man; "it is at once cruel and unjust.Is it possible to find a more submissive slave than myself? You have permitted me to converse with you from time to time, Valentine, but forbidden my ever following you in your walks or elsewhere -- have I not obeyed? And since I found means to enter this enclosure to exchange a few words with you through this gate -- to be close to you without really seeing you -- have Iever asked so much as to touch the hem of your gown or tried to pass this barrier which is but a trifle to one of my youth and strength? Never has a complaint or a murmur escaped me.I have been bound by my promises as rigidly as any knight of olden times.Come, come, dearest Valentine, confess that what I say is true, lest I be tempted to call you unjust.""It is true," said Valentine, as she passed the end of her slender fingers through a small opening in the planks, and permitted Maximilian to press his lips to them, "and you are a true and faithful friend; but still you acted from motives of self-interest, my dear Maximilian, for you well knew that from the moment in which you had manifested an opposite spirit all would have been ended between us.You promised to bestow on me the friendly affection of a brother.For I have no friend but yourself upon earth, who am neglected and forgotten by my father, harassed and persecuted by my mother-in-law, and left to the sole companionship of a paralyzed and speechless old man, whose withered hand can no longer press mine, and who can speak to me with the eye alone, although there still lingers in his heart the warmest tenderness for his poor grandchild.Oh, how bitter a fate is mine, to serve either as a victim or an enemy to all who are stronger than myself, while my only friend and supporter is a living corpse! Indeed, indeed, Maximilian, I am very miserable, and if you love me it must be out of pity.""Valentine," replied the young man, deeply affected, "I will not say you are all I love in the world, for I dearly prize my sister and brother-in-law; but my affection for them is calm and tranquil, in no manner resembling what I feel for you.When I think of you my heart beats fast, the blood burns in my veins, and I can hardly breathe; but I solemnly promise you to restrain all this ardor, this fervor and intensity of feeling, until you yourself shall require me to render them available in serving or assisting you.M.Franz is not expected to return home for a year to come, I am told; in that time many favorable and unforeseen chances may befriend us.Let us, then, hope for the best; hope is so sweet a comforter.Meanwhile, Valentine, while reproaching me with selfishness, think a little what you have been to me -- the beautiful but cold resemblance of a marble Venus.

  • 凤世倾城


  • 天行


  • 天行


  • 天行


  • 超神星主


  • 最后幻想


  • 从前的夏


  • 遁甲天书之术士传


  • 狂影天下


  • 网游之弹道残痕

