

"Oh, yes, I assure you, count, they want nothing that can render them happy; they are young and cheerful, they are tenderly attached to each other, and with twenty-five thousand francs a year they fancy themselves as rich as Rothschild.""Five and twenty thousand francs is not a large sum, however," replied Monte Cristo, with a tone so sweet and gentle, that it went to Maximilian's heart like the voice of a father; "but they will not be content with that.Your brother-in-law is a barrister? a doctor?""He was a merchant, monsieur, and had succeeded to the business of my poor father.M.Morrel, at his death, left 500,000 francs, which were divided between my sister and myself, for we were his only children.Her husband, who, when he married her, had no other patrimony than his noble probity, his first-rate ability, and his spotless reputation, wished to possess as much as his wife.He labored and toiled until he had amassed 250,000 francs; six years sufficed to achieve this object.Oh, I assure you, sir, it was a touching spectacle to see these young creatures, destined by their talents for higher stations, toiling together, and through their unwillingness to change any of the customs of their paternal house, taking six years to accomplish what less scrupulous people would have effected in two or three.Marseilles resounded with their well-earned praises.At last, one day, Emmanuel came to his wife, who had just finished ****** up the accounts.`Julie,'

said he to her, `Cocles has just given me the last rouleau of a hundred francs; that completes the 250,000 francs we had fixed as the limits of our gains.Can you content yourself with the small fortune which we shall possess for the future? Listen to me.Our house transacts business to the amount of a million a year, from which we derive an income of 40,000 francs.We can dispose of the business, if we please, in an hour, for I have received a letter from M.

Delaunay, in which he offers to purchase the good-will of the house, to unite with his own, for 300,000 francs.Advise me what I had better do.' -- `Emmanuel,' returned my sister, `the house of Morrel can only be carried on by a Morrel.Is it not worth 300,000 francs to save our father's name from the chances of evil fortune and failure?' -- `I thought so,'

replied Emmanuel; `but I wished to have your advice.' --`This is my counsel: -- Our accounts are made up and our bills paid; all we have to do is to stop the issue of any more, and close our office.' This was done instantly.It was three o'clock; at a quarter past, a merchant presented himself to insure two ships; it was a clear profit of 15,000francs.`Monsieur,' said Emmanuel, `have the goodness to address yourself to M.Delaunay.We have quitted business.'

-- `How long?' inquired the astonished merchant.`A quarter of an hour,' was the reply.And this is the reason, monsieur," continued Maximilian, "of my sister and brother-in-law having only 25,000 francs a year."Maximilian had scarcely finished his story, during which the count's heart had swelled within him, when Emmanuel entered wearing a hat and coat.He saluted the count with the air of a man who is aware of the rank of his guest; then, after having led Monte Cristo around the little garden, he returned to the house.A large vase of Japan porcelain, filled with flowers that loaded the air with their perfume, stood in the salon.Julie, suitably dressed, and her hair arranged (she had accomplished this feat in less than ten minutes), received the count on his entrance.The songs of the birds were heard in an aviary hard by, and the branches of laburnums and rose acacias formed an exquisite framework to the blue velvet curtains.Everything in this charming retreat, from the warble of the birds to the smile of the mistress, breathed tranquillity and repose.The count had felt the influence of this happiness from the moment he entered the house, and he remained silent and pensive, forgetting that he was expected to renew the conversation, which had ceased after the first salutations had been exchanged.The silence became almost painful when, by a violent effort, tearing himself from his pleasing reverie --"Madame," said he at length, "I pray you to excuse my emotion, which must astonish you who are only accustomed to the happiness I meet here; but contentment is so new a sight to me, that I could never be weary of looking at yourself and your husband.""We are very happy, monsieur," replied Julie; "but we have also known unhappiness, and few have ever undergone more bitter sufferings than ourselves." The Count's features displayed an expression of the most intense curiosity.

"Oh, all this is a family history, as Chateau-Renaud told you the other day," observed Maximilian."This humble picture would have but little interest for you, accustomed as you are to behold the pleasures and the misfortunes of the wealthy and industrious; but such as we are, we have experienced bitter sorrows.""And God has poured balm into your wounds, as he does into those of all who are in affliction?" said Monte Cristo inquiringly.

"Yes, count," returned Julie, "we may indeed say he has, for he has done for us what he grants only to his chosen; he sent us one of his angels." The count's cheeks became scarlet, and he coughed, in order to have an excuse for putting his handkerchief to his mouth."Those born to wealth, and who have the means of gratifying every wish,"said Emmanuel, "know not what is the real happiness of life, just as those who have been tossed on the stormy waters of the ocean on a few frail planks can alone realize the blessings of fair weather."Monte Cristo rose, and without ****** any answer (for the tremulousness of his voice would have betrayed his emotion)walked up and down the apartment with a slow step.

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  • 末世之影:不死战神


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