

"My name must rest unknown, -- merely say I am a Frenchman travelling for pleasure." As soon as Gaetano had transmitted this answer, the sentinel gave an order to one of the men seated round the fire, who rose and disappeared among the rocks.Not a word was spoken, every one seemed occupied, Franz with his disembarkment, the sailors with their sails, the smugglers with their goat; but in the midst of all this carelessness it was evident that they mutually observed each other.The man who had disappeared returned suddenly on the opposite side to that by which he had left; he made a sign with his head to the sentinel, who, turning to the boat, said, "S'accommodi." The Italian s'accommodi is untranslatable; it means at once, "Come, enter, you are welcome; make yourself at home; you are the master." It is like that Turkish phrase of Moliere's that so astonished the bourgeois gentleman by the number of things implied in its utterance.The sailors did not wait for a second invitation;four strokes of the oar brought them to land; Gaetano sprang to shore, exchanged a few words with the sentinel, then his comrades disembarked, and lastly came Franz.One of his guns was swung over his shoulder, Gaetano had the other, and a sailor held his rifle; his dress, half artist, half dandy, did not excite any suspicion, and, consequently, no disquietude.The boat was moored to the shore, and they advanced a few paces to find a comfortable bivouac; but, doubtless, the spot they chose did not suit the smuggler who filled the post of sentinel, for he cried out, "Not that way, if you please."Gaetano faltered an excuse, and advanced to the opposite side, while two sailors kindled torches at the fire to light them on their way.They advanced about thirty paces, and then stopped at a small esplanade surrounded with rocks, in which seats had been cut, not unlike sentry-boxes.Around in the crevices of the rocks grew a few dwarf oaks and thick bushes of myrtles.Franz lowered a torch, and saw by the mass of cinders that had accumulated that he was not the first to discover this retreat, which was, doubtless, one of the halting-places of the wandering visitors of Monte Cristo.As for his suspicions, once on terra firma, once that he had seen the indifferent, if not friendly, appearance of his hosts, his anxiety had quite disappeared, or rather, at sight of the goat, had turned to appetite.He mentioned this to Gaetano, who replied that nothing could be more easy than to prepare a supper when they had in their boat, bread, wine, half a dozen partridges, and a good fire to roast them by."Besides," added he, "if the smell of their roast meat tempts you, I will go and offer them two of our birds for a slice.""You are a born diplomat," returned Franz; "go and try."Meanwhile the sailors had collected dried sticks and branches with which they made a fire.Franz waited impatiently, inhaling the aroma of the roasted meat, when the captain returned with a mysterious air.

"Well," said Franz, "anything new? -- do they refuse?""On the contrary," returned Gaetano, "the chief, who was told you were a young Frenchman, invites you to sup with him.""Well," observed Franz, "this chief is very polite, and Isee no objection -- the more so as I bring my share of the supper.""Oh, it is not that; he has plenty, and to spare, for supper; but he makes one condition, and rather a peculiar one, before he will receive you at his house.""His house? Has he built one here, then?""No; but he has a very comfortable one all the same, so they say.""You know this chief, then?"

"I have heard talk of him."

"Favorably or otherwise?"


"The deuce! -- and what is this condition?""That you are blindfolded, and do not take off the bandage until he himself bids you." Franz looked at Gaetano, to see, if possible, what he thought of this proposal."Ah," replied he, guessing Franz's thought, "I know this is a serious matter.""What should you do in my place?"

"I, who have nothing to lose, -- I should go.""You would accept?"

"Yes, were it only out of curiosity."

"There is something very peculiar about this chief, then?""Listen," said Gaetano, lowering his voice, "I do not know if what they say is true" -- he stopped to see if any one was near.

"What do they say?"

"That this chief inhabits a cavern to which the Pitti Palace is nothing.""What nonsense!" said Franz, reseating himself.

"It is no nonsense; it is quite true.Cama, the pilot of the Saint Ferdinand, went in once, and he came back amazed, vowing that such treasures were only to be heard of in fairy tales.""Do you know," observed Franz, "that with such stories you make me think of Ali Baba's enchanted cavern?""I tell you what I have been told."

"Then you advise me to accept?"

"Oh, I don't say that; your excellency will do as you please; I should be sorry to advise you in the matter."Franz pondered the matter for a few moments, concluded that a man so rich could not have any intention of plundering him of what little he had, and seeing only the prospect of a good supper, accepted.Gaetano departed with the reply.

Franz was prudent, and wished to learn all he possibly could concerning his host.He turned towards the sailor, who, during this dialogue, had sat gravely plucking the partridges with the air of a man proud of his office, and asked him how these men had landed, as no vessel of any kind was visible.

"Never mind that," returned the sailor, "I know their vessel.""Is it a very beautiful vessel?"

"I would not wish for a better to sail round the world.""Of what burden is she?"

"About a hundred tons; but she is built to stand any weather.She is what the English call a yacht.""Where was she built?"

"I know not; but my own opinion is she is a Genoese.""And how did a leader of smugglers," continued Franz, "venture to build a vessel designed for such a purpose at Genoa?""I did not say that the owner was a smuggler," replied the sailor.

"No; but Gaetano did, I thought."

  • 明实录宪宗实录


  • 修行本起经


  • 对作篇


  • 北户录


  • 绕口令集


  • 守护之海


  • 异界之魔兽霸主


  • 天行


  • 最佳伴侣


  • 穿越火线之王者来袭


  • 神秘校草pk御姐天使


  • 天行


  • 不懂财务就当不好经理


  • 恶狼们!不要诱拐我


  • 等我一等baruncle

