
第8章 D


get a lift




a tie-in sale

【搭售商品】dāshòu shānɡpǐn

conduct tie-in sale of commodities

【达标排放】dábiāo páifànɡ

discharged measure up to standards


fail to meet


reach/agree on

【达成并实施垄断协议】dáchénɡ bìnɡ shíshī lǒnɡduàn xiéyì

conclude and implement a monopoly agreement

【达成和解】dáchénɡ héjiě

agree on a settlement

【达成和解协议】dáchénɡ héjiě xiéyì

reach a settlement agreement

【达成垄断协议】dáchénɡ lǒnɡduàn xiéyì

monopoly agreement reached

【达成协议】dáchénɡ xiéyì

reach an agreement

【达成预约定价安排】dáchénɡ yùyuē dìnɡjià ānpái

reach an advance pricing agreement


attain/up to/reach/achieve

【达到世界先进水平】dádào shìjiè xiānjìn shuǐpínɡ

raise to an advanced level in the world




statement of defense


right of reply


response/statement of defense/reply brief/bill of defense/written plea

【答辩书副本】dábiànshū fùběn

copy of the statement of defense response


bill of defense

【答辩状副本】dábiànzhuànɡ fùběn

copy of the bill of defense


response/give a reply

【答复立法会议员的质询】dáfù lìfǎhuì yìyuán de zhìxún

answer questions raised by members of the Legislative Council

【打官司】dǎ ɡuānsi

go to law (against somebody)


crack down

【打击报复】dǎjī bàofù

take revenge

【打架斗殴】dǎjià dòu'ōu




【打捞船单位】dǎlāochuán dānwèi

salvaging units

【打捞清除】dǎlāo qīnɡchú

salvaging or removing

【打砸抢】dǎ zá qiǎnɡ

beating, smashing or looting


large city

【大地基准】dàdì jīzhǔn

geodetic datum

【大额担保】dà'é dānbǎo

large-sum security

【大额交易】dà'é jiāoyì

usiness transactions involving large sums of money

【大额资产】dà'é zīchǎn

large amount of fixed assets

【大汉族主义】dà hànzú zhǔyì

Han chauvinism

【大会全体会议】dàhuì quántǐ huìyì

plenary session


principal public procurator

【大力支持】dàlì zhīchí

vigorous support


continental shelf

【大民族主义】dàmínzú zhǔyì

big-nation chauvinism

【大气环境】dàqì huánjìnɡ

atmospheric environment

【大气环境质量】dàqì huánjìnɡ zhìliànɡ

atmospheric environment quality

【大气环境质量状况公报】dàqì huánjìnɡ zhìliànɡ zhuànɡkuànɡ ɡōnɡbào

report on the quality of the atmospheric environment

【大气污染防治设施】dàqì wūrǎn fánɡzhì shèshī

facility for the prevention of atmospheric pollution

【大气污染物】dàqì wūrǎnwù

atmospheric pollutants

【大气污染物处理设施】dàqì wūrǎnwù chǔlǐ shèshī

installation for the treatment of atmospheric pollutant

【大型建筑工程】dàxínɡ jiànzhù ɡōnɡchénɡ

large construction project

【大型联合企业】dàxínɡ liánhé qǐyè

large-scale associated enterprise

【大型群众性活动】dàxínɡ qúnzhònɡxìnɡ huódònɡ

large-scale mass activity

【大众传播媒介】dàzhònɡ chuánbō méijiè

mass media

【呆账准备金】dāizhànɡ zhǔnbèijīn

doubtful account reserve

【代币票券】dàibì piàoquàn

promissory notes as substitute for Renminbi



【代表承运人】dàibiǎo chénɡyùnrén

on behalf of the carrier

【代表的选举】dàibiǎo de xuǎnjǔ

election of deputies

【代表法人】dàibiǎo fǎrén

act on behalf of the legal person

【代表机构】dàibiǎo jīɡòu

representative office

【代表集体行使所有权】dàibiǎo jítǐ xínɡshǐ suǒyǒuquán

exercise the right of ownership on behalf of the collective

【代表名额】dàibiǎo mínɡ'é

number of deputies

【代表人的诉讼行为】dàibiǎorén de sùsònɡ xínɡwéi

act of such representative in the litigation

【代表任期】dàibiǎo rènqī

term of office of the deputy

【代表团推选的】dàibiǎotuán tuīxuǎn de

elected by various delegations

【代表小组】dàibiǎo xiǎozǔ

deputy group

【代表行为】dàibiǎo xínɡwéi

act of representation

【代表性实物】dàibiǎoxìnɡ shíwù

typical material object

【代表选举完成后】dàibiǎo xuǎnjǔ wánchénɡ hòu

after the election of its deputy

【代表职工】dàibiǎo zhíɡōnɡ

on behalf of the employee

【代表资格审查委员会】dàibiǎo zīɡé shěnchá wěiyuánhuì

credentials committee/delegates' credentials committee


sharehoding on behalf

【代扣、代收税款凭证】dàikòu,dàishōu shuìkuǎn pínɡzhènɡ

receipt for withholding or collecting tax

【代扣代缴】dàikòu dàijiǎo

withhold and remit tax

【代扣的税款】dàikòu de shuìkuǎn

tax payment withheld



【代理船长职务】dàilǐ chuánzhǎnɡ zhíwù

act as the master

【代理从业人员】dàilǐ cónɡyè rényuán

practitioner of an agency

【代理的事项】dàilǐ de shìxiànɡ

matters entrusted

【代理机构】dàilǐ jīɡòu


【代理买卖证券】dàilǐ mǎimài zhènɡquàn

undertake securities trading as an agent


power of agency

【代理权终止】dàilǐquán zhōnɡzhǐ

termination of authorization



【代理事务】dàilǐ shìwù

task entrusted

【代理行为】dàilǐ xínɡwéi

act of agency

【代理行政长官】dàilǐ xínɡzhènɡ zhǎnɡɡuān

acting Chief Executive

【代理许可权】dàilǐ xǔkěquán

agency permission

【代理主任的职务】dàilǐ zhǔrèn de zhíwù

act on behalf of the chairman



【代码化指令序列】dàimǎhuà zhǐlìnɡ xùliè

coded command sequence

【代其】dài qí

on one's behalf

【代收代缴】dàishōu dàijiǎo

collect and remit tax

【代收的】dàishōu de


【代收股款银行】dàishōu ɡǔkuǎn yínhánɡ

bank that receives the funds as generated from the public offer of stocks on behalf of the company


write on behalf of the other/allograph/write for others

【代书遗嘱】dàishū yízhǔ

will written on behalf of the testator

【代替费用】dàitì fèiyònɡ

in place of another expense

【代替刑事处罚】dàitì xínɡshì chǔfá

in place of criminal penalty

【代为保管的他人财物】dàiwéi bǎoɡuǎn de tārén cáiwù

another person's money or property under one's custody

【代为监护】dàiwéi jiānhù

act as guardians

【代为竞买】dàiwéi jìnɡmǎi

participating in bidding for someone

【代为清偿债务】dàiwéi qīnɡchánɡ zhàiwù

assuming debts

【代为诉讼】dàiwéi sùsònɡ

take proceedings for someone

【代为销售】dàiwéi xiāoshòu

sell for another person

【代为行使】dàiwéi xínɡshǐ

be exercised on one's behalf

【代为执行】dàiwéi zhíxínɡ

executed by instead

【代为转交的】dàiwéi zhuǎnjiāo de

receive something to be forwarded



【代位继承】dàiwèi jìchénɡ

inherit in subrogation

【代位请求】dàiwèi qǐnɡqiú


【代位请求赔偿权利】dàiwèi qǐnɡqiú péichánɡ quánlì

right to indemnity by subrogation


rights of subrogation

【代位行使】dàiwèi xínɡshǐ

exercise by subrogation


sale by proxy

【代行权利人】dàixínɡ quánlì rén

person who exercises rights on behalf of others

【代行委员长的部分职权】dàixínɡ wěiyuánzhǎnɡ de bùfen zhíquán

exercise certain functions and powers of the Chairman

【代行主席的部分职权】dàixínɡ zhǔxí de bùfen zhíquán

exercise such function and power of the President

【带出法庭】dàichū fǎtínɡ

take out of the courtroom

【带飞】dài fēi

instruction flight

【带离现场】dàilí xiànchǎnɡ

take someone away from the scene

【带离运输工具】dàilí yùnshū ɡōnɡjù

discharge from the means of transport

【带薪年休假制度】dàixīn nián xiūjià zhìdù

system of annual vacation with pay

【带薪休假】dàixīn xiūjià

leave with pay



【贷款利率】dàikuǎn lìlǜ

interest rate on loan



【贷款贴息】dàikuǎn tiēxī

discount interest on loan/loan with discounted interest

【贷款余额】dàikuǎn yú'é

outstanding of loan


student loan



【待命状态】dàimìnɡ zhuànɡtài

await order

【待摊费用】dàitān fèiyònɡ

anticipated amortized expenses


material benefits

【怠于行使到期债权】dàiyú xínɡshǐ dàoqī zhàiquán

be indolent in exercising natural creditor's rights



【逮捕程序】dàibǔ chénɡxù

procedure for arrest

【逮捕措施】dàibǔ cuòshī

measure of arrest

【逮捕或者刑事审判】dàibǔ huòzhě xínɡshì shěnpàn

arrest or place on criminal trial

【逮捕决定】dàibǔ juédìnɡ

decide on the arrest


arrest warrant


atone for one's crime by performing meritorious deeds

【单笔交易】dānbǐ jiāoyì

single transaction

【单独抵押】dāndú dǐyā

mortgaged separately

【单独隔离】dāndú ɡélí

individually in isolation

【单独关税区】dāndú ɡuānshuìqū

separate custom territory

【单独或者合计持有】dāndú huòzhě héjì chíyǒu

separately or aggregately holding

【单独进行】dāndú jìnxínɡ

be conducted separately

【单独就损害赔偿提出请求】dāndú jiù sǔnhài péichánɡ tíchū qǐnɡqiú

separately apply for compensation for damage

【单独居住】dāndú jūzhù

live alone

【单独立户管理】dāndú lìhù ɡuǎnlǐ

managed through accounts as separately opened

【单独实施】dāndú shíshī

independently exploit

【单独享有著作权】dāndú xiǎnɡyǒu zhùzuòquán

be entitled to independent copyright

【单独协议】dāndú xiéyì

sole agreement

【单独行使其著作权】dāndú xínɡshǐ qí zhùzuòquán

exercise the copyright independently

【单独转让】dāndú zhuǎnrànɡ

transferred singly/transferred seperately

【单方解除劳动合同】dānfānɡ jiěchú láodònɡ hétonɡ

revoke a labor contract unilaterally

【单方联络】dānfānɡ liánluò

unilateral communication


separately list


odd number



【单位产品能耗限额标准】dānwèi chǎnpǐn nénɡhào xiàn'é biāozhǔn

norm set for energy consumption per unit product

【单位产值能耗】dānwèi chǎnzhí nénɡhào

energy consumption per unit output value

【单位犯罪】dānwèi fànzuì

crime committed by a unit/unit crime

【单位和居民】dānwèi hé jūmín

unit and resident

【单位瞒报、谎报】dānwèi mánbào,huǎnɡbào

unit conceal, falsely report

【单位之间的争议】dānwèi zhījiān de zhēnɡyì

dispute between units

【单行条例】dānxínɡ tiáolì

separate regulation



【担保财产】dānbǎo cáichǎn

property provided as security

【担保贷款】dānbǎo dàikuǎn

secured loans

【担保的数额过高】dānbǎo de shù'é ɡuòɡāo

excessive quantity of the guaranty

【担保范围】dānbǎo fànwéi

scope of security interest

【担保方式】dānbǎo fānɡshì

means of guarantee

【担保合同】dānbǎo hétonɡ

guaranty contract

【担保活动】dānbǎo huódònɡ

guaranty activity

【担保期间】dānbǎo qījiān

during the period of guarantee

【担保期限】dānbǎo qīxiàn

bond period



【担保物权】dānbǎo wùquán

security interest/real rights granted by way of security

【担保义务】dānbǎo yìwù

obligation of a guarantor

【担保责任】dānbǎo zérèn

suretyship liability

【担保债权】dānbǎo zhàiquán

secured claim/secured interest

【担保债务的履行】dānbǎo zhàiwù de lǚxínɡ

guarantee the payment of debt

【担保终止有效】dānbǎo zhōnɡzhǐ yǒuxiào

guarantee cease to be effective


hold office

【担任法律顾问】dānrèn fǎlǜ ɡùwèn

act as legal counsel

【担任监护人】dānrèn jiānhùrén

act as guardian

【担任领导职务的权利】dānrèn lǐnɡdǎo zhíwù de quánlì

right to hold a leading position

【担任审判长】dānrèn shěnpànzhǎnɡ

serve as chief judge

【担任诉讼法律事务代理人】dānrèn sùsònɡ fǎlǜ shìwù dàilǐrén

act as agent in litigation legal matter

【担任职务】dānrèn zhíwù

hold office

【担任主席】dānrèn zhǔxí

chair/act as chairman

【耽误期限】dānwù qīxiàn

fail to meet a deadline



【淡水资源】dànshuǐ zīyuán

freshwater resources

【当场登记】dānɡchǎnɡ dēnɡjì

grant the registration on the spot

【当场更正】dānɡchǎnɡ ɡēnɡzhènɡ

corrected on the spot

【当场记录】dānɡchǎnɡ jìlù

note down on the spot

【当场交付】dānɡchǎnɡ jiāofù

hand over on the spot

【当场盘问】dānɡchǎnɡ pánwèn

on-the-spot interrogation

【当场使用暴力】dānɡchǎnɡ shǐyònɡ bàolì

use violence on the spot

【当场收缴的罚款】dānɡchǎnɡ shōujiǎo de fákuǎn

collect a fine on the spot

【当场作出决定】dānɡchǎnɡ zuòchū juédìnɡ

decision may be made on the spot/make decision on the spot

【当地法官】dānɡdì fǎɡuān

local judge

【当地检查站】dānɡdì jiǎncházhàn

local checkpoint

【当地民政部门】dānɡdì mínzhènɡ bùmén

local civil administration

【当地民族婚姻家庭】dānɡdì mínzú hūnyīn jiātínɡ

local nationality in regard to marriage and family

【当地民族特点】dānɡdì mínzú tèdiǎn

characteristic of the local nationalities

【当地民族通用的文字】dānɡdì mínzú tōnɡyònɡ de wénzì

written language commonly used in the locality

【当地通用的语言文字】dānɡdì tōnɡyònɡ de yǔyán wénzì

spoken or written language commonly used in the locality

【当地月最低工资标准】dānɡdì yuèzuìdī ɡōnɡzī biāozhǔn

standard local monthly wage rate

【当地驻军】dānɡdì zhùjūn

local garrisons

【当地最低工资标准】dānɡdì zuìdī ɡōnɡzī biāozhǔn

local standard on minimum wage


same year/that very year/current year/during the year

【当期保险费】dānɡqī bǎoxiǎnfèi

current installment of the insurance premium

【当期收入】dānɡqī shōurù

income of the current period

【当期应纳税额】dānɡqī yìnɡ nà shuì'é

tax payable for the current period

【当然退伙】dānɡrán tuìhuǒ

naturally retire from the partnership

【当日足额付款】dānɡrì zú'é fùkuǎn

pay the bill in full on the day

【当时的产地规则】dānɡshí de chǎndì ɡuīzé

prevailing rule of origin

【当时的法律】dānɡshí de fǎlǜ

law at the time

【当时有关规定】dānɡshí yǒuɡuān ɡuīdìnɡ

relevant provision then



【当事人的陈述】dānɡshìrén de chénshù

statement of the party

【当事人的近亲属】dānɡshìrén de jìnqīnshǔ

near relative of a party

【当事人互相质证】dānɡshìrén hùxiānɡ zhìzhènɡ

cross-examined by the parties concerned

【当事人双方的诉讼标的】dānɡshìrén shuānɡfānɡ de sùsònɡ biāodì

object of action of both parties

【当事人协议的结果】dānɡshìrén xiéyì de jiéɡuǒ

result agreed upon by the parties

【当事人约定】dānɡshìrén yuēdìnɡ

as agreed upon by the parties concerned

【当事人责任】dānɡshìrén zérèn

liability of parties concerned

【当庭释放】dānɡtínɡ shìfànɡ

be released by court

【当庭听证】dānɡtínɡ tīnɡzhènɡ

in-person hearing

【当庭宣读】dānɡtínɡ xuāndú

read out in court

【当庭宣告判决】dānɡtínɡ xuānɡào pànjué

announcement of judgment in court

【当庭宣判】dānɡtínɡ xuānpàn

pronounce in court

【当选无效】dānɡxuǎn wúxiào

invalidate the election

【当众予以拆封】dānɡzhònɡ yǔyǐ chāifēnɡ

open in public

【档案工作】dànɡ'àn ɡōnɡzuò

archival work

【档案工作人员】dànɡ'àn ɡōnɡzuò rényuán



archive repository

【档案机构】dànɡ'àn jīɡòu

archive division

【档案事业】dànɡ'àn shìyè

undertakings of archives


guide dog

【导盲手段】dǎománɡ shǒuduàn

measures to guide the blind/blind-guide means


traverse point

【导向目录】dǎoxiànɡ mùlù

guidance catalogue

【导致传染病传播或者流行】dǎozhì chuánrǎnbìnɡ chuánbō huòzhě liúxínɡ

cause the spread or epidemic of an infectious disease

【导致二次中毒】dǎozhì èr cì zhònɡdú

lead to secondary hazard toxicity

【导致发生突发事件】dǎozhì fāshēnɡ tūfā shìjiàn

cause the occurrence of an emergency

【导致损害发生】dǎozhì sǔnhài fāshēnɡ

result in damage

【导致危害扩大】dǎozhì wēihài kuòdà

cause the expansion of the scale of damage


speculative transactions



【倒卖车票、船票】dǎomài chēpiào,chuánpiào

scalp train or ship ticket

【倒卖档案】dǎomài dànɡ'àn

sell archives

【倒卖牟利】dǎomài móulì

profiteer/sell sth. for profit

【倒卖土地使用权】dǎomài tǔdì shǐyònɡquán

scalp land-use right

【倒卖文物】dǎomài wénwù

resell the cultural relics




be present

【到达时间】dàodá shíjiān

time of arrival

【到达要约人】dàodá yàoyuērén

reach the offeror

【到会答复】dàohuì dáfù

present at the meeting to give the reply


date of maturity

【到期的票据】dàoqī de piàojù

matured instrument

【到期付款】dàoqī fùkuǎn

pay the bill at its maturity

【到期债权】dàoqī zhàiquán

matured creditor's rights

【到期债务】dàoqī zhàiwù

debt due/matured liabilities

【到期重大债务】dàoqī zhònɡdà zhàiwù

overdue major debts



【盗伐、滥伐的林木】dàofá,lànfá de línmù

trees, bamboo, etc.felled stealthily or arbitrarily

【盗伐林木】dàofá línmù

illegal felling of trees

【盗伐森林】dàofá sēnlín

stealthily fell trees


illegally connect

【盗接他人通信线路】dàojiē tārén tōnɡxìn xiànlù

stealthily connect one's telecommunications line with that of another person


excavate and rob

【盗掘古文化遗址】dàojué ɡǔwénhuà yízhǐ

excavate and rob sites of ancient culture

【盗窃、抢夺军用物资】dàoqiè,qiǎnɡduó jūnyònɡ wùzī

steal or forcibly seize military supply

【盗窃、侮辱尸体】dàoqiè,wǔrǔ shītǐ

steal or insult a corpse

【盗窃公私财物】dàoqiè ɡōnɡsī cáiwù

steal public or private property

【盗窃抢夺枪支】dàoqiè qiǎnɡduó qiānɡzhī

steal or forcibly seize any gun



【盗窃信用卡】dàoqiè xìnyònɡkǎ

steal a credit card

【盗窃增值税专用发票】dàoqiè zēnɡzhíshuì zhuānyònɡ fāpiào

steal special invoice for value-added tax

【道德教育】dàodé jiàoyù

education in ethics

【道具枪支】dàojù qiānɡzhī

guns used as props



【道路隔离设施】dàolù ɡélí shèshī

road isolation facilities

【道路交通安全】dàolù jiāotōnɡ ānquán

safety of road traffic and transportation

【道路交通安全法律、法规】dàolù jiāotōnɡ ānquán fǎlǜ,fǎɡuī

laws and regulations on road traffic safety

【道路交通安全工作】dàolù jiāotōnɡ ānquán ɡōnɡzuò

work for road traffic safety

【道路交通安全管理规划】dàolù jiāotōnɡ ānquán ɡuǎnlǐ ɡuīhuà

administration plan for road traffic safety

【道路交通安全教育】dàolù jiāotōnɡ ānquán jiàoyù

education in road traffic safety/road safety education

【道路交通安全违法行为】dàolù jiāotōnɡ ānquán wéifǎ xínɡwéi

violation of the law on road traffic safety

【道路交通工作】dàolù jiāotōnɡ ɡōnɡzuò

road traffic work

【道路交通活动】dàolù jiāotōnɡ huódònɡ

road traffic activity

【道路交通事故社会救助基金】dàolù jiāotōnɡ shìɡù shèhuì jiùzhù jījīn

Social Assistance Fund for Road Traffic Accident

【道路交通信号】dàolù jiāotōnɡ xìnhào

road traffic signal

【道路交通秩序】dàolù jiāotōnɡ zhìxù

road traffic order

【道路通行规定】dàolù tōnɡxínɡ ɡuīdìnɡ

provision governing road passage

【得到补偿的权利】dédào bǔchánɡ de quánlì

right to compensation

【得票多少的顺序】dépiào duōshǎo de shùnxù

order of the votes obtained


people with both political integrity and professional competence/have both ability and political integrity

【登记保存的财物】dēnɡjì bǎocún de cáiwù

thing recorded for keeping


registration book

【登记的股权】dēnɡjì de ɡǔquán

registered shares

【登记的名称】dēnɡjì de mínɡchēnɡ

name registered


port of registry

【登记管理】dēnɡjì ɡuǎnlǐ

administer through registration


registration number

【登记和公告】dēnɡjì hé ɡōnɡɡào

registration and public announcement

【登记建档】dēnɡjì jiàndànɡ

create archivist file

【登记事项】dēnɡjì shìxiànɡ

registered items

【登记事项的变更】dēnɡjì shìxiànɡ de biànɡēnɡ

modification of registered items

【登记手续】dēnɡjì shǒuxù

formality for registration

【登记项目】dēnɡjì xiànɡmù

item to be registered

【登记债权】dēnɡjì zhàiquán

register the creditors' right

【登记制度】dēnɡjì zhìdù

registration system

【登记资料】dēnɡjì zīliào

registered information

【登轮证件】dēnɡ lún zhènɡjiàn

board pass

【等额享有】děnɡ'é xiǎnɡyǒu

share equally



【等价有偿】děnɡjià yǒuchánɡ

valuable consideration

【等外公路】děnɡwài ɡōnɡlù

substandard highway

【等值以下的罚款】děnɡzhí yǐxià de fákuǎn

fine of no more than the equivalent value of the fund

【邓小平理论】Dènɡ Xiǎopínɡ Lǐlùn

Deng Xiaoping Theory

【低残留农药】dīcánliú nónɡyào

low-residual pesticide

【低层住宅】dīcénɡ zhùzhái

low-stored residence

【低潮高地】dīcháo ɡāodì

low-tide elevation

【低代别种畜禽】dīdài biézhǒnɡ chùqín

breeding livestock and poultry of an inferior generation

【低毒低害】dīdú dīhài

slightly harmful or poisonous

【低价出口】dījià chūkǒu

export products at a low price

【低价转让】dījià zhuǎnrànɡ

transfer at a low price

【低税率优惠】dīshuìlǜ yōuhuì

preferential policy of a low tax rate

【低税政策】dīshuì zhènɡcè

low tax policy

【低于成本的价格】dīyú chénɡběn de jiàɡé

below cost price

【低于当地最低工资标准】dīyú dānɡdì zuìdī ɡōnɡzī biāozhǔn

below the local minimum wage rate



【敌对分子】díduì fènzǐ

hostile element

【敌对势力】díduì shìlì

hostile force

【敌对组织】díduì zǔzhī

hostile organization



【抵顶欠款】dǐdǐnɡ qiànkuǎn

pay off the debt



【抵缴税款】dǐjiǎo shuìkuǎn

offset the amount of tax payable



【抵抗侵略】dǐkànɡ qīnlüè

resist aggression

【抵扣税款】dǐkòu shuìkuǎn

offset tax money

【抵免限额】dǐmiǎn xiàn'é

offset quota





【抵押担保】dǐyā dānbǎo

secured of mortgage

【抵押登记】dǐyā dēnɡjì

mortgage registered/registration of mortgage

【抵押合同】dǐyā hétonɡ

mortgage contract

【抵押合同生效时】dǐyā hétonɡ shēnɡxiào shí

at the time when the mortgage contract becomes valid

【抵押纠纷】dǐyā jiūfēn

mortgage dispute


right of mortgage

【抵押权的顺位】dǐyāquán de shùnwèi

place in the order of mortgage interest

【抵押权登记】dǐyāquán dēnɡjì

register the mortgage



【抵押权设定】dǐyāquán shèdìnɡ

mortgage established

【抵押权实现方式】dǐyāquán shíxiàn fānɡshì

means of enforcing the mortgage interest




mortgaged property

【抵押物登记】dǐyāwù dēnɡjì

registration of mortgaged property

【抵押物价值】dǐyāwù jiàzhí

value of the mortgaged property



【抵制交易】dǐzhì jiāoyì

boycott of transaction

【抵作】dǐ zuò

in lieu of



【地表塌陷】dìbiǎo tāxiàn

surface collapsing

【地方保护】dìfānɡ bǎohù

local protection

【地方标准】dìfānɡ biāozhǔn

local standards

【地方的积极性】dìfānɡ de jījíxìnɡ

initiative of locality

【地方定价目录】dìfānɡ dìnɡjià mùlù

local price catalogs

【地方法规】dìfānɡ fǎɡuī

rules and regulations

【地方附加费】dìfānɡ fùjiāfèi

local extra charges

【地方各级人民代表大会】dìfānɡ ɡèjí rénmín dàibiǎo dàhuì

local people's congresses at various level

【地方各级人民法院】dìfānɡ ɡèjí rénmín fǎyuàn

people's courts at various local level

【地方各级人民检察院】dìfānɡ ɡèjí rénmín jiǎncháyuàn

people's procuratorates at various local level

【地方各级人民政府】dìfānɡ ɡèjí rénmín zhènɡfǔ

local people's governments at various level

【地方各级审计机关】dìfānɡ ɡèjí shěnjì jīɡuān

local auditing bodies at various levels

【地方各级政府】dìfānɡ ɡèjí zhènɡfǔ

local governments at various level

【地方国家权力机关】dìfānɡ ɡuójiā quánlì jīɡuān

local organs of state power

【地方建筑节能标准】dìfānɡ jiànzhù jiénénɡ biāozhǔn

local standards for energy conservation in construction

【地方节能标准】dìfānɡ jiénénɡ biāozhǔn

local energy conservation standard

【地方民族主义】dìfānɡ mínzú zhǔyì

local national chauvinism

【地方实际情况】dìfānɡ shíjì qínɡkuànɡ

existing local situation

【地方事务】dìfānɡ shìwù

local affair

【地方特色】dìfānɡ tèsè

local characteristic

【地方统计调查项目】dìfānɡ tǒnɡjì diàochá xiànɡmù

local statistical investigation item

【地方行政区域】dìfānɡ xínɡzhènɡ qūyù

local administrative region

【地方性传染病】dìfānɡxìnɡ chuánrǎnbìnɡ

endemic infectious diseases

【地方性法规】dìfānɡxìnɡ fǎɡuī

local regulation

【地方性法规案】dìfānɡxìnɡ fǎɡuī'àn

local decree bill

【地方政府规章】dìfānɡ zhènɡfǔ ɡuīzhānɡ

local rules and regulations

【地方重点保护】dìfānɡ zhònɡdiǎn bǎohù

special local protection

【地籍测绘规划】dìjí cèhuì ɡuīhuà

cadastral surveying and mapping plan


land price


local travel agency

【地理标志】dìlǐ biāozhì

geographical indication

【地理上的航线】dìlǐ shànɡ de hánɡxiàn

geographically direct route

【地理信息数据】dìlǐ xìnxī shùjù

geographic information and data


soil fertility

【地面尘土】dìmiàn chéntǔ

surface dirt

【地面第三人】dìmiàn dìsānrén

third party on the surface

【地面第三人损害赔偿】dìmiàn dìsānrén sǔnhài péichánɡ

indemnity for damage to third parties on the surface

【地面第三人责任险】dìmiàn dìsānrén zérènxiǎn

insurance against liability for third parties on the surface

【地面人员】dìmiàn rényuán

ground personnel

【地面塌陷】dìmiàn tāxiàn

ground subsidence

【地区附加津贴】dìqū fùjiā jīntiē

extra regional allowance

【地区管理】dìqū ɡuǎnlǐ

district administration

【地区垄断】dìqū lǒnɡduàn

regional monopoly

【地区牲畜疫病】dìqū shēnɡchù yìbìnɡ

endemic disease among livestock


geothermal energy

【地上定着物】dìshànɡ dìnɡzhuówù

land fixture

【地上附着物】dìshànɡ fùzhuówù

attachment on land

【地位平等】dìwèi pínɡděnɡ

equal status

【地下管线资料】dìxiàɡuǎnxiàn zīliào

underground pipeline layout

【地下空间】dìxià kōnɡjiān

underground space

【地下设施】dìxià shèshī

underground facility

【地下水体】dìxià shuǐtǐ

ground waters

【地下挖掘】dìxià wājué

underground excavation



【地役权变更】dìyìquán biànɡēnɡ

easement altered

【地役权的期限】dìyìquán de qīxiàn

period of time for an easement

【地役权登记】dìyìquán dēnɡjì

registration of easement

【地役权合同】dìyìquán hétonɡ

contract for easement


easement holder

【地域范围】dìyù fànwéi

territorial scope

【地域管辖】dìyù ɡuǎnxiá

territorial jurisdiction

【地域回避】dìyù huíbì

regional avoidance

【地域特殊性】dìyù tèshūxìnɡ

local characteristics

【地域限制】dìyù xiànzhì

regional restriction



【地震安全性】dìzhèn ānquánxìnɡ

seismic safety

【地震安全性评价】dìzhèn ānquánxìnɡ pínɡjià

seismic safety evaluation

【地震动参数区划图】dìzhèn dònɡcānshù qūhuàtú

ground motion parameter zoning map

【地震工作】dìzhèn ɡōnɡzuò

seismic work

【地震观测环境】dìzhèn ɡuāncè huánjìnɡ

environment for seismicity observation

【地震活动】dìzhèn huódònɡ


【地震活动断层】dìzhèn huódònɡ duàncénɡ

seismic active fault

【地震活动趋势】dìzhèn huódònɡ qūshì

tendency of seismicity

【地震监测设施】dìzhèn jiāncè shèshī

monitoring/earthquake monitoring facilities

【地震监测台网】dìzhèn jiāncè táiwǎnɡ

earthquake monitoring stations and networks

【地震监测信息】dìzhèn jiāncè xìnxī

information of earthquake monitoring

【地震监测预报】dìzhèn jiāncè yùbào

earthquake monitoring and prediction

【地震监测预报方案】dìzhèn jiāncè yùbào fānɡ'àn

plans of earthquake monitoring and prediction

【地震救灾】dìzhèn jiùzāi

earthquake disaster relief

【地震救灾资金和物资】dìzhèn jiùzāi zījīn hé wùzī

funds and goods set aside for disaster relief

【地震烈度】dìzhèn lièdù

seismic intensity

【地震烈度区划图】dìzhèn lièdù qūhuàtú

seismic intensity zoning map

【地震群测群防】dìzhèn qún cè qún fánɡ

collective seismic monitoring and prevention

【地震小区划图】dìzhèn xiǎo qūhuàtú

seismic micro-zoning map

【地震遗址遗迹】dìzhèn yízhǐ yíjì

earthquake ruins and vestiges

【地震应急】dìzhèn yìnɡjí

earthquake emergency

【地震应急救援】dìzhèn yìnɡjí jiùyuán

earthquake emergency rescue

【地震应急预案】dìzhèn yìnɡjí yù'àn

emergency preplan for earthquake

【地震灾害】dìzhèn zāihài

earthquake disaster

【地震灾害保险】dìzhèn zāihài bǎoxiǎn

insure against earthquake disaster

【地震灾害预防】dìzhèn zāihài yùfánɡ

protection against earthquake disaster

【地震灾区】dìzhèn zāiqū

earthquake-stricken area

【地质编录】dìzhì biānlù

geological record

【地质工作单位】dìzhì ɡōnɡzuò dānwèi

geological unit

【地质矿产】dìzhì kuànɡchǎn

geology and mineral resources

【地质矿产主管部门】dìzhì kuànɡchǎn zhǔɡuǎn bùmén

department in charge of geology and mineral resources

【地质现象】dìzhì xiànxiànɡ

geological phenomena

【帝国主义】dìɡuó zhǔyì



submission date

【递交申请书】dìjiāo shēnqǐnɡshū

file an application

【第二审程序】dì'èrshěn chénɡxù

procedure of second instance

【第二审人民法院】dì'èrshěn rénmín fǎyuàn

people's court of second instance

【第二现场】dì-èr xiànchǎnɡ

secondary scene

【第三国市场】dì-sānɡuó shìchǎnɡ

market of a third country


third party

【第三人的过错】dìsānrén de ɡuòcuò

fault of a third party

【第三人的赔偿】dìsānrén de péichánɡ

a third party

【第三人利益】dìsānrén lìyì

interests of a third party

【第三人责任险】dìsānrén zérèn xiǎn

insurance against liability for third parties

【第三者的行为】dìsānzhě de xínɡwéi

third party's conduct

【第三者责任强制保险】dìsānzhě zérèn qiánɡzhì bǎoxiǎn

compulsory third party liability insurance

【第四级体力劳动强度】dì-sì jí tǐlì láodònɡ qiánɡdù

Grade IV physical labour intensity

【第一承运人】dì-yī chénɡyùnrén

first carrier

【第一次会议的预备会议】dì-yī cì huìyì de yùbèi huìyì

preparatory meeting of the first session

【第一届】dì-yī jiè

first term

【第一款】dì-yī kuǎn

first paragraph

【第一类预备役士兵】dì-yī lèi yùbèiyì shìbīnɡ

reserve soldier in Category One

【第一审裁定】dìyīshěn cáidìnɡ

written order of first instance

【第一审程序】dìyīshěn chénɡxù

procedure of first instance

【第一审民事案件】dìyīshěn mínshì ànjiàn

first instance over civil case

【第一审判决】dìyīshěn pànjué

judgment of first instance

【第一审普通程序】dìyīshěn pǔtōnɡ chénɡxù

ordinary procedure for trials of first instance

【第一审行政案件】dìyīshěn xínɡzhènɡ ànjiàn

administrative case of first instance

【第一顺序】dì-yī shùnxù

first in order

【第一顺序继承人】dì-yī shùnxù jìchénɡrén

successor(s) first in order



【缔结或者参加的】dìjié huòzhě cānjiā de

concluded or acceded to

【缔约承运人】dìyuē chénɡyùnrén

contracting carrier





【颠覆国家政权】diānfù ɡuójiā zhènɡquán

subvert the State power

【颠覆中央人民政府】diānfù Zhōnɡyānɡ Rénmín Zhènɡfǔ

subversion against the Central People's Government



【电磁环境】diàncí huánjìnɡ

electromagnetic environment

【电力需求侧管理】diànlì xūqiú cèɡuǎnlǐ

lateral control over the demand for power

【电炉法黄磷尾气】diànlúfǎ huánɡlín wěiqì

yellow phosphoric tail gas

【电脑休闲室】diànnǎo xiūxiánshì

computer café (cafe)

【电气管线】diànqì ɡuǎnxiàn

electric wires and gas




electrified wire-netting

【电网企业】diànwǎnɡ qǐyè

power grid enterprise


communications/electric(al) communication/telegraphy/telecom

【电信安全】diànxìn ānquán

communications security/telecom security

【电信部门】diànxìn bùmén

communications department

【电信传递】diànxìn chuándì

telecommunication transmission

【电信费用】diànxìn fèiyònɡ

communications charges

【电信服务标准】diànxìn fúwù biāozhǔn

telecommunications service rates

【电信服务障碍】diànxìn fúwù zhànɡ'ài

interruption of telecommunications services

【电信管理机构】diànxìn ɡuǎnlǐ jīɡòu

telecommunications administration authority

【电信国际专线】diànxìn ɡuójì zhuānxiàn

international telecommunications service

【电信活动】diànxìn huódònɡ

telecommunications activities

【电信内容】diànxìn nèirónɡ

content of telecommunications

【电信普遍服务义务】diànxìn pǔbiàn fúwù yìwù

obligation to make telecommunications services universally

【电信企业】diànxìn qǐyè

telecommunications enterprise

【电信设备进网许可证】diànxìn shèbèi jìn wǎnɡ xǔkězhènɡ

network connection permit for telecommunications equipment

【电信市场】diànxìn shìchǎnɡ

telecommunications market

【电信网络】diànxìn wǎnɡluò

telecommunications network

【电信网络安全】diànxìn wǎnɡluò ānquán

telecommunications network security

【电信网码号资源】diànxìn wǎnɡmǎhào zīyuán

numeric resource for a telecommunications network


telecommunications industry

【电信业务】diànxìn yèwù

telecommunications business

【电信业务经营许可证】diànxìn yèwù jīnɡyínɡ xǔkězhènɡ

operating permit for telecommunications business/telecommunications service operating permit

【电信业务许可】diànxìn yèwù xǔkě

telecommunications business permit

【电信用户】diànxìn yònɡhù

telecommunication subscriber/telecom user

【电信资费】diànxìn zīfèi

telecommunications charges/telecom tariff

【电信资源】diànxìn zīyuán

telecommunications resource

【电信资源使用权】diànxìn zīyuán shǐyònɡquán

right to use telecommunication resources

【电子介质】diànzǐ jièzhì

electronic media

【电子签名】diànzǐ qiānmínɡ

electronic signature

【电子签名人】diànzǐ qiānmínɡrén

electronic signatory

【电子签名认证证书】diànzǐ qiānmínɡ rènzhènɡ zhènɡshū

certificate of the electronic signature

【电子签名验证数据】diànzǐ qiānmínɡ yànzhènɡ shùjù

validation data of an electronic signature

【电子签名依赖方】diànzǐ qiānmínɡ yīlàifānɡ

relying party on the electronic signature

【电子签名制作数据】diànzǐ qiānmínɡ zhìzuò shùjù

creation data of an electronic signature

【电子认证】diànzǐ rènzhènɡ

electronic verification

【电子身份】diànzǐ shēnfèn

electronic identity

【电子数据交换】diànzǐ shùjù jiāohuàn

electronic data interchange

【电子信息】diànzǐ xìnxī

electronic information




make up


pay in advance

【垫付资金】diànfù zījīn

advance fund


padding material/bedding


harass/create difficulties

【吊扣执照】diàokòu zhízhào

withhold licence



【吊销机动车驾驶证】diàoxiāo jīdònɡchē jiàshǐzhènɡ

revocation of motor vehicle driver's license

【吊销勘查许可证】diàoxiāo kānchá xǔkězhènɡ

revoke the exploration license

【吊销其采矿许可证】diàoxiāo qí cǎikuànɡ xǔkězhènɡ

rescission of its mining permit

【吊销许可证和执照】diàoxiāo xǔkězhènɡ hé zhízhào

revoke a license or certificate

【吊销执照】diàoxiāo zhízhào

cancel licence

【吊销职务证书】diàoxiāo zhíwù zhènɡshū

revocation of one's work certificate

【吊销资质证书】diàoxiāo zīzhì zhènɡshū

revoke business licenses







【调查笔录】diàochá bǐlù

written record of an investigation

【调查材料】diàochá cáiliào

data needed for investigation

【调查和处理】diàochá hé chǔlǐ

investigation and disposition

【调查核实】diàochá héshí

conduct investigation to verify the evidence

【调查结果】diàochá jiéɡuǒ

findings/results of investigation

【调查取证】diàochá qǔzhènɡ

make investigation and collect evidence/make investigation and take evidence

【调查人员】diàochá rényuán


【调查委员会】diàochá wěiyuánhuì

investigation commission/comittee of inquiry

【调查项目】diàochá xiànɡmù

investigation item

【调查研究】diàochá yánjiū

study and investigation

【调查资料】diàochá zīliào

investigation data

【调度通讯畅通】diàodù tōnɡxùn chànɡtōnɡ

good communications system for dispatch



【调离或者处理】diàolí huòzhě chǔlǐ

transferring or disposing of

【调取查用】diàoqǔ cháyònɡ

pick up for reference

【调取新的物证】diàoqǔ xīnde wùzhènɡ

request new material evidence to be obtained

【调取证据】diàoqǔ zhènɡjù

obtain evidence


assignment to another post

【调任人选】diàorèn rénxuǎn

candidate to be transferred



【调阅有关资料】diàoyuè yǒuɡuān zīliào

gather relevant material


U-turn/make a U-turn


small house

【顶级域名】dǐnɡjí yùmínɡ

Top Level Domain(TLD)/Top Level Domain (TLD) Name



【订立保险合同】dìnɡlì bǎoxiǎn hétonɡ

enter into (conclude) an insurance contract

【订立合同】dìnɡlì hétonɡ

sign a contract

【订立和解除劳动合同】dìnɡlì hé jiěchú láodònɡ hétonɡ

conclusion or revocation of a labor contract

【订立婚约】dìnɡlì hūnyuē

make marriage contract

【订立口头协议】dìnɡlì kǒutóu xiéyì

conclude an oral agreement

【订立劳动合同】dìnɡlì láodònɡ hétonɡ

conclude a labor contract



【订有诉讼管辖协定】dìnɡyǒu sùsònɡ ɡuǎnxiá xiédìnɡ

reach an agreement on litigation jurisdiction

【订约一方】dìnɡyuē yīfānɡ

one of the contracting party


determine a case

【定案的根据】dìnɡ'àn de ɡēnjù

basis in deciding a case

【定额标准】dìnɡ'é biāozhǔn

norm set for quota

【定额管理】dìnɡ'é ɡuǎnlǐ

quota control

【定标】dìnɡ biāo

determination of bid

【定点屠宰】dìnɡdiǎn túzǎi

slaughter at designated point


fixing price

【定价安排】dìnɡjià ānpái

pricing agreement

【定价目录】dìnɡjià mùlù

price catalogs

【定价权限】dìnɡjià quánxiàn

limit of the powers for pricing

【定价原则】dìnɡjià yuánzé

principle of pricing



【定金的数额】dìnɡjīn de shù'é

amount of the deposit

【定金合同】dìnɡjīn hétonɡ

deposit contract



【定居场所】dìnɡjū chǎnɡsuǒ

residential settlement

【定居国外】dìnɡjū ɡuówài

settle in a foreign country

【定居身份确认】dìnɡjū shēnfèn quèrèn

status-of-residence identification

【定居在中国】dìnɡjū zài Zhōnɡɡuó

settle in China

【定期采集和更新】dìnɡqī cǎijí hé ɡēnɡxīn

regularly collect and update

【定期付款】dìnɡqī fùkuǎn

draw payable at a fixed period

【定期公布】dìnɡqī ɡōnɡbù

regularly announce

【定期航班】dìnɡqī hánɡbān

scheduled air services

【定期会议】dìnɡqī huìyì

regular meeting

【定期检测】dìnɡqī jiǎncè

check regularly

【定期检定】dìnɡqī jiǎndìnɡ

verify at regular intervals

【定期检验】dìnɡqī jiǎnyàn

periodical examination

【定期接受检测】dìnɡqī jiēshòu jiǎncè

accept regular test

【定期考核结果】dìnɡqī kǎohé jiéɡuǒ

results of regular assessments

【定期向立法会作施政报告】dìnɡqī xiànɡ lìfǎhuì zuò shīzhènɡ bàoɡào

present regular policy address to the Council

【定期增资】dìnɡqī zēnɡzī

increase regularly

【定期租船合同】dìnɡqī zūchuán hétonɡ

time charter party

【定期租船人】dìnɡqī zūchuánrén

time charterer

【定日付款】dìnɡrì fùkuǎn

payable at a fixed date

【定向抽样检查】dìnɡxiànɡ chōuyànɡ jiǎnchá

orientation sampling inspection


finalize the design

【定性准确】dìnɡxìnɡ zhǔnquè

accurate determination of the nature of the case


things firmly fixed



【定罪处罚】dìnɡzuì chǔfá

convicted and punished

【定罪量刑的证据】dìnɡzuì liànɡxínɡ de zhènɡjù

evidence upon which the condemnation was made and punishment meted out


manufacturing on order






board of directors

【董事会成员】dǒnɡshìhuì chénɡyuán

member of the board of directors

【董事会的决议】dǒnɡshìhuì de juéyì

resolution of the board of directors

【董事会秘书】dǒnɡshìhuì mìshū

secretary of the board of directors


movable property

【动产抵押】dònɡchǎn dǐyā

mortgage movable property

【动产物权】dònɡchǎn wùquán

property right of the movable

【动产质权】dònɡchǎn zhìquán

interest acquired through pledge

【动产质押】dònɡchǎn zhìyā

pledge of movables



【动物病料】dònɡwù bìnɡliào

animal epidemic materials/animal pathological material

【动物产品】dònɡwù chǎnpǐn

animal product

【动物传染病】dònɡwù chuánrǎnbìnɡ

animal diseases

【动物的生皮】dònɡwù de shēnɡpí

animals' raw hide

【动物防疫】dònɡwù fánɡyì

animal epidemic prevention

【动物防疫监督】dònɡwù fánɡyì jiāndū

supervision and inspection for prevention of animal epidemics

【动物防疫监督工作人员】dònɡwù fánɡyì jiāndū ɡōnɡzuò rényuán

supervisor of animal epidemic prevention

【动物防疫科学研究】dònɡwù fánɡyì kēxué yánjiū

scientific research in animal epidemic prevention

【动物防疫体系】dònɡwù fánɡyì tǐxì

systems for animal epidemic prevention

【动物防疫条件合格证】dònɡwù fánɡyì tiáojiàn héɡézhènɡ

certificate of conformity to the conditions for animal epidemic prevention

【动物检疫】dònɡwù jiǎnyì

quarantine of animals

【动物检疫员】dònɡwù jiǎnyìyuán

quarantine officer

【动物经营】dònɡwù jīnɡyínɡ

animal marketing

【动物尸体】dònɡwù shītǐ

carcass of animals

【动物饲养】dònɡwù sìyǎnɡ

animal raising

【动物饲养场】dònɡwù sìyǎnɡchǎnɡ

animal farm/animal raising farm

【动物饲养人】dònɡwù sìyǎnɡrén

keeper of the animal

【动物屠宰】dònɡwù túzǎi

animal slaughtering

【动物卫生监督机构】dònɡwù wèishēnɡ jiāndū jīɡòu

animal health supervision institution

【动物疫病】dònɡwù yìbìnɡ

animal epidemics

【动物疫病病种】dònɡwù yìbìnɡ bìnɡzhǒnɡ

specific kinds of animal epidemics

【动物疫病扩散】dònɡwù yìbìnɡ kuòsàn

spread of an animal epidemic

【动物疫病预防与控制】dònɡwù yìbìnɡ yùfánɡ yǔ kònɡzhì

animal epidemic prevention and control

【动物疫情】dònɡwù yìqínɡ

animal epidemic situation

【动物疫情报告】dònɡwù yìqínɡ bàoɡào

report of animal epidemic situation

【动物疫情监测网络】dònɡwù yìqínɡ jiāncè wǎnɡluò

network for animal epidemic monitoring

【动物疫情预警】dònɡwù yìqínɡ yùjǐnɡ

early warnings against animal epidemics

【动物源性致病微生物】dònɡwùyuánxìnɡ zhìbìnɡ wēishēnɡwù

animal-borne pathogenic microorganism

【动物诊疗】dònɡwù zhěnliáo

diagnosis and treatment of animal diseases





【动员拆除】dònɡyuán chāichú

persuade them to pull down


mobilization order


animals and plants

【动植物产品】dònɡzhíwù chǎnpǐn

animal or plant products

【动植物检疫】dònɡzhíwù jiǎnyì

animal and plant quarantine

【动植物检疫机关】dònɡzhíwù jiǎnyì jīɡuān

animal and plant quarantine department

【动植物疫病区】dònɡzhíwù yìbìnɡqū

animal and plant disease zone

【动植物疫情】dònɡzhíwù yìqínɡ

animal or plant epidemic

【动植物疫区】dònɡzhíwù yìqū

animal or plant epidemic areas



【冻结财产】dònɡjié cáichǎn

freezing of property

【冻结财物】dònɡ jié cáiwù

frozen property

【冻结价格】dònɡjié jiàɡé

freezing price

【冻结资金】dònɡjié zījīn

freeze funds



【督察部门】dūchá bùmén

supervisory department




oversee the observation

【督导评估】dūdǎo pínɡɡū

supervision, guidance and assessment


poisonous and harmful weeds

【毒害性物质】dúhàixìnɡ wùzhì

poisonous substance


narcotic drugs

【毒品犯罪资金】dúpǐn fànzuì zījīn

fund used in drug-related offence

【毒品监测系统】dúpǐn jiāncè xìtǒnɡ

system for monitoring narcotic drugs

【毒品检查】dúpǐn jiǎnchá

inspection of narcotic drugs

【毒品违法犯罪的非法所得】dúpǐn wéifǎ fànzuì de fēifǎ suǒdé

unlawful gains earned through criminal offences related to narcotic drugs

【毒品违法犯罪行为】dúpǐn wéifǎ fànzuì xínɡwéi

criminal offence related to narcotic drugs

【毒品原植物】dúpǐn yuánzhíwù

mother plant of narcotic drugs

【毒品原植物替代种植】dúpǐn yuánzhíwù tìdài zhònɡzhí

substitute the cultivation of the mother plant of narcotic drugs

【毒品原植物种子】dúpǐn yuánzhíwù zhǒnɡzi

seeds of the mother plant of narcotic drugs

【毒品原植物种子或者幼苗】dúpǐn yuánzhíwù zhǒnɡzi huòzhě yòumiáo

seeds or seedlings of the mother plant of narcotic drugs

【毒性药品】dúxìnɡ yàopǐn

medical toxicant


drug addiction


virus strains


original creation



【独立的调查委员会】dúlì de diàochá wěiyuánhuì

independent investigation committee

【独立的税收制度】dúlì de shuìshōu zhìdù

independent taxation system

【独立的司法权】dúlì de sīfǎquán

independent judicial power

【独立地位】dúlì dìwèi

independent status

【独立董事】dúlì dǒnɡshì

independent director

【独立工作】dúlì ɡōnɡzuò

function independently

【独立核算】dúlì hésuàn

independent accounting

【独立交易原则】dúlì jiāoyì yuánzé

principle of arm's-length transaction

【独立进行经济活动】dúlì jìnxínɡ jīnɡjì huódònɡ

conduct independent economic activity

【独立进行经济活动的自主权】dúlì jìnxínɡ jīnɡjì huódònɡ de zìzhǔquán

decision-making power in conducting independent economic activities

【独立进行审判】dúlì jìnxínɡ shěnpàn

exercise trial power independently

【独立经费的机关】dúlì jīnɡfèi de jīɡuān

independently funded official organ

【独立开发】dúlì kāifā

develop independently

【独立评估机构】dúlì pínɡɡū jīɡòu

independent assessment institution

【独立生活】dúlì shēnɡhuó

live on one's own

【独立适用附加刑】dúlì shìyònɡ fùjiāxínɡ

simply impose with supplementary punishments

【独立委员会】dúlì wěiyuánhuì

independent commission

【独立行使】dúlì xínɡshǐ

independently exercise

【独立行使检察权】dúlì xínɡshǐ jiǎncháquán

exercise procuratorial power independently

【独立行使审计监督权】dúlì xínɡshǐ shěnjì jiāndūquán

independently exercise the power of supervision through auditing

【独立行使审判权】dúlì xínɡshǐ shěnpànquán

exercise judicial power independently

【独任审理】dúrèn shěnlǐ

tried by a judge alone

【独任专家组】dúrèn zhuānjiāzǔ

single panelist

【独占的实施权】dúzhàn de shíshīquán

exclusive right to exploit the patent

【独占地位】dúzhàn dìwèi

monopolistic status

【独占实施】dúzhàn shíshī

exclusively exercise


sole proprietorship

【独资公司】dúzī ɡōnɡsī

sole company/company being the sole investor

【独资企业】dúzī qǐyè

sole proprietorship enterprise

【渎职行为】dúzhí xínɡwéi

dereliction of duty

【堵塞交通】dǔsè jiāotōnɡ

block traffic




gambling house


gambling devices

【杜绝浪费】dùjué lànɡfèi

put an end to extravagance


short period

【短期拨款】duǎnqī bōkuǎ

short-term appropriation

【短期预报】duǎnqī yùbào

short-term prediction


short on weight or quantity/shortage


set a lawsuit

【断开链接】duànkāi liànjiē





pile of objects

【堆放物品】duīfànɡ wùpǐn

pile things up

【对裁定不服】duì cáidìnɡ bùfú

unsatisfied with the order

【对处罚不服】duì chǔfá bùfú

refuse to accept the penalty

【对船舶设定抵押权】duì chuánbó shèdìnɡ dǐyāquán

establish any mortgage of the ship

【对等措施】duìděnɡ cuòshī

equivalent measure

【对等原则】duìděnɡ yuánzé

reciprocal principle/principle of reciprocity

【对罚款无异议】duì fákuǎn wú yìyì

have no objection to the fine

【对法院有约束力】duì fǎyuàn yǒu yuēshùlì

bind on the court

【对方当事人】duìfānɡ dānɡshìrén

other party/adversary/opposite party

【对复议不服】duì fùyì bùfú

do not agree with the reconsideration

【对复议决定不服】duì fùyì juédìnɡ bùfú

disagree with the review decision

【对该船舶进行保险】duì ɡāi chuánbó jìnxínɡ bǎoxiǎn

place the ship under insurance coverage

【对港口安全具有威胁】duì ɡǎnɡkǒu ānquán jùyǒu wēixié

menace to the safety of a harbour

【对各方面工作的建议】duì ɡè fānɡmiàn ɡōnɡzuò de jiànyì

suggestion on any aspect of work

【对管辖权发生争议】duì ɡuǎnxiáquán fāshēnɡ zhēnɡyì

dispute jurisdiction/dispute of jurisdiction

【对管辖权有异议】duì ɡuǎnxiáquán yǒu yìyì

object to the jurisdiction



【对教师打击报复】duì jiàoshī dǎjī bàofù

retaliate against teachers



【对抗第三人】duìkànɡ dìsānrén

act against a third party

【对空发射场】duì kōnɡ fāshèchǎnɡ

air shooting ground/air shooting range

【对口支援】duìkǒu zhīyuán

one-on-one assistance

【对立法会负责】duì lìfǎhuì fùzé

be accountable to the Legislative Council

【对律师的投诉】duì lǜshī de tóusù

complaint against a lawyer

【对能源消费实行包费制】duì nénɡyuán xiāofèi shíxínɡ bāofèizhì

charge a fixed lump sum on the energy consumed per month

【对赔偿数额有异议】duì péichánɡ shù'é yǒu yìyì

not satisfied with the amount of compensation/object to the compensation

【对毗连区的管制权】duì píliánqū de ɡuǎnzhìquán

control over the contiguous zone

【对人民负责】duì rénmín fùzé

responsible to the people


corresponding day

【对商品和服务的监督、检查】duì shānɡpǐn hé fúwù de jiāndū,jiǎnchá

supervision and inspection of commodities and services

【对受让人具有约束力】duì shòurànɡrén jùyǒu yuēshùlì

binding to the transferee

【对双方具有约束力】duì shuānɡfānɡ jùyǒu yuēshùlì

binding on both parties

【对他人造成损害】duì tārén zàochénɡ sǔnhài

cause harm to another person

【对通信进行检查】duì tōnɡxìn jìnxínɡ jiǎnchá

censor correspondence

【对土地实行征用】duì tǔdì shíxínɡ zhēnɡyònɡ

requisition land

【对外担保】duìwài dānbǎo

external guarantee

【对外工程承包】duìwài ɡōnɡchénɡ chénɡbāo

contract construction of foreign projects

【对外国人开放】duì wàiɡuórén kāifànɡ

open to foreigners

【对外合作】duìwài hézuò

cooperation with foreign entities

【对外交流与合作】duìwài jiāoliú yǔ hézuò

foreign exchange and cooperation

【对外交往与合作】duìwài jiāowǎnɡ yǔ hézuò

contact and cooperation with foreign countries

【对外经济合作】duìwài jīnɡjì hézuò

economic cooperation with foreign countries

【对外经济贸易】duìwài jīnɡjì màoyì

foreign trade/foreign economic relations and trade

【对外经济贸易主管部门】duìwài jīnɡjì màoyì zhǔɡuǎn bùmén

department under the State Council which is in charge of foreign economic relations and trade

【对外开放】duìwài kāifànɡ

open up to the outside world

【对外贸易】duìwài màoyì

foreign trade

【对外贸易公共信息服务体系】duìwài màoyì ɡōnɡɡònɡ xìnxī fúwù tǐxì

system of public information service for foreign trade

【对外贸易管理工作部门】duìwài màoyì ɡuǎnlǐ ɡōnɡzuò bùmén

department responsible for foreign trade administration

【对外贸易合同】duìwài màoyì hétonɡ

foreign trade contract

【对外贸易经济合作部】duìwài màoyì jīnɡjì hézuòbù

Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation(MFTEC)

【对外贸易经营活动】duìwài màoyì jīnɡyínɡ huódònɡ

foreign trade activity

【对外贸易经营活动当事人】duìwài màoyì jīnɡyínɡ huódònɡ dānɡshìrén

party engaged in foreign trade activities

【对外贸易经营许可】duìwài màoyì jīnɡyínɡ xǔkě

foreign trade operation permit

【对外贸易经营者】duìwài màoyì jīnɡyínɡzhě

foreign trade dealer

【对外贸易救济措施】duìwài màoyì jiùjì cuòshī

measures of foreign trade remedies

【对外贸易业务】duìwài màoyì yèwù

foreign trade

【对外贸易秩序】duìwài màoyì zhìxù

foreign trade order

【对外贸易主管部门】duìwài màoyì zhǔɡuǎn bùmén

department in charge of foreign trade

【对外使用的】duìwài shǐyònɡ de

used in foreign affairs

【对外事务】duìwài shìwù

external affairs

【对外体育交往】duìwài tǐyù jiāowǎnɡ

international exchange in sports

【对外投资】duìwài tóuzī

external investment

【对外友好】duìwài yǒuhǎo

friendship with other countries

【对外政策】duìwài zhènɡcè

foreign policy

【对下列具体行政行为不服】duì xiàliè jùtǐ xínɡzhènɡ xínɡwéi bùfú

protest the following concrete administrative action

【对香港恢复行使主权】duì Xiānɡɡǎnɡ huīfù xínɡshǐ zhǔquán

resumption of the exercise of sovereignty over Hong Kong

【对香港行使主权】duì Xiānɡɡǎnɡ xínɡshǐ zhǔquán

exercise of sovereignty over Hong Kong

【对行政案件独立行使审判权】duì xínɡzhènɡ ànjiàn dúlì xínɡshǐ shěnpànquán

independently try administrative cases

【对行政长官负责】duì xínɡzhènɡ zhǎnɡɡuān fùzé

be accountable to the Chief Executive

【对行政处罚决定不服】duì xínɡzhènɡ chǔfá juédìnɡ bùfú

unsatisfied with the decision on administrative sanction

【对行政复议决定不服】duì xínɡzhènɡ fùyì juédìnɡ bùfú

dissatisfy with the decision made after administrative reconsideration

【对业主具有约束力】duì yèzhǔ jùyǒu yuēshùlì

binding to the owner

【对债权有异议】duì zhàiquán yǒu yìyì

objection to claims

【对证据有疑问】duì zhènɡjù yǒu yíwèn

have doubt about the evidence

【对证据予以封存】duì zhènɡjù yǔyǐ fēnɡcún

seal up the evidence

【对证人进行打击报复】duì zhènɡrén jìnxínɡ dǎjī bàofù

retaliate against a witness

【对治安管理处罚决定不服】duì zhì'ān ɡuǎnlǐ chǔfá juédìnɡ bùfú

not satisfied with the decision on penalty for administration of public security

【对仲裁裁决不服】duì zhònɡcái cáijué bùfú

dissatisfy with the arbitral award

【兑付国债】duìfù ɡuózhài

honour state bonds

【兑领汇款】duìlǐnɡ huìkuǎn

collect the remittance


accept the payment

【多边条约】duōbiān tiáoyuē

multilateral treaty

【多重残疾】duōchónɡ cánjí

multiple disabilities

【多次贪污未经处理】duōcì tānwū wèijīnɡ chǔlǐ

repeatedly commit the crime of embezzlement and go unpunished

【多次作案】duōcì zuò'àn

crimes committed repeatedly

【多党合作】duōdǎnɡ hézuò

multi-party cooperation

【多付价款】duōfù jiàkuǎn


【多民族共同居住】duōmínzú ɡònɡtónɡ jūzhù

several nationalities living together/inhabited by several ethnic groups

【多民族国家】duōmínzú ɡuójiā

multi-national state

【多能互补】duōnénɡ hùbǔ

complement multiple form of energy


through multiple channels and by diversified means


number of persons

【多式联运】duōshì liányùn

multi-modal transport

【多式联运单据】duōshì liányùn dānjù

multi-modal transport document

【多式联运合同】duōshì liányùn hétonɡ

multimodal transport contract

【多式联运货物】duōshì liányùn huòwù

goods under multimodal transport

【多式联运经营人】duōshì liányùn jīnɡyínɡrén

multimodal transport operator


multilateral and bilateral


return the overcharge and demand payment of the shortage



【多种分配方式】duōzhǒnɡ fēnpèi fānɡshì

diversified modes of distribution

【多种就业形式】duōzhǒnɡ jiùyè xínɡshì

diversified forms of employment

【多种所有制经济】duōzhǒnɡ suǒyǒuzhì jīnɡjì

economic sectors of diversified ownerships

【多种形式的合作】duōzhǒnɡ xínɡshì de hézuò

cooperation in diverse form

【蹲牢】dūn láo

be in prison

  • 中华人民共和国测绘法(最新修订本)


  • 以案说法:老百姓身边的法律故事(增订版)


  • 农民维权必读


  • 中华人民共和国反恐怖主义法


  • 老年人权益维护案例精选与解析


  • 魔帝:穿越狂少


  • 阡骨恋


  • 影子(卫斯理珍藏版)


  • 英雄联盟之至尊王者


  • 离婚以后的快乐生活


  • 变形计:成长之痛


  • 重返艾泽拉斯当波士


  • 时间让我们相遇


  • 风落之光


  • 天行

