
第51章 CHAPTER VI.(3)

Foolish were it in us to attempt following him, even from afar, in this extraordinary world-pilgrimage of his; the ******st record of which, were clear record possible, would fill volumes. Hopeless is the obscurity, unspeakable the confusion. He glides from country to country, from condition to condition; vanishing and reappearing, no man can calculate how or where. Through all quarters of the world he wanders, and apparently through all circles of society. If in any scene, perhaps difficult to fix geographically, he settles for a time, and forms connections, be sure he will snap them abruptly asunder. Let him sink out of sight as Private Scholar (_Privatsirender_), living by the grace of God in some European capital, you may next find him as Hadjee in the neighborhood of Mecca. It is an inexplicable Phantasmagoria, capricious, quick-changing; as if our Traveller, instead of limbs and highways, had transported himself by some wishing-carpet, or Fortunatus' Hat. The whole, too, imparted emblematically, in dim multifarious tokens (as that collection of Street-Advertisements); with only some touch of direct historical notice sparingly interspersed: little light-islets in the world of haze! So that, from this point, the Professor is more of an enigma than ever. In figurative language, we might say he becomes, not indeed a spirit, yet spiritualized, vaporized. Fact unparalleled in Biography: The river of his History, which we have traced from its tiniest fountains, and hoped to see flow onward, with increasing current, into the ocean, here dashes itself over that terrific Lover's Leap; and, as a mad-foaming cataract, flies wholly into tumultuous clouds of spray! Low down it indeed collects again into pools and plashes; yet only at a great distance, and with difficulty, if at all, into a general stream. To cast a glance into certain of those pools and plashes, and trace whither they run, must, for a chapter or two, form the limit of our endeavor.

For which end doubtless those direct historical Notices, where they can be met with, are the best. Nevertheless, of this sort too there occurs much, which, with our present light, it were questionable to emit. Teufelsdrockh vibrating everywhere between the highest and the lowest levels, comes into contact with public History itself. For example, those conversations and relations with illustrious Persons, as Sultan Mahmoud, the Emperor Napoleon, and others, are they not as yet rather of a diplomatic character than of a biographic? The Editor, appreciating the sacredness of crowned heads, nay perhaps suspecting the possible trickeries of a Clothes-Philosopher, will eschew this province for the present; a new time may bring new insight and a different duty.

If we ask now, not indeed with what ulterior Purpose, for there was none, yet with what immediate outlooks; at all events, in what mood of mind, the Professor undertook and prosecuted this world-pilgrimage,--the answer is more distinct than favorable. "A nameless Unrest," says he, "urged me forward; to which the outward motion was some momentary lying solace.

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  • 蓝白时间


    谁能保证一生没有过一个脱轨的想法?不同的只是,有些人真的脱了轨。一线狱警口述25个真实监狱故事,尽现社会倒影中的别样人生——【阿东的爱情】长相俊美却脾气暴躁的帅哥囚犯阿东,因执念于“保护爱情”而犯下故意伤害罪,又在狱中不幸遭受病痛折磨,回想这过往种种,他的临终遗言却出人意料。【大头雷师傅】身负“雷震子转世”、 “吃人肉”等传奇故事的大头雷,心狠手辣但又有情有义,为保护母亲的名誉而犯罪入狱,在狱中却很老实,时时悔过,想要早点出狱。然而好不容易刑满释放,他却再次入狱……一本“穿墙而来”的故事集,展现高墙内的微缩社会。当自由成为代价,时间被蓝白隔断,我们还能否期待幸福降临?
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