
第75章 The Sign of Four(34)

“ There is a rajah in the northern provinces who has muchwealth, though his lands are small. Much has come to him from hisfather, and more still he has set by himself, for he is of a low natureand hoards his gold rather than spend it. When the troubles brokeout he would be friends both with the lion and the tiger—with theSepoy and with the Company’s Raj. Soon, however, it seemed tohim that the white men’s day was come, for through all the land hecould hear of nothing but of their death and their overthrow. Yet,being a careful man, he made such plans that, come what might,half at least of his treasure should be left to him. That which wasin gold and silver he kept by him in the vaults of his palace, but themost precious stones and the choicest pearls that he had he put inan iron box and sent it by a trusty servant, who, under the guise ofa merchant, should take it to the fort at Agra, there to lie until theland is at peace. Thus, if the rebels won he would have his money,but if the Company conquered his jewels would be saved to him.

Having thus divided his hoard, he threw himself into the cause ofthe Sepoys, since they were strong upon his borders. By his doingthis, mark you, Sahib, his property becomes the due of those whohave been true to their salt.

“ This pretended merchant, who travels under the name ofAchmet, is now in the city of Agra, and desires to gain his wayinto the fort. He has with him as travelling-companion my fosterbrotherDost Akbar, who knows his secret. Dost Akbar haspromised this night to lead him to a side-postern of the fort, andhas chosen this one for his purpose. Here he will come presently,and here he will find Mahomet Singh and myself awaiting him.

The place is lonely, and none shall know of his coming. The worldshall know the merchant Achmet no more, but the great treasureof the rajah shall be divided among us. What say you to it, Sahib?’

In Worcestershire the life of a man seems a great and a sacredthing; but it is very different when there is fire and blood all roundyou, and you have been used to meeting death at every turn.

Whether Achmet the merchant lived or died was a thing as lightas air to me, but at the talk about the treasure my heart turnedto it, and I thought of what I might do in the old country withit, and how my folk would stare when they saw their ne’er-dowellcoming back with his pockets full of gold moidores. I had,therefore, already made up my mind. Abdullah Khan, however,thinking that I hesitated, pressed the matter more closely.

Consider, Sahib, said he, ‘that if this man is taken by thecommandant he will be hung or shot, and his jewels taken by thegovernment, so that no man will be a rupee the better for them.

Now, since we do the taking of him, why should we not do therest as well? The jewels will be as well with us as in the Company’scoffers. There will be enough to make every one of us rich menand great chiefs. No one can know about the matter, for here weare cut off from all men. What could be better for the purpose?

Say again, then, Sahib, whether you are with us, or if we must lookupon you as an enemy.

I am with you heart and soul,’ said I.

It is well,’ he answered, handing me back my firelock. ‘You seethat we trust you, for your word, like ours, is not to be broken. Wehave now only to wait for my brother and the merchant.’

Does your brother know, then, of what you will do?’ I asked.

The plan is his. He has devised it. We will go to the gate andshare the watch with Mahomet Singh.

“The rain was still falling steadily, for it was just the beginningof the wet season. Brown, heavy clouds were drifting across thesky, and it was hard to see more than a stonecast. A deep moat layin front of our door, but the water was in places nearly dried up,and it could easily be crossed. It was strange to me to be standingthere with those two wild Punjabees waiting for the man who wascoming to his death.

Suddenly my eye caught the glint of a shaded lantern at theother side of the moat. It vanished among the mound-heaps, andthen appeared again coming slowly in our direction.

Here they are! I exclaimed.

You will challenge him, Sahib, as usual, whispered Abdullah.

Give him no cause for fear. Send us in with him, and we shall dothe rest while you stay here on guard. Have the lantern ready touncover, that we may be sure that it is indeed the man.

The light had flickered onwards, now stopping and nowadvancing, until I could see two dark figures upon the other sideof the moat. I let them scramble down the sloping bank, splashthrough the mire, and climb halfway up to the gate before Ichallenged them.

Who goes there? said I in a subdued voice.

Friends, came the answer. I uncovered my lantern and threwa flood of light upon them. The first was an enormous Sikh witha black beard which swept nearly down to his cummerbund.

Outside of a show I have never seen so tall a man. The other wasa little fat, round fellow with a great yellow turban and a bundle inhis hand, done up in a shawl. He seemed to be all in a quiver withfear, for his hands twitched as if he had the ague, and his headkept turning to left and right with two bright little twinkling eyes,like a mouse when he ventures out from his hole. It gave me thechills to think of killing him, but I thought of the treasure, and myheart set as hard as a flint within me. When he saw my white facehe gave a little chirrup of joy and came running up towards me.

Your protection, Sahib,’ he panted, ‘your protection for theunhappy merchant Achmet. I have travelled across Rajpootana,that I might seek the shelter of the fort at Agra. I have beenrobbed and beaten and abused because I have been the friend ofthe Company. It is a blessed night this when I am once more insafety—I and my poor possessions.

What have you in the bundle?’ I asked.

An iron box,’ he answered, ‘which contains one or two littlefamily matters which are of no value to others but which I shouldbe sorry to lose. Yet I am not a beggar; and I shall reward you,young Sahib, and your governor also if he will give me the shelter Iask.

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