
第7章 阅读效率与阅读技能


















技巧1 全文阅览

正确的阅读方法并不是在任何情况下都从第一个字读起,并逐字逐句读,直到最后一个字。从实践上讲,没人能够一口气连续20小时读完整本书,也没人能一口气把一篇文章读完并立即获得文中的全部信息。首先,读者要对所阅读的文章的内容、文章结构及作者的表达手法和风格有个初步印象。为此,需要略读加快读,正确辨别哪些是主要信息,哪些是次要信息,哪些是主题,哪些是细节,主题是怎样表达的,细节是怎么安排的。明确作者表达主题与安排细节的方式方法往往是有效阅读的关键。只有在对全文有概括性的印象时,才能期望准确把握作者意图。也唯有如此,才能分清文章各部分的轻重,决定哪些地方该细读,哪些地方该略读,甚至哪些地方需要重读,等等。在这个过程中,不但明确了主题,而且注意到了详尽的事实和数字(facts and figures)。文章越长,阅读全文的必要性就越大。

技巧2 利用背景知识



The Thousand and One Nights

There was once a king of Persia who had beautiful wife。 He loved her very much,but she was a wicked woman。When the King discovered her wickedness,he killed her。He decided that all women were wicked and that he would punish them。He gave orders that he was to be given a new wife every day。After one day's marriage he would cut off her head and marry again。This went on for some time and all the people of the country were very unhappy。

Now the King had a Chief Minister who he loved。 The Chief Minister had two beautiful daughters。The elder of the two had read many books and knew all the stories of the world。She decided that she would try to cure the King of his madness。

She went to her father and said,“Father,I want to marry the King。 Please go and tell him。”

Her father was horrified and tried to persuade her to change her mind but she would not。 She was determined。“I shall marry him,”she said,“and perhaps I can make him stop this mad murder。If not,I shall die myself。”

Minister told him,and the marriage took place at once。 After the wedding,the new Queen said,“If I am going to die tomorrow,please let me have my sister with me for a short time,so that I may say good-bye。”The King agreed and the sister came。The Queen had told her sister about the plan and she knew what to do。She waited for night-time。

The King tried to sleep but he could not。 Seeing this,the sister said to the Queen,“The King cannot sleep。Why don't you tell us one of your stories?”

The Queen said,“No,the King may not want to listen。”But the King said,“Yes,tell us a story。”

So the Queen began。 It was a very exciting story,and when she reached the most exciting part of all she stopped。

“Go on,”said the King。

“It's time to stop now,”said the Queen。“What a pity that I am going to be killed tomorrow。 The next part of the story is even more exciting。”

The King thought,“There is no need to kill her tomorrow。 I will wait until the day after,and then I can hear the end of the story。”

But the second night,the Queen finished the story and began another,and again she stopped at a very exciting place。 Again her life was saved。On the third night the same thing happened。

This went on night after night until they had been married a whole year,and a beautiful son was born to the Queen。 The King now loved his wife and understood that there were good and bad women just as there were good and bad men。He was ashamed of his actions and he killed no more women,and his wife lived peacefully together。

南丁格尔是个家喻户晓的人物,了解这一点背景的读者阅读有关她的文章时就不会有太多背景知识上的问题。有些读者看到“The Lady with the Lamp”就知道是描写她的,不论从阅读速度还是最后对全文阅读理解问题的回答都已经是“先入为主”了。

The Lady with the Lamp

Florence Nightingale was born in 1820,and had a very long life。 During nearly all Miss Nightingale's life,England was ruled by the famous Queen Victoria。At one time during her reign,about a hundred years ago,the English were fighting the Russians in a place called the Crimea。Florence Nightingale became famous because of the work she did in this war。She became a nurse and she helped to train hundreds and hundreds of other women to be skillful and gentle nurses。

When Florence was a young girl,hospitals were not as good as they are now,and nurses were sometimes very careless and ignorant。 The doctors,especially the army doctors,did not know enough about healing wounds and curing diseases。A great many of the poor soldiers in the Crimean war died of wounds and fever because the doctors were not skillful enough to cure them。When Miss Nightingale was a little girl,she used to like playing with her dolls and pretending to nurse them。She used to visit the poor people near her house and look after them when they were ill。She wanted very much to be a nurse,but her father said,“Look at the women who do nursing nowadays!I don't want you to be like that!”He had plenty of money and let Florence travel to many other countries。He hoped she wouldforget about wanting to be a nurse。

But Florence didn't forget。 Wherever she went,she visited hospitals and convents where nuns were trained to be nurses。She worked in them herself and learned all she could because she was very sad to hear about the poor English soldiers dying in the crowded hospitals。Then she was placed in charge of a small hospital in London。

She wrote to some very important people and at last one of her friends,who was the Minister of War,allowed her to go and look after the wounded soldiers。 She picked the best nurses she could find and took them with her。They found the hospital crowded and dirty。There was not enough medicine。There were not enough bandages。There was not even enough food。Miss Nightingale and her nurses had to work very hard indeed。

Miss Nightingale herself worked harder than anybody。 She worked all day to see that the wounded soldiers were well looked after and properly nursed。Every night she walked round the hospital with a small lamp,visiting the patients。The soldiers were very pleased to see her。They knew that she was working very hard for them and they gave her the name of“The Lady of the Lamp”。She and her nurses saved hundreds of lives and she stayed at the hospital until the war was over。

She fell ill herself because she had worked too hard for a very long time。 When she came back to England,however,she started to train nurses in all the hospitals。Soon all the big hospitals in England had their own training schools for nurses。Hospitals became clean and cheerful places and nurses were much more skillful。Today,nurses all over the world remember“The Lady of the Lamp”。



The Strange History of Ping-Pong

Pieces of scrap wood lie by day heaped on the roadside。 In the evening four or five boys arrive。They set noisily to work and,in a few magical moments,the pieces of wood are converted into a Ping-Pong table。Then the boys begin to play。Those who cannot afford bats use strips of hard cardboard instead。Their only audience is a dog,which sits and watches,its head moving from side to side。

This is how Ping-Pong is often played today and this is how it started as a friendly game,played for fun without worrying very much about rules。 No one knows who invented it。One story is that it started when two students at Cambridge University began knocking a cork to each other across a table,using old cigar-boxes。

In about the year 1800 an American manufacturer of sports goods produced a game which he called indoor Tennis。 The Americans were not very enthusiastic at first but he exported it to his London agents and it became very popular in Britain。The game was then played across dining-room tables,or on the floor with the net strung between chairs。The players used a ball made of cork or rubber,which was covered with a net of soft string to prevent it from damaging the furniture。The bats were covered with sandpaper。

A few years later a hollow ball like the one we use today was invented。 The game then quickly spread all over the world。A gentleman called Mr。Wood,of London,had the idea of covering the batswith studded rubber to give greater control over the ball。The London agents who first sold the game in England now called it“Ping-Pong”。“Ping”was meant to be the sound of the bat hitting the ball,and“Pong”was the sound of the ball hitting the table。

The game was played everywhere but not everybody liked it。 Some thought it was a silly game。The famous English humorous magazine Punch had these lines:

I know I must be wrong,but I cannot love Ping-Pong。

I cannot sing in praise of Ping。 I have no song for Pong。

Many people,however,began to play the game seriously。 Its official name was changed to Table-tennis,because the name“Ping-Pong”belonged to the London agents who first sold the equipment。In 1926 the international Table-tennis Federation was set up。That same year a European Championship was played in London。The winning country was Hungary where today the game is played almost as much as in China。The Chinese are today the greatest players。In the international Championship of 1971 Hungary won the men's singles and the men's doubles,and Japan's women's team was successful,but all the other events were won by China。In 1972 it became a game of friendship when China sent teams to America and America sent teams to China to play friendly games。

You may like to know the official measurements。 The table is nine feet long,five feet wide and,thirty inches high。The net is six feet long and six inches high。The weight of the ball is 37-39 grams(37-41 grams in the USA)。



The First Chinese

China is the oldest living civilization in the world。 It did not start as early as Ancient Egypt or other civilizations but all these came to an end。China has continued to the present day。People in China were living civilized lives and making beautiful things when the Greeks were still savages。Countries around China,Vietnam and Korea,for example,learned a great deal from China about civilized life——how to live in communities,for example,and how to write。

No one is sure where the first people in China came from。 We do know that the bones of some of the first people to exist have been found near Peking,the capital of China,near the Yellow River valley。There are many legends about how the world began and who the first kings were。One legend tells of the appearance in the sky of ten suns,which burnt the earth。The great archer,Hou Yi,shot them all down with his bow and arrows。Other stories tell of how Shen Nong invented farming,and of how Huang Di,the Yellow Emperor,invented the skills of pottery and of making cloth。

Then the stories tell how when Shun was king,there was a terrible flood Shun promised all his kingdom to anyone who could control the rivers。 The hero Yao agreed to do this,and he worked without stopping for thirteen years。He built dams and he changed the direction of rivers。Three times he passed the door of his house。Every time he passed by,he heard his children crying for him,but he would not go home until he had finished all his work。This great hero,who saved the world from flood,became emperor of China。He was the first of the Xia Dynasty,or family of kings。He ruled the first Chinesestate somewhere in the Yellow River valley。This may have been about 2200 BC。

The Chinese,like all the people in Europe,thought that the world was flat。 They thought it was huge and square,and rested on four great columns,surrounded by sea。They believed that China lay the center of the earth,and so they called their country the Middle Kingdom。For many centuries they were surrounded by uncivilized tribes and they knew nothing about the rest of the world。They believed that they were the only civilized people in the world and that they had nothing to learn from any other country。In some ways they were right!When the famous traveler,Marco Polo,traveled from Venice to Peking in the thirteenth century,he was very surprised by what he found in China。There were not only great cities。There are many things which were unknown in Europe。For example,the Chinese had already invented gunpowder and the compass and they knew how to print books。




下面是一个在中国南方高校工作的外国朋友几年前给China Daily的来信节选。虽然可能有不少生词,但是读者一般也不会碰到多少阅读障碍。

Dear Editor,

It slaps me in the face every morning when I arrive at the library……in the dimly lighted lobby in bright red calligraphy a blind man could not miss there is scrolled the aphorism,“Knowledge is power。”The repository of knowledge is padlocked early before the closing hour。 The citadel of knowledge is relocked every now and then,only opened a mere seven hours a day,five days a week——a great,big 35 hours of availability in the 168 hours in any given week,24 percent of the time。Although there are cultural differences,I see more similarities than disparities。A Pacific-size difference in educational systems lies in the single fact that better American college libraries are open 24 hours a day,seven days a week。




Chernobyl Computer Virus Author ID'd

TAIPEI,Taiwan(AP)——A former computer engineering student was identified by his college today as the author of the Chernobyl virus——the menace that caused hundreds of thousands of computer meltdowns around the world this week。

The Tatung Institute of Technology had punished Chen Ing-hau last April when the virus he wrote as a student began to cause damage in an inter-college data system,according to Lee Chee-chen,the institute's dean of student affairs。

Chen,who was a senior at the time,was given a demerit but not expelled。 The Chernobyl virus is known in Taiwan as the CIH,using Chen's initials。

The college did not mete out a more severe punishment because Chen had warned fellow students not to spread the virus,Lee said。 Chen did not come up with an anti-virus program,Lee said。

Lee said he was not sure how the virus ended up causing so much destruction a year later。

Chen graduated from the college last summer and now is serving Taiwan's two-year compulsory military service,Lee said。

Officials of the Bureau of Criminal Investigation said they would seek permission to question Chen。 The unusually destructive virus——timed to strike on April 26,the 13th anniversary of the

Chernobyl nuclear disaster——tries to erase a computer's hard drive and write gibberish into its system settings to prevent the machine from being restarted。

Turkey and South Korea each reported 300,000 computers damaged Monday,and there were more elsewhere in Asia and the Middle East。 Fewer than 10,000 of the 50 million computers in the United States were affected。

注:ID’d=identified;整个标题的意思是:The author of the Chernobyl computer virus has been identified。英语报刊标题的特点是醒目精炼,省却不必要的文字(如谓语动词、冠词等)。句法不完整,大多用副词、介词、分词等表示句法关系。AP(Associated Press):美联社。



技巧3 按意义结构断句阅读



The ships in which men hunt whales are very strongly constructed。 The crew must be both courageous and strong,because they are going to fight the biggest of all animals。Many of the whaling ships sail from Norway,which is famous for its sailors。

When a whaling ship reaches the whaling grounds(the part of the sea where whales are found),all the sailors keep a watch for whales。 One at a time they stand high up on a mast so that they can see a great distance。Whales breathe air as we do。When they breathe out,the air mixes with water,and a jet of water is shot up above the surface of the sea。The sailor up above watches for these jets of water。When he sees one of them,he shouts,“There she blows!”

Motor-boats,called whalers,are lowered to the water,and they speed off towards the whale。 The whalers try to get close to the whale while it is still on the surface。An exciting moment comes when a harpoon is shot。This is a sharp spear with hooks that prevent it from being pulled out after it as gone into the whale。It is fastened to a long,light,but very strong rope,which is carefully placed in the boat so that it will run out smoothly。

As soon as the whale is struck by the harpoon,it dives deep under the water and swims away as fast as it can。 It pulls the rope after it and the whaling boat follows on the surface at full speed。Soon the whale must come up to breathe。The whalers want to be near when it comes up,in order to shoot another harpoon at it。

There is always the danger that the whale may turn round and attack the boat which is following it。 The whale has a very strong tail,with which it can attack the boat and destroy it。The whalers watch for such an attack。They get out of the way as quickly as they can,and once more they fire the harpoon gun。At last the whale tires itself out。The whalers follow it,so as to be near when great whales floats dead on the sea。The whaling ship is brought close to the whale,and the whalers begin to cut out the blubber for which they fought so hard。It is heated in large pots and the oil is poured into barrels or other containers in which it is stored。When the ship has a full load,it returns to port。

技巧4 注意信号词


举例(exemplification)所使用的信号词有:for example,for instance等。

列举(enumeration)所使用的信号词有:firstly,secondly,thirdly,……finally;for one thing,foranother,next,furthermore,……last,the last but not the least,……;in brief,in conclusion,to sum up……等。

比较和对照(comparison and contrast)所使用的信号词有:in comparison,similarly,in the same way,in contrast,on the contrary等。

表示先后顺序(chronological order)的信号词有:first,second,next,then,finally,eventually,at last……;in the meantime,at the same time等。

表示因果关系(cause and effect)的信号词有:therefore,thus,accordingly,consequently,as a result,for this reason等。



Australia,the last continent to be discovered,was sighted by Dutch,Portuguese,and Spanish ships in the seventeenth century。 No colonies followed at the time,however,as these nations were less interested in colonizing than in exploring。As in the early history of the United States,it was the English who established the permanent settlements in Australia。This history and the geography of these two former British colonies have some other things in common as well。

Australia and the United States are about equal in size,and barren western portions of the two bear a close physical resemblance。 It was the eastern coast of Australia and America that the English first settled,and both colonies soon began to expand to the west。However,this westward expansion occurred,more because the colonists were searching for better land than because the population was increasing。Settlements of the western part of both countries quickened after gold was discovered in America in 1849 and in Australia two years later。

Although the parallels in the development of these two countries are striking,there are some sharp contrasts as well。 The United States gained its independence from England by revolution,whereas Australia was granted its independence without having to go to war。Australia,unlike the United States,was originally colonized by English convicts,and its economy was rooted in wheat growing and sheep raising。By 1922,for example,Australia had fifteen times more sheep than it had people,or almost half as many sheep as there are people today in the United States。Yet,in spite of these and other major differences,Australia and the United States have more in common with each other than either one has with most of the rest of the world。


An advertisement is informative。 The majority of advertisements,however,especially television commercials,are persuasive rather than informative。This brings us back to the difference between objective and emotive uses of language。Many advertisements are interesting and entertaining,but it is advisable to be aware of the methods used to persuade people to buy products。

54 words


On a normal day,an American paper is likely to have 48 or more pages,and on Sundays the numberof pages may be nearly 200. This size is accounted for in two main ways。First,a newspaper carries items of interest to everyone——young people and old people,businessmen and workers,buyers and sellers。Second,the selling price is not enough to pay for producing the paper。In order to earn additional money,newspapers sell advertising space to private citizens and business firms,and a large part of the paper is taken up by advertisements。This combination of items of interest to everyone and a large number of advertisements accounts for the size of the newspaper。

举例、列举、比较和对比是写作中的常用手法。通过注意这些写作手法常用的关系词、连接词、过渡词,不但可以随着作者的思路顺利把握其描述或推理的内容,而且能很快掌握文章的整体结构。这样一来,不但对整个篇章有所了解,如作者提出了什么观点,反对什么观点,怎么反对,怎么证明自己,令人信服的程度等。而且,不难看出作者的背景,以及他是在什么场合对什么人讲话,从而推断出该文章或者该选段是摘自报刊杂志,还是教科书、百科全书等等。因此,对“What is the most probable profession of the author?What is the author's organization of his argument?Where is this passage most probably taken from?Where is this talk most likely delivered?The author's attitude can best be summarized by which of the following?”这类问题就会有较为明确的判断。做到这一点后,你便会发现,语言材料的逻辑结构本身就暗示了你所不熟悉的个别词汇。至少你可以判断出某个词汇的基本范畴。例如某个形容词,它用于描写人物事件的特征还是感情色彩,是褒义词还是贬义词,等等,都可以通过这些信号词做出判断。

技巧5 巧妙利用上下文




A_____is something for writing on paper。 It is long and round and can be held by the first two fingers of the hand。It is about 4 inches long and half an inch wide。At the end there is an eraser made of rubber held to the_____by a surrounding metal。Lead is the material which is used in making the marks on the paper,and a sharpener is needed to keep the_____in good working order。______s are made of wood,although the kinds might differ。



A_____is an implement for writing,drawing,or marking。 The usual_____s have four parts:a wooden case,a solid rod of graphite or other marking material,a small eraser,and a piece of metal fixing the eraser to the wood。The wooden cases of most_____s are either round or in other shapes with round edges。Inside the wooden case,there is a solid rod of marking material which gives the_____its special writing characteristics。At the end of the wooden part,there is a small colored eraser for wiping the unwanted writings。The eraser is fixed to the main part by a colored piece of metal。Although the length,the weight,and the color differ from one_____to another,the usual length and weight are 25 centimeters and 50 grams。The shape of the_____allows it to fit easily in the hand when it is correctly held between the thumb and third and fourth finger,and in the pocket。



Resource is a word with many shades of meaning。 Dictionary definitions range from“something in reserve”to“additional stores,ready if needed。”But the definitions do not specify the“something”and the“stores。”They could be resources of courage to face a personal crisis,of wood to fuel a stove through a winter,or of finances to meet a medical expense。The resources discussed in this book are all linked by a common factor。They are all natural resources,which means that they are supplies we draw from a bountiful earth,such as food,building and clothing materials,minerals,water and energy……

Natural resources fall into two distinct categories。 Resources derived from living matter,such as food,clothing,and wood,are renewable resources because they are replenished each growing season。Even if one season's crop is consumed,the next season brings a renewed larder。But mineral resources such as coal,oil,atomic energy,copper,iron,and fertilizers are not renewed each season。They are nonrenewable,one crop resources,and the earth's supplies are fixed。The kinds of mineral resources,their distribution,their quantities,the amounts we use,and our ever growing dependence on them are topics covered in this book。

200 words




Radar is an electronic device that is used for the detection and location objects。 It operates by transmitting a particular type of wave-form,a pulse-modulated sine wave for example,and detects the nature of the echo signal。Radar is used to extend the capability of man's senses for observing his environment,especially the sense of vision。The value of radar lies not in being a substitute for the eye,but in doing what the eye cannot do。Radar cannot resolve detail as well as the eye,nor is it yet capable of recognizing the“color”of objects to the degree of sophistication of which the eye is capable。However,radar can be designed to see through those conditions impervious to normal human vision,such as darkness,haze,fog,rain,and snow。In addition,radar has the advantage of being able to measure the distance or range to the object。This is probably its most important attribute。

技巧6 利用构词法知识



newspaper=news+paper classroom=class+room





dislike dishonest;appear disappear

unbelievable unfair;cover uncover

produce reproduce;organize reorganize

take mistake;understand misunderstand

possible impossible

healthy unhealthy


agree agreement

suggest suggestion

decide decision

kind kindness

invest investor

lead leader

rain rainy;fog foggy;sun sunny

beauty beautiful

care careful,careless,carelessness

neighbor neighborhood

friend friendship

resist resistance

differ difference

economy economic,economical

economical economically

adventure adventurous

child childish

act active

tradition traditional

move movable

strength strengthen

beauty beautify



技巧7 注意主题词


The major agency for distributing information to the public is the newspaper。 Every major city has two,three,or four general newspapers,and even the smallest towns and cities are likely to have at least one local paper。In addition to the general newspapers,there are likely to be in large cities which have large numbers of foreign-born citizens,newspapers which are printed in the native languages of these citizens。It is not surprising to get on a bus or streetcar in an American city and find a person there reading a newspaper in Italian or German or Polish。In addition to the foreign language newspapers,there are also newspapers published by groups with special interests。This group includes the religious newspapers,the trade and business papers,and the political journals。

在这段仅仅有131个单词的短文中,主题词newspaper(s)出现了10次。虽然第一句出现了agency,最后一句出现了journals;虽然文中还出现了foreign citizens和foreign language newspapers,但是本文的主题词是newspapers,而不是广义的新闻媒体也不是狭义的foreign newspapers或者political journals。正确识别主题词也是抓中心思想的一个基本步骤。

技巧8 抓中心思想







It is a miracle that New York works at all。 The whole thing is implausible。Every time the residents brush their teeth,millions of gallons of water must be drawn from the underground。When a young man in Manhattan writes a letter to his girlfriend in Brooklyn,the love message get blown to her through a very quick channel。The underground system of telephone cables,power lines,steam pipes,gas mains,and sewer pipes is reason enough to abandon the island。Every time the pavement is cut,noisy workers reveal the complex networks beyond belief。By rights New York should have destroyed itself long ago,from panic or fire or rioting or failure of some vital supply line in its circulatory system or from some deep short circuit。Long ago the city should have experienced an insoluble traffic snarl at some impossible bottleneck。It should have perished of hunger when food lines failed for a few days。It should have been wiped out by a plague starting in its slums or carried in by ships'rats。It should have been overwhelmed by the sea that licks at it on every side。The workers in its myriad cells have given in to nerves,from the fearful smog that drifts over every few days,blotting out all light at noon and leaving people in the offices in tall buildings much depressed,sensing the end of the world。

显然,开头一句“It is a miracle that New York works at all”是主题句。整个段落围绕New York不可思议的这一个主题列举很多事实来说明。哪怕句子中有个别生词,给读者的总印象是清楚的。


In the small French town,the town clerk spends two hours or so talking in the cafe every day。 The village doctor often drops in for a visit when he is between his calls。People from outlying sections of the valley who come to the village only on official business at the town hall drop into the cafe and leave news of their neighborhood。Through the cafe owner the postman relays messages that he has been given on his way。With these and many other sources of information at his disposal,the cafe owner usually knows better than anyone else in the village the news of the city。

段落开始时,作者并没有把主题明确地告诉读者。直到最后一刻,读者才明白作者的主题“the cafe owner usually knows better than anyone else in the village the news of the city”。



A visitor to Athens in the early fourth century BC wrote,“It is illegal here to deal a slave a blow。 In the street he won't step aside to let you pass。Indeed you can't tell a slave by his dress,he looks like all the rest。They can go to the theater too。Really,the Athenians have established a kind of equality between slaves and free men。”They were never a possible source of danger to the state as they were in Rome。There were no terrible slave wars and uprisings in Athens。In Rome,crucifixion was called“the slave's punishment。”The Athenians did not practice crucifixion and had no so-called slave's punishment。They were not afraid of their slaves。


Books can be found to fit almost every need,temper,or interest。 Books can be read when you are in the mood,they do not have to be taken in periodic doses。Books are both more personal and more impersonal than professors。Books have an inner confidence which individuals seldom show,they rarely have to be on the defensive。Books can afford to be bold and courageous and exploratory,they do not have to be so careful of boards of trustees,colleagues,and community opinion。Books are infinitely diverse,they run the gamut of human activity。Books can be found to express every point of view,if you want a different point of view,you can read a different book。Even your professor is at his best when he writes books and articles,the teaching performance rarely equals the writing effort。

技巧9 区别事实与观点


一般说来,作者表达自己观点的时候,大多会使用修饰性的描述词语,如So far the most……is……,The best among……is……,This is largely accepted as……,有时候作者使用不大明确的资料来源,如Some people suppose that……,It appears that……,I am inclined to say that……等等。只有把事实与作者的个人观点区分开来,才能正确把握作者的态度和文章的中心思想。

技巧10 做笔记



§§第三章 文体风格与阅读技巧

  • 给青年的十二封信(部编版语文教材配套阅读名著书系)


  • 教师公文包-作文题库


  • 小耕读记(第1辑):吃的故事


  • 中学文科课程资源-逝者如斯


  • 语文新课标课外读物——我的大学


  • 天行


  • 快穿我的宿主是个白切黑


  • 星宇图书馆


  • 蓦然回首星如雨


  • 请叫我男神


  • 霸道痞子兵


  • 技术体系:理性的社会生活(谷臻小简·AI导读版)


  • 先生身高一米八


  • 永恒神尊


  • 时光欠缺一个你

