The meal would have been pleasanter if it had not been o exceedingly messy, and also if the conversation had not onsisted entirely of agreements. The invisible people greed about everything. Indeed most of their remarks ere the sort it would not be easy to disagree with: “What I ways say is, when a chap’s hungry, he likes some victuals,” r “Getting dark now; always does at night,” or even “Ah, ou‘ve come over the water. Powerful wet stuff, ain’t it?” nd Lucy could not help looking at the dark yawning ntrance to the foot of the staircase.she could see it from here she sat.and wondering what she would find when he went up those stairs next morning. But it was a good eal otherwise, with mushroom soup and boiled chickensand hot boiled ham and gooseberries, redcurrants, curds, cream, milk, and mead. The others liked the mead but Eustace was sorry afterwards that he had drunk any.
本书是备受期待的科幻作者双翅目出版的首部中篇科幻集,包含四篇作品《精神采样》《复制时代的艺术作品》《公鸡王子》《空间围棋》。其中《公鸡王子》获第四届豆瓣阅读征文大赛科幻组首奖。如果艺术品可以完美复制,“孤品”还重要吗?如果可以用精神切片来分享体验、情感和顿悟,个体的意义何在?当人的意识被植入了“机器人三定律”,当人工智能可以领悟围棋的真谛——人与机器究竟如何共存,而所谓的“智慧”是否只是一种宇宙的幻象?双翅目的科幻小说提供了各个层面的认知挑战与冒险,将技术思辨带到了一个之前少有人涉及的领域。故事内核谨守黄金时代的特点,每一篇都基于技术发展可能性所带来的“what if”。欧陆哲学的学术背景为故事提供了丰富的精神资源及扎实的逻辑。双翅目操持着一种“深加工”过的翻译腔,流畅、精准、简洁却又不乏诗意,如同她所推崇的博尔赫斯、威廉·吉布森和特德·姜,用好读的故事去推演理性所无法企及之处。