
第17章 Puli Town,Nantou County

The town of Puli is located in the geographicalcenter of Taiwan in the northern part of NantouCounty,61 kilometers southeast of Taichung and17 kilometers north of Sun Moon Lake.There is not onlybeautiful natural scenery,but also unique recreational agriculture.

In order to help farmers overcome the challenges presentedby the rules imposed on agriculture by the WTO,the Puli Agricultural Association set up the Tourist ServiceCenter and developed the policy of setting up a leisureagricultural plot for each village to take advantageof the unique mountain water and closely integrate thenatural scenery with agriculture.On the one hand,thepolicy will provide tourists with a comprehensive highqualityagricultural tour and on the other assist farmersin developing high-quality and interesting leisureagriculture and boosting sales of local produce and processed agricultural products.Leisure agriculture represents a change from traditionalagricultural production bystrengthening utilization ofagricultural land and naturalresources to develop anew service industry thatmakes use of agriculturalland to combine“agricultureand tourism,”“agricultureand education,”and“agriculture and recreation.”

The development of leisure agriculture has increasedthe efficiency of themeans of production,increased employment opportunitiesand boosted the local economy.It is a new measure inthe form of a leisure service industry that helps farmersimprove their operations.

The Puli Agricultural Association also introduced theactivity to set up a combination agricultural and fishingpark for each village.In addition to putting on traditionalsinging performances,exhibitions,ecological forest tourism,and nature conservation activities,the associationalso set up a special bus service to take tourists from onesite in the park to another so the tourists can convenientlysee the entire park and allow individual tourists to visitand enjoy sites operated jointly by local residents and buylocal produce.In addition,the Puli Agricultural Associationis strongly promoting the formation of an alliancewith the Tienshulien Hotel,Puli Distillery and the TaiyiEcological,Educational and Leisure Agricultural Park ina powerful effort to develop the leisure and educationfunctions of traditional agriculture.

The leisure agriculture of Puli has improved the competitivenessof the local agriculture and created a greenmiracle in the Taiwan region.Encouraging farmers tomake use of the special local agricultural scenery andrural culture,and allowing tourists to truly appreciaterural life has not only changed the traditional structure of agriculture,but also boosted local economic developmentand growth and greatly helped overall social development.

Leisure agriculture has increased the sources of incomefor local farmers and made corresponding improvementsin their standard of living.

A prime example of Puli leisure agriculture is the TaiyiEcological,Educational and Leisure Agricultural Park.

The 10-hectare park is located in the Puli Basin in NantouCounty,with its clear mountain water and mild climate.

The park makes use of Puli’s ample agricultural resourcesand human environment to carry out its main purpose ofsupplying local farmers with seedlings for growing fruitsand vegetables as well as its secondary activity of developingagricultural tourism and resources for expandingapplication of science and technology in agriculture.Enteringthe park today you can see plots of seedlings andflowers in a wide variety of colors,offering a spectacularsight.Inside the park there is a pressed flower center,which displays beautiful pressed flower articles as wellas provides an opportunity for visitors to make their ownpressed flowers.The education section of the park helpsvisitors understand the growth process of plants and providesthem with the opportunity to work on a vegetableplot themselves and better appreciate a farmer’s life.Effortsare made to ensure that the ecological environment is kept as pristine as possible and all development projectsare required to disturb the ecology of the area as little aspossible.Mainly local crops are grown in line with thedecision for the park to concentrate on green cultivation.

Growing a wide variety of local crops is not only a specialfeature of the park,it also constitutes a smorgasbord oflocal crops.Also on display in the park are agriculturaltools and equipment such as water carts and windmills tohelp visitors appreciate rural life and culture.

The rich variety of plants and moving scenes of life onthe farm provide visitors with an unforgettable ecologicaleducation experience.The park also gives visitors thechance to experience a totally restful stay in one of thepark’s lodgings—the Fairy Tale Wooden Cabins,whichare sloped-roof buildings with exquisite rooms.The FairyTale Wooden Cabins are also known as the EarthquakeMemorial Cabins.After the September 21,1999 earthquake,the likes of which only occur once in a century,thepeople were afraid to sleep in their homes whether theywere severely injured or not.Puli was covered with tentsthen,and these 12 wooden cabins were built later in theshape of tents to commemorate that time.

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    医疗体系下的种种矛盾使越来越多的人把笔尖指向了医院,而目睹、听闻、猜测,终究不能像临床医生一样探触到这一领域的根须。本文作者是一个在医院工作的实习生,他通过全面客观地整理真实的医院生活,描绘医学实习生的心路历程,揭露行业中依然存在的黑暗面,以及分享处在生死分界线之时,夹在绝望和希望之间时的惊喜与感动。将五彩斑斓的经历进行细致入微的描写,呈现给读者不一样的体验。少有临床医生或医学生能空出时间准备好心情开启一场文字的旅行,他们总是太过忙碌。鲁迅为从文而弃医;毕淑敏从事的心理科稍显轻松,二十年医师生涯后为专业写作也只能离开;渡边淳一十年外科生涯给予了他众多灵感,文字变为生活的重心后,他也告别了医院。我很喜爱张晓风,她一直在医学院教书,与医学生的接触赋予了她对爱情和生活细腻而独到的见解。我希望自己能在临床中写字,在医院里思考人生,鼓励自己虽身着白大褂而莫误其他。我努力把一切描述地客观,刻绘地真实。我希望自己能化解公众对医疗行业的一些误解,并且安抚医生对社会失望和愤怒的心。我们的体系还存在种种问题,解决它们终不能一蹴而就,如果我所做的一切能为缓解医患关系带来哪怕一丁点点的推动力,我为文章的价值感到心安。篇幅不长,所记乃冰山一角,希望能把领域内的情况点出一二为保护患者和医院隐私,全部使用化名。勉励自己笔不辍耕,为我这个田野内的人,或医或患,带来一丝美好。笔名取了“伊声”,既谐音“医生”,又表示愿意为行业发出有力的积极的声音。 我今年二十岁,八岁的时候在报纸上发了第一篇小文,盘算下来已经有十二年。十二年来从一个学校读到另一个学校,不变得是对文字的爱好。在报纸上发过小文,在杂志上发过小说,因为写作得过小奖,采访过不大不小的名人,主编过学校的杂志,喜欢在博客里写写生活感悟,没有太大的成就,多数时间码字只是为了更舒适的心情。现在在某985院校临床七年制专业读书,医学生的生活越来越忙碌,好在苦涩的学业尽头是我向往已久的理想——我要做一名医生,一名好医生。我离真正的具有执业医师资格证的医生只有一步之遥。医院在我心里是个神奇的国度,她伤害过许多人,她拯救过许多人,她曾经让我心生怀疑,但终究她带给我的更多是感动,是对生活的热爱和憧憬,是对生命的敬畏与珍惜。我愿意努力学习和锻炼,踏入我了解越来越深入的这个田野,并为其工作。我需要把她描绘出来,我不仅需要写自己喜欢的文字,还要写自己喜欢并且有意义的